Chapter 151

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What the hell was going on with her? May's ankle twinges, her knees hitting the stairs with so much force that the ricocheting noise of her bones cracking spreads straight through the house and silences the room. Holy shit, what the fuck is she doing trying to get up?!

I quickly tug my hand free from Josh's hold, racing towards the stairs so I can help her but she scrambles to her own feet without so much as a whimper just as I hit the first step, acting like this whole place is on fucking fire as she continues to bound up the staircase despite the clear agony in her ankle.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I make it to the top just to see May slowly walking into her room, the door already wide open as she peers inside. May is never skittish, she's practically perfectly composed at every moment but right now she looks really fucking terrified.

"May, what the fuck-"


What the...

I spurt down the hall towards her screaming form, sprinting into May's room and slamming the door against the wall in order to push through as a scurry of footsteps hit the wooden floor behind me. My sisters horrified body collapses to the ground at my feet, fear like I've never felt spitting throughout my limbs from the hollowness that's forming in my stomach as I quickly try to pick her back up again.

But then I see what's fucking petrified her.



Fuck, what did she do?

Heather's tiny body contorts with convulsions, smashing back against the bed frame before hitting forward against the drawers. Every sickening sound of her body being bruised and broken forces soul ripping cries of ice fuelled fear to come cracking straight through my veins.

Vomit trickles and flows from her opening mouth as her daddy's eyes roll back into her teeny skull and blood starts to pool onto her lips from her nose.

"Jayce!" What the fuck is happening to her? "JAYCE!"

Milo, help her!

I try to push aside the fear riding freely around my system and drop to my knees next to her, doing my best to pull her from between the furniture without hurting her but her body continues to writhe and spasm so vigorously that every time I try to scoop her up I just end up smashing her head further against the wood. How did she get here? Did she hit her fucking head and fall?

My heart beats in my chest so emphatically that it blocks out every other sound around me, distant screams and echoes that seem a million miles away as I finally manage to pull her out of the narrow space. What the fuck is that on her lips...?

"Heather!" Why is this happening to her? Why is this...

A deep shadow takes over the light reflecting off her body before Jayce lands in the spot next to me, Josh's familiar grip taking hold of my arm and pulling me back, dragging my legs through the vomit that coats the floor until I realise it's mixed with the same white powder that graces her lips.


Oh fuck, it's...

My arms come to wrap around my knees as the realisation hits me. Drugs, she's taken fucking drugs... She's overdosing... She's going to...

No. No she isn't.

The torn open brown package still sits right next to the shaking palm of her hand, spilling out it's powdered contents, the tips of her fingers baring the sugared marks from where she dug into it like candy.

Candy... Sherbet... She thought it was... How the hell did Heather get her hands on something like that?!

May's screams of agony fill the room to a point that they replace the pounding of my heart as the sole noise in my own head, Josh is trying to shout something at me but I can't fucking hear him. I can hardly fucking see him as the tears begin to pool in my eyes... My princess Heather... Baby girl please wake up... Who would have-


Grabbing the package from next to her hand, I crawl across the bedroom floor until I'm in front of my screaming sister, I need to know what the fuck is going on.

"May! Where the fuck did you get this?!" She's howling, she doesn't even look like she can fucking see me in front of her. "May!" We need to know what this is, I need to know how pure this is and how much there was before Heather had some. Her life could depend on it.

"May!" Bodies continue to pour into the room, I'm not sure who's even in here now until I hear another scream, one I know. The powder still pouring out of the package and covering my hands as I look up to see Lee collapsing to the floor, only being prevented from hitting the surface with force as Brie manages to capture her arms.

No Lee, don't scream, she's going to be fine.

She's going to be fine.

Lee looks at her daughter with tears running down her face and wails of despair seeping from her lips, Brie trying to do everything to calm her but it's not working. Mum's hand smacks over her own mouth as she finally makes it through the door, shaking her head in the same manner as everyone else trying to rid themselves of the sight as they all stare helplessly at Heather's convulsing body. Elizabeth is on the phone with 911 but everyone else is just in a state of panic.

There's nothing getting through to May, I snap my fingers in front of her eyes but she's not even fucking in there anymore. "May! May, can you hear me?!"

Nothing. All she's doing is screaming.

"Jayce!" Josh is trying desperately to do something behind me with Heather but Jayce is just shoving everyone away from her as he desperately tries to hold her body against him, his chest heaving with sobs that are taking him over but the convulsions that were once so strong in his daughters form are now weak shakes and her glowing skin is quickly turning a deathly grey.

No. No this cannot be fucking happening.

"May, what the fuck did you do?" Brie's tear soaked voice shrieks with obvious torment from the doorway, her figure a blur through my own stream of tears as she cradles my sister in her lap, rocking her back and forth like a small child after a nightmare as Lee just continues to scream through the pain.

Will everyone stop looking like that! She's going to be fine!

"The ambulance is coming." Elizabeth shakes uncontrollably as she speaks, both her and Coach looking on at the scene in horror. A face shared by the community that has gathered, all seemingly helpless to do anything but watch the little girl still shaking in her fathers arms.

Where is the ambulance?!

Liz quickly scoops Chase out of Mum's clutches and races him away towards the bedroom, that baby boy is crying like he knows what's happening around him.

That's not possible, right? He couldn't see her in pain like this... He's so small... She's so small...

They're just fucking kids!

"Heather... Heather, it's Dad, can you hear me Princess?" I let go of May's shoulders, she isn't one that fucking needs me right now. Why is Heather that colour? Why does she look so pale?

Stop panicking... Stop panicking...

Dad steps over, grabbing hold of the back of May's shirt and trying to pull her from the room but she's rock solid, stuck to the floor like she's made of cement. This room isn't big enough for all of us, Heather can't fucking breathe!

"Jayce, Jayce you have to put her down. We have to put her on her side or she's going to choke." Josh's voice is the only calm sea in a rage of a destructive storms that surround me. I try to focus on it as I face him, attempting to match the pattern of his steady breathing but it's fucking hard. I don't know how the fuck he's being like this, he just seems completely focused on Heather and nothing else right now.

"Al, Al you have to calm down sweetheart, think of the baby." Brie can't even look into the room, grabbing hold of Lee's head and forcing her to look at her alone. "Al, she's going to be okay. You have to breathe babe, please."

It's not working.

She isn't even listening to her, the noises coming deep from within Lee's chest like that of a wounded animal suffering beyond hope and slowly withering into a painful death.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to do.

What do I do?

Who needs me?

Will someone please fucking help her!

I plead with all the faces looking back at me from the hallway, tears coursing down my cheeks and begging one of them to please tell me what the fuck I'm supposed to do here... but there's nothing.

There's nothing we can do.

I force myself to turn back to face my precious baby niece even though every part of me wants to stay away, breaking when I see she's hardly moving anymore. Jayce's own flowing cries roll down off his jaw and onto her dress as he crushes her tiny body against his, her feet still kicking at the side of the bed as he howls and pleads with the gods to make this stop.

I want to Jayce... I want to I just don't know how...

Her little legs hang over his thighs, her mini heeled shoes smashing again and again against the floor until...

They stop.

Her shaking stops.

Her eyes stop trying to open.

Her chest stops moving.

And my heart breaks.

The whole world turns silent, it all just stops. I can't feel my tears anymore, I can't hear any of the noise around me. The entire unending universe pausing to hear her last weak breath.

The everlasting breath of an angel capturing her wings.


The most spirit crumbling scream comes roaring from my brother as he holds his daughters limp body in his arms, Josh clawing at him to let her go but he doesn't relent, keeping her motionless form tucked into him as if he can somehow surrender his own life force from his body and adorn it into her silent one.


Oh no...

Liam's tiny voice cuts through the muted notion of the lifeless hallway, everyone too broken by the sight before them to realise he was even standing there.


Steve snatches him up from the floor instantly, running him out of sight so that he can't observe this any longer. He doesn't need to see her like this...

I don't want him to see this.

I don't want him to see her... gone.

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