Chapter 215

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I don't know what hurts me more, hearing Liam called that again by someone else, or hearing him be called that by Xade.

I try to step in close to the machine, there's three others so I figure if I just keep my eyes glued to this one then they'll go to the other end. I'm pretty sure I just made me a chocolate and fucking pineapple one through my distraction but May can fucking drink it, she's the one that made me come here and she's definitely eaten worse shit.

"I'll have... Milo?" Shit. "What one are you having?"

I tilt my head slightly to the right, being greeted by Liam's giant smile with Xade standing directly behind him.

Stop looking at me with your brother's beautiful face Liam...

What the fuck do I do here?

You do what you always do Milo, you fake it.

Standing tall, I plaster the biggest grin I can muster onto my face before extending my hand to Xade. He doesn't hesitate, clutching it quickly and shaking it firmly with his delicate own one.

"It's good to see you Milo, you're looking well." Okay, so we're doing overly pleasant then, no problem.

"Thanks, you too, I like all the black." I chuckle as Xade looks down at my own outfit... this is so fucking awkward.

Alright dude stop checking me out, your boyfriend is right over there.

Jesus Christ Milo, he's probably imagining all the ways he could drown you in milkshake. Shut the fuck up.

I return my attention to the machine, glancing over the options but not really taking them in. "I'd say go with the chocolate little man, you can't go wrong with chocolate." Liam smiles widely at me, Xade goes to hand him one of the glasses but he just steps under his arm and get his own.

Fucking power move, little man.

I love it.

I want to laugh but I actually feel bad for the guy, it's clear that he's trying with Liam but the worst thing you can do is try and force a kid like that to like you, you have to take it at their pace. He's grown but that part of him hasn't changed.

"What flavour should we get for Josh, Liam?" Why does him saying that name sound... wrong. So fucking wrong.

Liam goes to open his mouth but quickly snaps it shut again, looking between me and Xade like he's trying to figure something out before finally turning back to the blonde bombshell.

"I don't know, do you know what his favourite flavour is?" I stand watching May's glass fill to the top, expecting to hear the right answer from Xade but surprisingly there's nothing.

Does he seriously not know?

"I'm not sure... Maybe we should just go with chocolate for him as well? We could get him the white chocolate one so it's different than yours?" Xade asks hopefully, but it just makes Liam glare at him. Josh fucking hates white chocolate.

"I don't think he'd like that... I think he'd like... Milo? Do you know what Josh's favourite flavour is?"

Jesus Christ Liam do not do this to me.

When I look at him his smile is so innocent, you'd think he was being sweet, but his eyes tell a very different fucking story. He knows full well what flavour is Josh's favourite and he knows that I know it too. Is he trying to prove a fucking point here?

This kid has spent way too much time with fucking Heather, he's starting to enjoy putting people on the fucking spot.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

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