Chapter 185

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"Try them again!" May hurries through every fucking number of anyone in our family, as I glance in the rear view mirror at Heather who actually seems to be enjoying the fact I'm practically throwing her around in the back seat as we race across to the Southside.

Little fucking weirdo.

Thank fuck Dad has been turning this engine on once every few weeks because I'd almost forgotten about this thing, it feels surreal to be behind the wheel again.

I know I shouldn't be fucking driving but what choice do I have?

"None of them are fucking answering! I've sent them all the texts and the pictures so if any of them check their phones they'll see them but we've got like six minutes to get there now Milo! Should I call Connor?" I shake my head, I love Connor but he's not exactly the type of guy that would march into a fucking gang den.

He'd want to call the police, he doesn't understand what these people are capable of, neither do I if I'm honest but just by looking at May I know it's not fucking good.

"You know what we can't. I should have written the name of that fucking restaurant down!" May practically launches herself into the back seat to shove Heather back when I have to slam on my brakes at the red lights in the middle of town. My adrenaline is too fucking high, I haven't driven in months and right now I don't even feel safe but it's not like I could have left either of them at home. May wouldn't let me come without her, she screamed and practically threatened to castrate me when I tried. She's scared for Hope, terrified even. All she kept saying was that she knows this place and these people better than I do, and she's not wrong.

"Eli!" May suddenly screams, smashing down the buttons on my display screen until the phone starts to ring my best friend. I can't even fucking think straight, if Eli's at home we're fucked because it'll take him longer to get there than we have time left.

"Hey man, it's not a good time, can I-"

"Eli! How fast can you get to the Square Room? It's that strip club down by-"

"I know where the fucking Square Room is Milo, I'm a teenage boy in this town." Of course he fucking does. "Why the fuck do you sound so panicked? I'm actually on the Southside so I can be there in like two minutes."

Thank fuck. This boy always comes through for me when I need him.

"Mate, I can't explain it all right now. Just meet me on the corner of that road okay? I'll explain as soon as I see you. Go, now." One of the things I love most about Eli; he never needs too much of an explanation, if you say you need him then that's enough for him to be there.

Fuck I need to calm down, I really need to calm down.

I glance back at Heather, she's been so strong, held it together well but this is all starting to take it's toll on her now as she bites her nails and I watch the tears form in her eyes.

My hands shake on the wheel, a knot in my stomach every time I picture Liam's crying face... If she's this scared, I can't even imagine how he's feeling right now. What the fuck is wrong with these monsters? He's a kid! A fucking kid! How the fuck did they even know about him...

I have to get him out of there.

Even though I know he won't answer, I find myself ringing Josh again. And again. And again.

He'd know what to do, he always knows what to do. I'm out of my fucking depth here, I'm not scared of the Serpents or May's psycho ex, but the thought of Liam being scared or being fucking hurt... It terrifies me.

"Turn right!" May snaps me out of my own mind, I need to fucking focus and shove my emotions to one side if we are going to all make it out of this safely. She almost shoves the wheel out of my hands whist swinging it to one side, forcing me to hurl out into oncoming traffic and a symphony of car horns as we tear onto the strip that leads to the bottom of the Southside. "Milo, you should let me go in there on my own, I know how to work him. Whatever he has planned for you or Liam isn't fucking good, I can talk him out of it."

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