Chapter 42

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The door to the room wasn't even closed yet when my back was thrown up against it. Fuck, he's strong. I stared back into those perfect pale hazel eyes and with the slowest curling smile making its way across his face, I knew I had no fucking hope of getting out of here without having some of him. He's my biggest weakness right now.

"I didn't know you would be here.." He says, pressing his hand against the wood of the door next to my head until it slams shut behind me. His other forcing its way around my neck, those magical fingers of his stroking at the still damp skin with tidal waves of pleasure making themselves felt from the much needed skin-on-skin contact. How have I missed him this much already?

I'm really trying to keep my shit together here but I can feel him pushing against me at every point our bodies can meet.

"I didn't know you would be here either, did you have to fucking touch me like that?"

The mischief in his eyes is undeniable as he glances down at my lips.


I should be mad at him right, mad at him for teasing me and doing something that could threaten to expose us... Yet all I can think as I look at him is - Fuck it.

I wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my palms against the bottom part of his back and bringing his hips further into me as he smirks, before pulling my head by the nape of my neck until my face is in line with his own. "I fucking missed you." Our lips meet in the middle instantly, as we both fall together against the door and I immediately begin to hungrily search his mouth with my own.

There is nothing else in this world like kissing this man.

Images of what he made me do to myself Sunday night flash through my mind as my hands move up to caress along his entire spine and soak in every part of him I can... I heard him fucking cum, I heard his breath slow to deep panting as he imagined all the things I was desperate to do to him in that moment. And I was, I was desperate to do every fucking thing I could to him.

His tongue tickles my bottom lip and without hesitation I open my mouth to take him in. He accepts the invitation, slowly twirling his tongue around my own and making me shudder as his passion leaks through with every stroke.

My fingers weave into the back of his hair, his hat falling to the floor and instantly discarded as I increase the grip I have on him. I don't know what the fuck is taking over me, my hand grasps his hip and shoves us both backwards until the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed and we both fall to the mattress behind him.

He doesn't even flinch, his lips not leaving mine even though I bet he's being fucking crushed under my weight. Why can't I stop touching him? My hand is under his shirt, my thumb stroking over his waist before I even know what's happening. His skin is so soft, even the intensity of the kiss can't steal my focus from how he's smoother than fucking velvet.

I try to turn us so he's not bearing my entire weight but he's having none of it, falling into the motion until he finds himself on top of me. His lips finally break from my own but not from my body, moving down to my jaw and across to the most sensitive part of my neck. Holy fucking shit...

Fuck, we have to stop.

"Miles... They'll be waiting for us..."

His body shifts on top of mine, I thought he was getting ready to let us leave, but instead he moves his legs so they sit either side of my hips, straddling me and keeping my body in the place he wants on the mattress as he begins to again attack my neck with his lips.

Does this guy even realise what he's doing to me right now? Fuck, this is more than I've let guys who I've gone on multiple dates with do to me.

Then he does the worst thing he could possibly do to me in this moment - He sucks my fucking neck. Hard.

Wave after crushing wave of endless pleasure powers through me, my whole frame igniting under the flames of this kind of unexperienced and seemingly never ending lust. He's making my head spin already as I grip his hips and he begins to grind down into me. Fuck, the hard fabric of his jeans is doing absolutely fucking nothing to hide what's going on inside them, I can feel him growing with each stroke. He continues pressing down against me and forcing every part of my being back to life.

Oh shit... every part.

I can't fucking stop it, he should know he can't fucking grind on someone like that. As his lips suddenly detached themselves from my neck and he glances down between us I know it's too late, he's fucking seen it.

He's made me fucking hard.

For a few seconds he does absolutely nothing but look between where our bodies meet. I want to fucking die, a lot of straight guys are good experimenting with the sexuality until they come face to face with a solid hard dick, they can pretend it's just like being with a girl when all they're feeling are your lips. This is the part where he freaks and runs right?

He glances back up in my direction but I can't even look at him, quickly detaching my hands from his hips and using them to cover my own face. If embarrassment was a fucking disease I'd be happy but very dead right now. It's one thing to know you've brought someone pleasure through a phone, it's a whole other ball game to see what you can actually do to them.

"Josh?" His quiet husky voice is enough to make me want to melt into this fucking mattress. I don't move my hands, if he's going to run screaming for the hills I'd rather not see it. "Josh... move your fucking hands."


