Chapter 130

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This is my third time visiting Josh at work and each time feels so entirely different.

The first time I was here I was so fucking nervous about having to face him again. The second time I was so fucking nervous about losing him to somebody else. This time there's none of that, this time I just need him.

The usual flirty receptionist is nowhere to be seen, so instead I just cut straight through the busy office. I've never been here in the middle of the day before and there are a lot more people in here than there usually is.

I glance over at Charlie's office but it's empty, ignoring the looks from everyone else I keep going until I reach the glass door at his corner of the world here.

Damn... How the fuck is that my boyfriend?

He hasn't spotted me yet, his back to the door as he stares out of his window and continues to talk on his phone. That sexy as fuck business voice of his... I can hear it through the fucking glass this close and combining that with how good he looks in that suit is fucking dangerous.

I edge the door open slowly, managing to keep it quiet long enough that I can slip inside without him sensing my presence. The temptation to make him jump out of his fucking skin is calling to me but what I actually need from him right now is very different.

Reaching his desk, I flip the switch that gives us privacy and the sound of the door locking forces him to turn around, catching my eye and instantly smiling as I dump my bag on the couch and walk up to wrap my arms around him.

Fuck, that's better.

"I'm going to have to call you back, something incredibly paramount just came up." I don't know if that call was supposed to be important but apparently he doesn't care, as he drops the phone on the desk and leans his head down into my neck whilst immediately returning my embrace.

All the shit of today just washes away instantly, the moment he touched me it was like none of it ever fucking happened.

Tomorrow will be better, and everyday after that it will just get easier. I know that no matter how bad my day gets, as long as I end it with him I'll be alright.

"How are you here right now?" He whispers, his smiling lips tickling at the skin of my neck. "I'm really fucking happy to see you don't get me wrong but if you're skipping class then I'm driving your ass back to that school."

He's seriously such a fucking dad sometimes... Maybe I should start calling him-

"Coach said it's good, today was kind of intense and just I needed out. He'll cover." Josh nods against my skin, running his hand up my back and bringing it to hold the reverse of my neck before lifting his lips to meet mine.

And then, everything was right with the world again.

"I'm sorry it was shit. Was it because..." He's really fucking cute when he's concerned.

"Kind of. I'm good though, I just needed to see you." I can see he's ready to protest and probably give me some big speech about how we can go into fucking hiding until I finish school or threaten to unleash Brie into the halls of Westbrooke High to claw the eyes out of anyone who dares to look at me, but I bring my lips back up onto his before he can finish his thought.

I don't need him to protect me, that's my job. It all seems like a million years ago as he kisses me anyway.

We sink into each others touch so easily that sometimes I forget what it's like to be apart from him. It's like knowing that part of your soul is sitting outside your body and there's only one way to complete it again.

His phone begins to ring again and he reluctantly pulls away from the kiss to check the screen.

"Fuck. I have to take this, sorry, it's one of the guys calling back from Japan. Will you be okay for a minute? It won't take too long and then we can go get lunch or something if you want?" Such a fucking business man... it's hot as fuck.

I kiss him quickly, taking hips and turning him around to face where his phone lays before helping myself to a coke from his mini fridge.

I need an office like this. This place is fucking awesome.

The view from up here is kind of insane, the world just running around on the sidewalk that seems a thousand miles away, but if you look straight ahead you can see all the way to the fucking ocean.

I become completely distracted though when that seriously sexy alpha voice of his changes its dialect and I realise that when he said he would be talking to Japan, he literally meant in fucking Japanese.

Josh speaks Japanese. Is there seriously no end to this man's fucking talents?

Never in my life did I expect to be the one with less fucking gifts in my relationship. We are a fucking power couple in the making. With May in one corner and Brie in the other, we could combine forces and take over the fucking world.

I glance over again at the photographs on his shelves, smiling when I see that he's added a new one to the middle, the one that Heather made us all take outside the lake house together. Charlie's face is still so red from crying but everyone else looks like they're having the time of their lives... Which I guess we kind of were.

This one that's on the other shelf I definitely saw the last time I was here but I'm pretty sure it wasn't positioned there, the one of Liam as a little toddler, it used to be sitting on Josh's desk...

Josh stands hunched over his desk and typing something onto the screen of his computer. I glance over the top of him, looking down at the frame that now sits next to his computer and I almost want to rip him away from the call just so I can kiss him all over again.

It's one of me and him, my favourite one. He didn't even take it, I did when I was laying against his chest that morning. The little fucker must have gone on my phone and sent it to himself... Jesus, I fucking love him.

I lean back against the glass window, admiring a view much nicer than the one outside when Josh is bent over his fucking desk like that. I'm coming to realise that I am definitely an ass guy, although I would challenge anyone to not call themselves that when they were staring at something this fucking perfect.

He continues to talk in a language I can't understand but his tone clearly playing hardball with whoever's on the other end. I wonder if they've ever actually met him? He's pretty much the nicest guy you'll ever be around but if all I ever knew about him was that fucking voice then it would be hard to challenge the man.

