Chapter 47

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I might as well have never come to school today. I haven't heard a fucking word anyone has said, just stared at the slowly decreasing clock and waiting until Josh comes to pick me up. Twelve hours until eight o'clock, then ten, then eight. Now it's like four and I swear time is slowing down.

"Thompson! Where the fuck is your head?! Get it in this game!"

The game. Shit, I'm playing a fucking game! Coach definitely has reason to be pissed, I think that's the third pass I've missed now. It feels like I'm not even in the world, like this is just the beginning of the dream I'm having too push through until I get to the good bit.

Come on Milo, Josh would be properly angry if you let the team down because of him.

Eli comes up from my left, quickly putting in place the block we've been practising so I can charge forward without opposition. Luke thankfully maintains his position as the oppositions defender tries to cut across my path, Luke gives me the nod and I send the ball straight over the guys head into his arms. We both know Luke can't shoot for shit but he's decent enough to get it over to where it's needed. Leanna captures right at the moment we needed her most, and dunks it straight through the net.

We all rush her as the buzzer goes off, chucking her up in the air just moments after she makes the winning throw. There's no mistaking that the other team are fucking furious, hilarious considering when they turned up and found out we had a few girls on the team they thought this was going to be an easy win.

No one makes it onto my team unless they've got something to offer, I don't just pick our line-up based on what's between their fucking legs. Those guys could probably learn something from us, back when May was playing she could have ran circles around each and every fucking one of them.

She said she'd try to make it to the game today, but I've checked the crowd a few times and I can't see her. I know it's hard for her to watch when she can't play, I just miss seeing the smile on her face when we win.

I can't even remember the name of their fucking captain but if he keeps looking at me like that I'm gonna take his head off and dunk it through the fucking net. We haven't played this school a lot, it's a team from the new place at the edge of town. They've had a lot of shit because most of the kids from over the Southside have transferred down there, half of them have already been initiated into the serpent's so it's fucking gang warfare.

This guy is definitely one as well, the tats on his hands are a dead giveaway. He must have an in with the school board because they don't usually let the gang kids on a team.

He huddles around with his fellow losers, not even acknowledging Leanna when she walks up and tries to shake their hands. What a fucking prick.

"Milo." Eli race's over from the group of cheerleaders he was busy flirting with the moment the match ended. "Party tonight, Shaniqua's place. I'll pick you up at 7, your wing man tonight."

I shove the ball into his chest hard, I'm not going through this with him again.

"I already told you, I've got plans tonight. Besides, we both know you don't need a fucking wing man."

He chuckles as we make our way towards the locker room, I really need a fucking shower after that.

"Yeah, you've got a date with a chick you can't even tell me the name of! If she was hot enough for you then you'd able to show me a fucking picture. So ghost her, come with me, and let's find you someone worth showing off."

Oh trust me, I've never been with anybody more worthy of being shown off. I've never felt more like the least attractive one standing next to somebody than I do when I'm standing next to Josh.

As we walk past the showers I see one of the cubicles is empty and turned on, before he has time to react I shove Eli as hard as I can under the water, still fully dressed in his basketball gear.

I don't know what's funnier, the fact it was freezing and he's now shrieking like a little girl, or that he seems to be screaming more about the fact his hair is getting ruined than anything else.

He slams his whole body out of cubicle, his feet slipping and sliding as he attempts to bolt towards me. I leg it as fast as I can to the other side of the locker room and attempt to pull open the door to Coach's office but it's fucking locked.

I have no escape. Eli hurling his dripping wet six-foot-six frame at me and sending us both tumbling to the really disgusting locker room floor.

The whole team are in fits of laughter as we both begin to wrestle each other for dominance, taking it upon themselves to add to the fray by piling on top of us in various states of undress. I'm not sure whose jockstrap is smacking me in the face but it needs to get the fuck away from me right now!

"Get the fuck off me before I bench the fucking lot of you!" I howl with laughter as I become crushed under the weight of this fucked up little family we've created.

None of them buy into my authority for a moment, it's like being the dad of a group of really naughty fucking kids. All of them just continuing to jump and laugh until I feel as flat as a pancake underneath them all.

