Chapter 35

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This whole week has been fucking torture. Coach upped practise to three nights after school, my chem teacher is making us do prep on lunch and apparently doesn’t give a fuck that I already passed this course last year.

I’ve been so manic, I’ve hardly had two minutes to talk to the one person I really want to.

I know Josh has been busy too, Jayce explained to me everything that’s happened with Liam and it’s awful. To top it off even when he’s not fighting to see him he’s snowed under at work. Our messages have been short at best, apparently life doesn't give a fuck that we are trying to get to know each other here. Although I fucking live for them now, talking to him through a screen at two am for ten minutes is the best fucking part of my day.

But now it’s Saturday, which means I actually get to fucking see him. I haven’t been able to keep still since I woke up. Yet somehow; it’s now almost seven, I have less than half hour to get ready and I still don’t know what the fuck to wear.

“What about this one? It's cute.”

May pulls out a black button up shirt from my closet but it's not right either.

“It’s trying too hard. I need something more chilled.”

She huffs, discarding the shirt to the ever growing pile on my bed. We’ve been at this for a while.

Rolling her eyes she continues to rummage through my closet without a care in the world for the fact I’m the one that’s going to have to put all this shit away when she’s done. She seriously needs to stop knocking my crap onto the floor.

“I don’t know why you’re making such a big fuss. You're going to his place, it's not like you're going to be in these clothes for long.”

Grabbing the pillow from behind my head I throw it directly at her. I swear those curls of hers are like some kind of fucking force-field because it just bounces right off and she hardly notices.

“May! Don’t say shit like that, I’m nervous enough as it is. Fuck, do you think...? I mean, is he going to be expecting... fuck. I don’t think I’m there yet.”

May drops the funny persona when she realises that I’m serious. I’m not sure how I’ll feel when I’m with him, maybe it'll be like that night on the fire escape and I’ll just go with my instincts. But right now as I lay on my bed with nothing but the thoughts in my head, I know I’m not ready for us to move that quick.

Is that stupid? I mean, I never hesitated the first time a girl fucking offered...

This is different though, not just because he’s a guy but because he’s Josh. Crossing that line is definitely something we can't just come back from. Besides, I actually really fucking like him... That’ll make it different too.

But I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it... a lot.

“Milo. He won’t be expecting shit, he knows this whole thing is new for you. Josh isn’t like that anyway. From what I know of the guy and his history, he's probably going to be more insecure about that kind of stuff than you are. You might need to be patient with him too.”

Someone as young as this girl really shouldn’t be this wise. I don’t know what I’d do without her.

“Just try this.” May digs back through the pile, pulling out my favourite jeans and a plain black t-shirt. “You can chuck your leather jacket over the top, get that whole bad boy vibe going.”

Admitting defeat, I climb off the bed only to be smacked in the face with a pair of my boxers.

“What the fuck?!”

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