Stepping forward, I stand directly behind him and run my hand from the base of his spine up, feeling through the fabric to caress every tense muscle until I reach over his collar to the nape of his neck, only to trail my fingers back down to the bottom again.

I wait for him to tell me to stop but he doesn't even look back, continuing his call in a way that would lead anybody else to believe that nothing is affecting him. However, the way his hand is white knuckling the edge of his desk like he's about to snap it in half tells a very different fucking story.

This time I place both my hands on his lower back, smoothing them along the surface of his button-up and watching the tension fade away under my touch. The way his body is always so eagerly responsive to mine... God, it's one of the things I adore most about him. When my hands reach his shoulders, I lean my body right against his so that I can smooth my hands down onto his chest, pressing myself onto him at every point and soaking in the feeling of him being right where he's supposed to be – with me.

His breath hitches in his throat, he tries unsuccessfully to cover it with a small cough but you're not fooling anyone Josh. When I bring my hands back down the trail I don't stop at his hips, continuing to run the length of his chisled body until I'm firmly placed against his ass, squeezing it more roughly than I have before then kneading at the hard muscle beneath his light grey pants.

I really wasn't sure how far I could push this when I started but now as I look at the reflection of his face in his computer screen it becomes increasingly clear that he's fucking loving every second of it... Maybe he is the kind of guy that gets off on nearly being caught?

It would explain why neither of us ever lock a fucking door.

Okay then...

The guy on the other end of his line gets seriously chatty, Josh falling quiet so that the room is filled with the metallic clunk of his belt hitting the desk when I reach around his hips and pull it undone. He really doesn't want to get into a game of chicken with me because I never lose a game... I'm a fucking Thompson, we always win.

I slip his zipper down incredibly slowly through each tooth, not missing the way his heartbeat picks up as it thunders against inside his ribcage and powers the vibrations through his back directly into my chest. He doesn't stop me though, even when I slip the fabric of his pants over his perky peach he doesn't miss a beat, answering the guy on the other end of the line in what seems to be perfect Japanese.

He should know that I like a fucking challenge... he's playing a fatal game right now.

The soft black fabric of his tight underwear causes no boundary to hide the heat radiating from his body as I press myself against him and reach around his hips to cup his growing package. Running my hand along his stiffening length, I press my own into his ass just as my fingers start to stroke at his covered tip.

I really love to feel him hardening, just knowing you have that much control over somebody else's body... It's such a fucking turn on.

He stands up tall and attempts to turn around to face me but I press my strength through my hand directly between his shoulder blades until his palms are flat against the wood of his desk again, gripping at the outside edge so that he is bent into the ideal position before me.

Fuck, he looks fucking perfect like that.

Just as he begins to talk again, I run my fingertips just below the waistband of his underwear and tickle across his pubic line. There's definitely a shake in his voice that wasn't there before and I fucking love it, it only becomes worse when I slip straight inside and grasp his solid erection.

Time to make a choice Joshua...

He doesn't flinch, even when I begin to run my closed fist up and down his exposed length he just arches further into my touch, continuing to pretend that fuck all is happening when talking to whoever the guy is on the other end of his phone.

Okay then, let's fucking do this.

Ripping his clothing directly down to his ankles, I ball my fist up into his shirt before wrapping my hand around his straining dick again and watching him do everything in his power to maintain the call.

I am going to make him hang up that fucking phone Josh, if I have to fuck you to do it then that's exactly what I'll do...

For the first time since I got my hands on him, he looks back over his shoulder, connecting our eyes at the very moment I swipe my thumb over his tip. The most gentle moan leaves his lips until I hear his teeth crunching as he tries to lock his own fucking jaw.

I need this. I need him to feel wanted by me. All the shit I've dealt with today, hell, everything we've dealt with since the moment we kissed... I can make it leave my mind immediately when I watch him become so completely undone.

He's mine. No one can take him from me...

And I'm not leaving him... Not yet.

I pump him harder, letting go of all restraint and tightening my fist until the phone slips completely from his hand and lands on the desk in front of his face. Some guy ranting in Japanese blares up through the screen but I'm not sure that Josh can even fucking hear him anymore as his head lowers onto the desk.

Fuck, if there is a sexier sight than watching a man crumble under your control of his body, I don't know what the fuck it is.

His juicy cheeks push back into my member and it's taking every ounce of control I have not to make my bottom half as bare as his so I can slip myself between his thick thighs. I don't need a release, what I really fucking need is to prove to the world that no man can do to him, or offer him, what I can.

Josh responds to this guy in the most broken Japanese, that even I know doesn't make any fucking sense, before I start to swirl my thumb at his tip and he thrusts his whole body back against mine.

Fuck this.

Slipping two fingers into my mouth, I make sure they are completely drenched before slipping them down between his cheeks and pressing them against his tight awaiting partition.

His head snaps up completely, one of his hands letting go of its possessive grip on the desk and scurrying to pull the phone closer to his mouth with trembling fingers.

"I'll c-call you b-back..."

I fucking win.

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