Eventually Eli manages to Hulk his way out, sending bodies flying everywhere before reaching down and pulling me back up the moment he lands on his feet. Everyone is still laughing as they disperse themselves back to wherever they were before. There's always a good vibe in the room after you win a game, it'll probably be the thing I miss most about this place.

I check the time right before I get in the showers, Eli had shamelessly jumped in to one of the guys cubicles when we found them all full but I'd given everyone the decency of showering by themselves before I got in. There's still a few hours until I've got to meet Josh so I let myself enjoy the hot flow of water for longer than I usually would.

Game day is usually my favourite time of the week but right now I just can't fucking wait to see my guy again. I don't know how many times I've asked him what the hell we're doing tonight but he won't tell me anything, he just said that we'll have to travel for a bit before we get there.

Excitement riddles my body so much that I can hardly get myself clean without my hands shaking. I honestly couldn't give a fuck where we go, as long as it means I get to be with him again. Trying to do this secret thing is actually way fucking harder than I thought it would be, if it wasn't for May I think I'd be going crazy not being able to say anything to anyone.

The water grows unbearably cold as it smashes down into the tense muscles of my back. Slamming the water off I step back out into the locker room. Apparently I was in there way fucking longer than I meant to be because I can't see anybody else here but Luke.

"You seen Eli?" I ask as I try to stop this towel falling off my hips every time I reach into my locker.

Luke seems to be lost in his own little world for a minute staring at me before he snaps back to reality.

"Left a few minutes ago, one of the girls asked if he could give her a lift home and he was fucking out of here."

Yep, sounds about right.

"Fucker." I pull on a fresh pair of shorts and let my towel fall to the ground as I attempt to get the water out of my hair before it fucking curls.

"Isn't he your best friend?" Luke asks as he scans through his phone. I don't know why this guy is fucking talking to me, we've hardly said two words to each other outside of a match since that day at camp.

"He's still a fucker." I joke. "Also, he was supposed to be my ride home but I guess he forgot the moment he saw a pretty girl, not that that's a fucking unusual occurrence."

It's fine. I'll see if I can catch up with May, she said Connor and Hope we're picking her up today anyway.

"I can umm.." Luke runs his hands through his hair, the slightly wet blonde ringlets separating each time his fingers catch them. "I can give you a lift home if you need it."

Yeah, he looks as uncomfortable with that idea as I feel.

I shove the last of my stuff back into my bag. "I'm good. I'll jump in with May."

For a split second I could swear that guy actually looks put out that I've rejected him, but it quickly vanishes and that usual look of disdain replaces his otherwise soft features.

"Yeah whatever." He pulls his bag up from the floor so harshly that it knocks over the chair next to it. Not that the fucker actually tries to stop and pick it back up again.

"Luke!" He doesn't stop, storming over to the door and swinging it open until it smacks against the wall before marching out.

For a moment there I thought we were actually making some fucking progress. Why did he have to go and be a dick about it?

I think the reasons why Luke is a twat can only be answered by him and his cunt father.

The car park is almost empty when I get outside, I know that Hope has ballet on Fridays so May wouldn't have left yet if they are still picking her up still. I figured that's why she agreed to come to the game but I don't blame her for not being able to go through with it.

I try calling her phone but there's no answer, it's not going to voicemail it's just ringing out. There's this spot down past the fields behind the oak trees where she likes to go and have some time to herself, I make my way in that direction but something at the edge of the car park catches my eye.

The captain of the other fucking team has some girl pinned up against the side of his car. Usually I'd pay no attention to some guy having a fucking make-out session after school but he's being so fucking aggressive with it I'm not sure that girl can fucking breathe.

I try to walk past slowly, just checking everything is okay. He's talking to her, not nicely and not fucking quietly either. I catch his last words just as I come to the edge of the car...

"I'm going to bend you over this bonnet and treat you like the little slut that you are... You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Seriously? What kind of fucking girl would want to be spoken to like-

I freeze. This guy has the girl in his arms pinned by her hips against the glass passenger window with his own, her feet dangling six inches off the floor between his legs. Feet dressed in shoes that I fucking recognise...

...Shoes I watched my sister put on this morning.

My Best Friends BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora