Chapter 28

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Sitting outside the house, I don’t even want to go inside. Stepping out of this car and back into that place means leaving Josh here. I don’t want to leave him. Fuck knows when I’ll see him again, he said this week will be crazy for him, what if this just fizzles out? Fuck, what if I just let him drive away and he disappears again like last time?

I couldn’t fucking stand that.

He pops the trunk from the dash and steps out, his whole fucking body looking effortlessly perfect in the light of the mid-afternoon sun, especially reflecting off those tight gym shorts and that sculpted muscle tee. He seriously could wear anything and look fucking mesmerising couldn’t he? Although seeing him in my fucking t-shirt earlier really made me imagine doing stuff to him that I’m definitely not ready for...

I step out of the passenger side, immediately regretting the decision as the familiar crunch of gravel beneath my feet remind me that I’m truly home. Well, at least I’m at the house, not sure you can call somewhere that you never truly feel comfortable home.

Josh pulls out my bag, putting it on the floor and slamming the trunk closed again.

What the fuck do I do here? I really want to fucking kiss him goodbye but I can’t. Fuck, I should’ve made him stop a few streets away before we got here, I could’ve got a fucking fix of him, I could’ve shown him a reason to miss me.

He smiles, that beautiful gravity defying grin full of perfectly straight white teeth. “So.. Do you wa-”

The front door swings open behind him, a blur topped with a wave of deep brown locks coming down the stairs and hurling herself past Josh into my arms. I manage to catch her before she tumbles, but the temptation to let her fall for cutting him off then was high.

“Hey Mum.”

She squeezes me like I just got back from my third tour with the army, not a week at basketball camp, before eventually pulling back and grasping my cheeks the way she has since I was five.

“Oh my little man! I’ve missed you so much. Your Dad’s still in work but he’ll be home for dinner. Did you have fun? Did you remember to thank Josh for taking you?”

Kill. Me. Now.

Josh smirks, crossing his arms over his chest and making them look even fucking bigger. Of course he’s loving this, probably thinks it’s bloody hilarious.

“Yes, I thanked him really well... Now will you please get off me, my cheeks are going numb.”

She chuckles, eventually letting go and stepping back, placing herself between me and the person I’d really rather have wrapped around me right now.

“Sorry sweetheart, I’m just glad you’re home.” She turns to Josh, pulling him into a tight hug. “Thank you for taking care of him, we really appreciate it. I wish you’d let me give you money Josh, even if it’s just for petrol. You already gave up your only week off work for this.”

For fucks sake Mum! Don’t fucking pay him, Jesus Christ, he’s not my babysitter! He’s my... whatever the fuck he is.

“It’s fine Tara.” Josh laughs, turning his eyes to face me and reminding me once more why blue is my favourite colour. “It was an experience worth more than I spent, I promise you.”

Cute fucker.

Mum attempts to pick up my bag and almost falls under the weight of it, she’s so bloody tiny it’s practically the same size as her. I take it quickly, pulling it over my shoulder and attempting to follow her back to the house. Like fuck am I letting that man leave without kissing him again.

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