Chapter 212

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"Little man, you look amazing, stop fussing with your suspenders." He keeps stretching them back and forth so much he looks like he's in a black and white comedy skit about to do a jaunty little dance number.

Liam lets them go but doesn't say a word, he's been a bit off today. I told him last night that Xade was coming with us but when he found out we were going in Xade's car, it just threw him off a bit.

It's my fault, I haven't given them the time to get to know each other the way I should have. Xade keeps trying, he's learnt pretty much everything he can about the kid and he really wants him to be happy with us, I'm the one that was scared.

I just didn't want him to get close with someone just to have them leave him again. I couldn't go through what he went through last time.

Xade isn't a massive drinker, I really should have figured that out from the first time that we drank together and he got so fucking wasted so quickly, but now he drinks even less than back then, that's why he said he should drive. Plus, I think he wants to make a good impression on everybody.

It's sweet, I know that everyone we've told has been caught off guard by our engagement but they can't deny that he's a good person, with a good heart.

Holy fucking shit, please tell me that she didn't... Yep, she did.

She got a fucking blimp.

Floating right over the building as we approach, bearing the words 'Happy re-wedding day to Brianna and Steven Parker'.

This woman created the fucking word 'extra'.

She's going to be running back and forth to the back all night changing her fucking outfits again isn't she?

It's not hard to spot the venue when we get there, after Charlie's little comment about wanting to wear white, Brie pretty much made that the theme of the night.

Considering this was quite last minute, she's really got her shit together, it looks gorgeous here. The pathway to the Manor house they've rented is lined with giant white lanterns of candles, an array of different balloons wrapped in tulle creating a pathway right to the front door.

"Wow, this is amazing." Xade comments as we pull up outside the doors. He's not wrong, do you think she'll calm down enough to organise my fucking wedding when it comes? Because I wouldn't have thought of half this shit. Not that I want it but I think Xade might be into the whole big white wedding thing.

That 90s music she insists on listening to is already pumping out of the walls, I know this is going to be less an actual wedding and more an opportunity for everybody to just get together and drown themselves in champagne. We haven't done it in a long time.

"Josh, are you okay? Your leg hasn't stopped bobbing since we took off." Xade gently lowers his hand to my knee, instantly stilling my leg as he squeezes it. I love when he does this, it still brings me the same amount of comfort it did the first time, enough warmth filling my body that I can turn and smile at him.

"I'm fine." I'm just so fucking nervous.

This morning in the shower, I practically smashed my head into the tiles until I forced myself to think straight.

I had to keep reminding myself that it's fucking normal to be scared to see someone that was such a big part of your life after so long. I just don't know how it's going to be; will he talk to me? Avoid me completely? How will it be between him and Liam? Is it just going to be seriously fucking awkward for everyone?

I don't want that, I kind of fucked up Steve's original wedding day, I won't do that go them again.

It's just.. it's just a lot. It will all be better tomorrow, it's just seeing him for the first time that'll be weird... I'm building it up too much in my head. I bet he's not doing this, he's probably just his usual self and going to take it all in his fucking stride.

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