Chapter 56

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He runs from the room but accidentally crashes into the chair next to the desk, stumbling and allowing me the opportunity to finally get some revenge. Once was funny, twice is war! Despite the vibrations still roaming my body, I leap after him, grasping his hips and throwing him halfway across the room until he lands flat on his back. I can see he’s shocked I had the strength to do it to him but he should know by now that manhandling him is not going to be a fucking problem for me. The mattress dips under his weight as he attempts to control the ever increasing laughter that springs from him. This guy thinks he’s really fucking funny doesn’t he...

Before he has time to move, I launch my whole body on top of him and keep him pinned to the bed below me as he attempts to wriggle free. I use every ounce of strength I have to keep him here, but as he stops and shoots me that orgasm inducing wink I know I’m fucked. Oh no.

Moments later you might as well call the tin-man and name me fucking Dorothy because it’s like I’ve been caught up in a tornado. We’re flipped entirely, sheets flying everywhere until I find myself laying back on the pillows with him holding us both down.

He attempts to pin my wrists down but I quickly rip them free and grasp hold of his ribs in an attempt to wrestle him back, he’s smirking like he knows he’s got me beat, however the moment the tips of my fingers fall between his rib cage he lets out the highest pitch squeal I’ve ever fucking heard.

We both freeze, his eyes brimmed with fear as he realises I have just exposed his weakness.

Oh my fucking God... He’s ticklish... I win!

Not allowing him a single moment to recover, I bury my fingers deep into his ribs and watch his whole body spasm as he begins to giggle ferociously.

“Josh! No... Josh... Stop..!” But I don’t relent until he’s had no choice but to fall completely back onto the bed and release me from the prison of his tree trunk thick thighs.

“Who did you say was going to get murdered?” I taunt as I continue my attack on his body, half tickling him, half trying to control myself as he writhes underneath me. Fuck he looks good on my bed. His laughter escalates to the point I’m not entirely sure he’s able to breathe anymore.

“Me!... I promise... to... throw my body over yours... in protection... if you just stop fucking... tickling me!”

Was that so hard? I finally allow him his own freedom, my once made bed now just a collection of rolled up sheets under our bodies as we both fall back and begin laughing before trying to capture our breath. At least now I know there is something that makes a chink in that superhuman armour of his.

I can still hear him trying to regulate his breathing as he makes his best attempt to sort out the blanket and pull it over him, even pulling back my side through his pouting.

“You're mean.” He jokes as we both manage to finally get ourselves inside the bed. Being around him, being able to just fuck around like that with someone, I’ve really fucking missed it. Some guys are so fucking serious all the time, especially in the business world, they can’t relax. He’s nothing like that and it’s so refreshing.

He leaves the sheets at his waist and I watch a single drip of sweat roll its way from behind his ear, down his neck and over onto his exposed chest.

Reaching over, I stroke his morose looking lips before leaving a quick soft kiss on them. “Sorry.” I say completely insincerely, I’m absolutely not sorry and he knows it.

I attempt to roll back to my side but he gets a firm grip on my elbow and refuses to let me leave, twisting us until we're both laying on our sides just like we ended up becoming consistently throughout our date, staring into my eyes before relinquishing his hold moving his hand down to my waist.

“That was definitely not a good enough apology, you're going to have to do much fucking better.”

You want better? I’ll show you better.

Starting at his hip, the tips of my fingers begin to frisk over the surface of his skin in a feather light touch, dipping into his waist then following up over his ribs until they delicately float along his collarbones. His whole body relaxes completely into the mattress as I trail the movement down his chest before beginning to kiss his shoulder faintly.

I’ve never been able to touch him like this before, I keep glancing up to make sure he’s comfortable with it, but with every second that passes I watch the pleasure grow more and more on his faultless face.

His breathing is deep and steady until suddenly it hitches in his throat. I remove my lips from his skin to look for what’s wrong, glancing down I realise that my fingers have inadvertently began to stroke over he is now fully erect peach nipples. Testing a theory, I let them swipe over it once again and watch as his eyes fall closed completely whilst his bottom lip becomes wedged between his teeth.

Fuck, he really likes that.

I start slow, I want him to have every opportunity to stop me if he wants to, he’s in control here. Moving my kisses to the bottom of his neck whilst holding onto his ribs and letting my thumb circle around his bud, he makes no attempt to stop me, letting his arm fall back and opening himself up more freely to my touch as I move my kisses down his chest.

Fuck, I actually want to do this... I want to touch him... I’m finally fucking ready for something.

He falls slightly further onto his back just as my lips meet his pec. I glance up at him to see if there's any hesitation but his eyes are still firmly shut. Keeping him in my view to gauge his reaction, I simultaneously suck his petite nipple into my mouth whilst flicking the other.

His reaction is instant, his perfectly sculpted back arching up off the sheets as the sexiest fucking delicate moan I’ve ever heard escapes from his now parted lips. Oh god, so fucking perfect... It’s not the only part of his body to react to me either, if the sword he now has poking me in the stomach has anything to say about it.

I need to hear that again from him. I want to hear it from him all fucking night.

Letting my tongue escape my mouth I circle his bud, whilst making sure to mirror my actions with my finger on the other side of his chest. His hand clenches in a fist at his side whilst his other arm moves to drape over his eyes as I continue to tease him mercilessly. The moment I give in and flick both roughly he gives me another glorious moan in reward.


Oh fuck, please don't start moaning my name yet, I will seriously lose all fucking control.

I try to ignore all my insecurities about inexperience and all my anxieties about intimacy as I just hone in all my attention on his body. Watching him clench, writhe and rise in pleasure is enough to make all of them get the fuck away from me anyway. I want to be the person that makes him feel like this, I want to be the only person to make him feel like this.

I do it again and again until he’s a panting mess, interspersing rolls, flicks and sucks in order to get every possible reaction I can from him. His hips began to thrust towards me but I don’t even think he realises he’s doing it, too caught up in the pleasure that he's found himself embracing completely.

As his hips jut towards me again, I feel the fabric at his tip is now damp. I’ve turned him on so fucking much that pre cum is fucking dripping from him. Fuck... My mind reels with images of his dripping solid hard cock, forcing my own member to swell until it's brushing along the inside of his thighs with every thrust of his hips.

Fuck, can I touch him? Like really fucking touch him? There’s kind of no coming back from that...

But I don’t want to come back from this now. I know that I want him... And he wants me just as much.

I move my hand away from his swollen nipple, about to take his other one into my mouth again with my hand sliding down over his perfect Adonis when suddenly my whole body is torn from his and I find myself flat on my back with him quickly sliding between my legs on top of me.

“Miles... I wouldn’t have...I mean, if you didn't want me to you only had to...”

He smirks down at me, pushing my hair back before clenching hold of my jaw and bringing his lips almost all the way to mine.

“I want you to Josh... Fuck, I really fucking want you to... but I really want to fucking touch you first too. Please, just let me make you feel the way you're making me feel...”

He’s going to make me fall in love with him isn’t he...

His lips come down onto mine but this time he controls the pace, letting the kiss lead his body in slow gentle grinding against my own whilst he starts to caress my lips with his tongue. The grip he has on my jaw loosens enough that I can open my mouth and let him in, his hand trailing down over my neck until he is clawing gently at my chest beneath him.

Fuck, I was definitely not as confident as he is my first time touching a guy, but you'd swear he’s been doing it his entire adult life with the way his hands just seem to know how to entrance my body. His mouth never leaves my own but the way he kisses me grows deeper and more forceful as he grinds against me even fucking harder. I knew he was strong but right now I can feel every ounce of that strength. He’s in complete control.

The world loses all it’s other sensations for me as he guides my legs apart even further until he’s moved to kiss my jaw whilst his stiff tool repeatedly brushes up against mine firmly. God, don’t stop.

Everything about this man is a fucking turn on; the way his lips suck in my skin with every kiss that he leaves on my flesh, the way he moves slowly until he finds spots that make me lose control of my breathing - only for him to keep going back to them harder and harder each time. Even the way that he tugs his fingers into my hair to pull back my head so he can get better access to my fucking neck is driving me crazy.

He begins to move his lips down my body, his hands following gracefully behind as he let’s his tongue dip out of his mouth and glide between my pecs until he finds himself at the roof of my abs. His tongue tasting my skin is indescribable, I never thought it could feel like this. I’m very fucking aware of how close his mouth is getting to my member and as he begins to trail past my lower abs I reach forward and grasp the back of his head.

His movements stop immediately. He glances back up at me to see if I’m okay with nothing but concern in his eyes. He doesn’t want to push me, and it’s just another thing to add to the ever growing list of things I really fucking lov-like about him.

“Miles... Don't... You're not ready for that”

He looks back down between our bodies, a smile curling up onto his lips as he lowers himself back down and begins to run his lips along my V line, speaking his words between a flurry of glee inducing kisses.

“I know that Josh... Just let me do what I am ready for... If you want me to stop I will.”

I don’t want you to stop... Fuck, I actually don’t want him to stop... How has he done this to me?

He continues to advance his way down my body, my mind becoming overwhelmed at how fucking good this feels, but the hands that were following him come to a stop as they meet my chest. My already erratic breathing holts completely as he finds himself at the waistband of my boxer shorts, his chin brushing precariously against the swollen tip of my dick as it lays solid against my lower stomach.

I haven’t felt ready for anything like this in so fucking long, but nothing about this feels like a mistake, it feels as natural as breathing to be with him.

He pauses, before suddenly his lips trail over the fabric of my underwear just as he finds both my nipples between his thumb and forefinger, pinching them the moment his kiss finds my throbbing rod through my boxers.

“Fuck Miles...”

I can’t control it, heavier moans pull themselves from my lips as he continues to tease my nipples with outstretched arms whilst his lips caress all over my pulsating member through the thin fabric, all that separates our desperate flesh from coming into true contact.

I’m dripping for him, every touch he makes is becoming increasingly forceful until my erection is so solid it's almost to the point of painful. The fabric that covers me is drenched  and I’m having too try and control the urge to thrust myself back up into his face as he now begins to suck my length through the fabric.

Fuck this.

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