Chapter 200

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"Steve, it's your wedding day, shouldn't you be a little bit more stressed than this?" I ask my brother as he casually sits at the bar of the hotel suite with a glass of bourbon in his hand and a giant smile on his face, whilst my mother continues to fuss with his tuxedo tie.

"Nope," he answers instantly, pretty much looking like the happiest man in the fucking world. "I've been waiting for this day since the moment I first saw her, I've done my stressing, although you should probably go and check on her because she's due for a break down any minute. Make sure you block the exits if she tries to do a runaway bride, I'll go with her."

Of course he would, he'd follow her to the ends of the earth.

My mother finally takes a step back, tears in her eyes again as she cups Steve's cheek and plants a lipstick kiss right on the end of his nose. She immediately tries to wipe it away but Steve just pulls her into one of his standard big bear hugs instead. She's been a bit emotional today, I'm not sure if it's just her reaction to Steve and Brie finally making it here, or the three glasses of champagne she had for breakfast, either way she needs to get it under control before the ceremony starts or by then she'll just be a puddle of mascara and tissues.

"Mum, will you please stop crying? This day has hardly begun and you've already gone through two boxes of tissu-" Steve pauses when he sees my mother has frozen... Shit, he doesn't realise what he just called her does he?

Mum immediately starts to sob all over again, I'm not sure if Steve understands why this time but he continues to hold her anyway. For a second I thought maybe it was a slip of the tongue, but then he whispers onto her ear gently as he holds her head to his chest.

"I love you Mum."

Those two have come so fucking far, she's been calling him her son for years but I don't think she ever expected for a moment that he would consider her a mother to him as well. Not after everything...

I'm so glad they have each other, even if they lost so much time of both their lives being separated from this type of love, it got them here now. That makes it all worth it.

I take a step towards the door to give them some time alone, I definitely need to go check on Brie, but I don't get an inch before Liam immediately runs up and wraps himself around my leg again. I wasn't going to leave without him, I was just grabbing my tux jacket, but I can see the fear written all over his face.

This is going to be a long road for us...

He was the same last night, ever since the kidnapping he's been terrified to be alone. We all crashed at Al's last night before the wedding, but even there I had to stay in the bed with him and Heather, he just wouldn't settle any other way.

Thank fuck I've got that recording of Miles singing on my phone because otherwise I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have got a wink, Heather seemed impressed too as she listened and passed out drooling on my shoulder.

Gently, I untie him from my limbs, pulling on my jacket and taking his hand instead. He looks so fucking cute, Brie wanted all the men in matching tuxedos and we all look pretty fucking good, but this little man looks by far the best.

Although there's still one person I'm yet to see in his suit.

Liam looks up at me with a gentle smile, before quickly reverting his eyes back to the floor again. I know it's going to take him a while to get back to the kid he was a week ago, for now it's just like having him back to being the person he was when he was living with his cunt mother. It's breaking my heart but I know he'll get there... He just needs time, I can give him that.

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