Chapter 211

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 "You know you don't have to watch me, right?" Xade sits against the wall on the further side of the gym, I've only got two sets left of my entire workout routine and he hasn't turned a damn page in that book the entire time so I think he needs to stop pretending that he's reading now.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, this book is fucking thrilling." I chuckle so hard I almost drop my fucking dumbbell, he's such an idiot sometimes.

This is why I like having him around, he actually makes me smile.

His eyes flitter again over the top of his book as I lay down on the bench, that tiny smirk on his face just getting wider with every bar that I press.


I used to be a first thing in the morning workout person but over the last few years I've taken to evening sessions too, I'm pretty sure that I've never been in better shape, yet sometimes it feels like when I start I can't stop. I need the gym high to keep me going.

Xade finally gives in, walking over and standing behind my head to spot me, even though we both know his arms would fall off if he tried to take this weight off me. He's strong, he's just not Josh strong.

"How much have you got left?" He asks after my thirtieth rep, I've got so much pent up frustration still left over from Brie the other day I could do another fucking thirty.

"One more set here, then I was going to do a run. The machine is kind of loud so I don't usually do it in the evenings but since Liam isn't here..." Xade nods, gently guiding the bar back to its spot before reaching down and placing a kiss on my sweat soaked shoulder.

"Okay, I'll go order us some food for when you're done. Is he back early in the morning or can I crash here?" He's always so fucking respectful, I know that he's desperate to build a relationship with Liam but he's never tried to force his way in, they've met a few times but only once since we've been an actual couple.

Liam knows that we're dating but always seems to avoid talking about it when I bring it up, both me and Xade agreed that we wouldn't tell him about the engagement until after the party tomorrow, we aren't going to tell anyone else either, I know it's not their wedding day technically but I don't want to steal focus from Brie and Steve.

"Pretty sure he'll be with Heather until lunchtime, you're good to stay." I reply, swiping away the sweat from my temples. I've really hit it hard today, too much shit on my mind and no way to work it off otherwise.

He reaches down, turning me on the bench to face him and leaning on the bar to look down at me with those striking features. He really is so unique, there's some people you meet and you pass four of them on the way to lunch that day, but it's not that way with him, he's special.

"Okay, I'll go get my stuff from the car... It's going to be nice when we don't have to bring stuff back and forth to each other's houses anymore. We should probably let Liam pick his own room at my place soon, I'll get people in to decorate it however he wants before you guys move in."

Fuck, we're really doing this.

Xade kisses the top of my head before leaving the gym, the moment he does I just glance around the empty room. I've never felt particularly attached to this house, it's never been my home. I've always been the type of person to find my home in the people around me, not the four walls, yet I just can't imagine living in Xade's massive place yet.

It'll be different when I get there, that house is beautiful, I'm sure Liam is going to love it.

I just still can't let go of... never mind.

I slip my headphones in and set the machine to give me a good hard run. Xade's been at work all day, if I stay in here long enough then the food will arrive and he'll pass out pretty soon after that. I just can't be dealing with the weird awkwardness that comes every time we find ourselves in bed together.

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