I remain perfectly stoic, like fuck can I look him in the eye right now. This of course does nothing to stop him. Does he even realise as he slowly peels my fingers away from my eyes that he's now pressing his entire weight down on my fucking cock?!

The moment he gets my hands free of my face, he holds both my wrists together and pins my them firmly over my head to the sheet. If I wasn't dying of embarrassment right now I think I'd be even more fucking turned on.

He leans in, his face floating just above mine, so close I can taste the coffee he had before he came here still on his breath. Everything about him tastes so good. Our hearts beat in rhythm, his chest expanding as mine contracts. We always seem to just... fit.

"Why the fuck are you hiding from me?"

Oh God, please don't make me say it!

Apparently he can read my mind now too, his eyes travelling down between our bodies until they land on the part of me digging deeply into him. A wicked grin spreads across his face as he brings his eyes back up to meet mine.

"Oh... is it because I did this to you?" He slowly rolls his hips in a perfect circle against me and it takes every ounce of my own fucking will power not to make all the dirty sounds that wants to free themselves of my body.

The arms he has pinned to the bed tense, I can feel the veins pumping in my wrists they are so close to the fucking surface. He notices, reaching over slowly and trailing his fingertips from the hilt of my wrist all the way down each tense muscle until it crosses back over onto my chest, cold bumps rising on the surface as he leaves the fabric of my shirt and continues up behind my neck.

Jesus Christ Miles, I haven't felt my body quiver under a man's touch in, well, ever.

Forcing myself to look up at him finally, there isn't the hesitation I thought there would be. He actually looks really fucking prideful, before he lowers himself back onto me.

"You thought I'd be bothered, didn't you?" He speaks directly into my neck just before his lips graze the surface. I can't even speak, my mouth is completely dry and I'm not sure I could even form words if it wasn't, because all I can focus on is the fact I can fucking feel him grinding against me!

I nod, it's all I can do. His kisses start again instantly, beginning slowly at the nape of my neck and forcing my eyes to close so I can take it all in. With each one that he moves further up towards my jaw he grinds back down into me. By the time he reaches my ear I'm a fucking mess and I can feel the bead of sweat that's began trickling down my spine.

The lips that I want to taste forever clasp onto my lobe and gently tug until I'm forced to release the moan I've been trying so hard to keep quiet. Only then does he begin to whisper in my ear... and fuck is it good.

"The only thing that bothers me Joshua, is that I know I have to leave this room, and you, unsatisfied. If I didn't think Brie was about to send up a search party for us, I would be doing all the things to you I was imagining while I was listening to you fucking cum."

Holy fucking shit.

He slowly releases his hold on my wrists, the pressure where he had me is so strong that it still feels like he is there even after he pulls away.

He stands up, but it's still like he's laying against me, the imprint he's left on my body seems to be being sucked all the way into my very core.

Grasping his hat off the floor, he checks his hair quickly in the mirror next to the door, as I attempt to sit the fuck up and remember I'm in my brothers house right now, on his guest-bed... With my two best friends sitting downstairs... While I'm making out with their kind of brother... Fucking hell Josh.

I look over at him but even in a mess he looks fucking perfect. I bet I look like I've just been dragged through a hedge backwards, a sexy fucking hedge, but a hedge nonetheless.

He smiles back at me, just before taking the door handle and poking his head out into the hallway to make sure nobody is hanging around outside to catch us.

"Give me a ten second head start?" He winks.

Shit, I've just had him for so long and yet I'm still not ready to let him go.

"Friday!" I didn't mean to shout at him like that, he was just getting ready to make a run for it and I wanted to see his face once more before I had to pretend it isn't the most beautiful one I've ever seen again in a few minutes.

His eyebrow cocks as he looks at me.


I smile. "Friday, I'm taking you out. Pick you up at 8."

No matter what else I achieve in life, no matter the goals I hit or the awards I earn, I don't think anything will ever make me as happy as watching him smile like that does.

I stand just in time to catch him as he rushes back into my arms and presses his lips against mine. I know I'll see him again in a few days now but it doesn't stop me soaking in every fucking second I can get until that moment.

Miles pulls back first, brushing his fingers over my neck before planting a tiny quick kiss on my lips once more.

"Friday... You know, this is the first time anyone has ever asked me on a date... You're really making a point of being all of my firsts aren't you?"

Fuck I hope so.

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