Chapter 196

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"Miles! Will you please just get back in the fucking bed?" Josh screams again but he knows I've already signed myself out of this shithole ward. I fucking hate hospitals.

"I'm fine." I chuckle again, his lips pressing against the side of my head. He hasn't stopped fucking kissing me, and I never want him to again. He made them put me and Liam in beds next to each other at the emergency department but now they've told me it's just a concussion and I don't have any internal bleeding, I just want to go and see Eli.

"You are not fine! You are fucking battered and they said your head was like you put your brain in a fucking blender, please will you just go and lay down. We can check on Eli in a bit, he only got out of surgery a few hours ago so he's probably still really fucking out of it." Have I ever told him he's really cute when he worries.

Leaning up, I grab his jaw and kiss him. He can never fucking argue with me when I kiss him.

I can't believe I thought there was a chance I'd never get to fucking do this again, I'm going to kiss this man at any opportunity I get for the rest of my fucking life.

"Does that prove that I'm okay?" I tease, but he only pays me a scowl in return.

Such a grumpy little gay when he doesn't get his way.

Haha that rhymes!

I should write poetry, oh oh or music!

Oh my god I should start a band...

Okay, I'm a bit high on life right now.

Let's see you survive nearly fucking dying at the hands of a crazy fucking gang in the middle of a civil war and then observe how you feel about life afterwards before you judge me shall we?!

Josh finally relents when I pull his hoodie on and march out of the room with a smirk. He can't be too mad at me, he's too happy I'm safe.

We pass by the children's ward and I immediately grab Josh's hand so we can go and see Liam. I know he's sleeping, Josh only came to see me after he fell asleep but I'd still rather just see him in person right now.

Everything was still pretty messed up when I finally woke up here. The police said it was a fucking bloodbath at The Square Room, the two warring discipline tribes of Jackson and Diego had turned on each other completely, there were so many bodies they had to have some of them transferred out of fucking Westbrooke to be stored.

The Serpents are dead, it's just a shame I can't say the same for Diego for certain right now. They still haven't been able to find him, I don't understand how since May stabbed a knife into his fucking chest! Hannah said they've got roadblocks at every way in and out of town but he may have gotten further away already. People like that are bound to know someone that could patch him up, someone that could at least get him to Mexico where he could disappear with all his family's contacts.

The truth is, even if he is dead, I doubt we'll ever find out. It's not like the surviving serpent's are going to leave his body just hanging around for anyone to find. He's better used to them as an anonymous omen rather than a cold dead body, something they can use to keep a foot in this world if they claim he's still alive somewhere.

May told Hannah everything that happened, including the part where she put a knife in her ex boyfriend, the girl was actually concerned that she might end up in prison for that but Hannah practically laughed. She said she'd never seen a more clear cut case for self-defence.

Not that it's made it any easier on her. May was already in desperate need of therapy but now she needs it more than ever. When I was coming around in the hospital I could hear Brie and Steve talking, Brie seemed almost... scared of her. Or maybe for her.

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