Chapter 72

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Like fuck was I going to practise today just to sit on the side-lines and watch everybody else play. Jayce has been trying to talk to me since last night but I really just don’t want to deal with him either, my plan to hide this whole injury thing from Mum and Dad went out the window because he decided to be a little fucking grass and tell them everything this morning, now Mum is being even more freakishly protective than she usually is.

Dad was more logical, reminding me not to push it and wrapping up an ice pack for me to take to school despite me telling him they already have them in the nurses office. Ever the pacifist he tried to talk me into going for dinner at Lee’s house tonight but I’m not going to be forced into spending time with my fucking brother. In all his attempts at contact he never did the one thing that he should; actually apologise. Instead he just kept saying how stupid I am to risk things and that I need to learn my limits, so fuck him.

I’m pissed at him but I’m more pissed at myself over last night. I can’t believe that I forgot to call my man back just because I got so caught up in everybody else’s shit, it will never happen again. I knew this morning when I woke up that I needed to make it up to him, so right now that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Walking through his office building, it's funny to think that the last time I was here I was still very much in denial about what the prospect of seeing him again would mean for me. Riding up in the same elevator, this time I’m more than happy with the thought of meeting his crystal blue eyes.

Stepping out of the doors, I’m greeted by that same receptionist from last time, her eyes growing ever wider  with recognition as I approach her desk, of course she remembers me.

However she gets no opportunity to practise her flirting skills, as the moment I get within ear shot of her my attention is ripped away by another little flirty idiot.

“Ahhhhh! O.M.G! You’re here!” Charlie springs almost entirely out of nowhere, running up and wrapping his thin arms all the way around me. I try not to wince when his hand inadvertently smacks against the back of my shoulder, instead gently wrapping my arm back around him in a hug that I know he’ll appreciate.

“Stop trying to touch my ass Charlie..” But he just continues to pretend he’s not doing anything.

I was kind of hoping to see him, surprising Josh at work is a pretty big step but I know that Charlie will be honest and tell me if he thinks it's too much. As he continues to hold me for slightly longer than is really appropriate, I look over his head directly into Josh’s office.

There’s my man.

Josh is clearly in a meeting with someone but I still can’t help just staring at him in all his business glory. I’ve never really taken much time to look at suits before, they’re not really something I’ve ever needed, but fuck do they look good on him... It’s only been a few days since we saw each other last but you’d swear it had been months from the way my body is trying to magnetise itself towards his.

“He didn't tell me you were coming, is he trying to hide you from me again?” Charlie asks before finally detaching himself from around me, not before taking a large whiff of my jacket and stepping back.

“He umm...” Nerves I haven’t felt in a long time start to take over my body, this move might actually be bolder than I first thought.

“Oh you absolute sweetheart, you're here to surprise him? Damn, you two are so sweet. What are you waiting for? Go get him.” Charlie starts to pull me towards Josh’s office but I quickly grip hold of the reception desk to hold us both back.

“Charlie, I can’t just fucking walk in there when he’s in the middle of a meeting, it could be really important.” We both look back over into the office and I start to feel uneasy when I see the guy he’s with quickly exiting his chair and walking up behind Josh. Does he really need to be that close to him? Who the fuck is this guy?

The receptionist now begins to scoff loudly, before shuffling some papers and making sure to lean low enough that her ample cleavage is clearly on display.

Charlie gives her a dangerously vicious side eye. “What's your problem now? They glue those extensions too close to your fucking scalp again?”

Her hand flies up to check her hair before her gaze falls to me and she quickly act as if Charlie’s words haven't affected her at all. I really need to introduce this guy to May, she'd fucking love him.

“Me? I don’t have a problem.” I don’t remember this girls sounding that fucking annoying the last time I was here. “I just think it’s really unprofessional to pretend that you're having a business meeting when it's clearly just them doing the pre-boning dance.”

The fucking what now?

“Did they stitch that bargain basement weave directly into your fucking skull or something? There’s fuck all going on between those two.” Charlie looks at the girl with venom dripping from every ounce of him but even the thought of something happening between Josh and someone else is enough to lower all my confidence to the fucking floor.

Is something happening with them? Is Charlie just covering for his mate? I’ve had to do it enough times with Eli, keep some poor girl busy while he tries to get the other one out of his room. Is that what I’ve walked in on here?

“Whatever you say. That guy has come into this office twice already this week trying to take Josh out for lunch, when I’ve told him he’s already left he wouldn’t even leave a message, so clearly it wasn't a business lunch. Besides, look at the way he is with him, it’s so obvious.” The bitchy receptionist comments, picking non-existent dirt out of her long nails.

Charlie grabs my wrist and begins to drag me to the other side of the room, into what I assume is his office before he finally lets go.

“Don't listen to that cow, somebody clearly replaced her tampon with a cactus this morning.” Charlie slips my bag off my shoulder and begins to yank at my hoodie, me letting him without a fight as my eyes look straight through into Josh's office and see that blonde guy slip his hand suddenly from the chair directly onto Josh's shoulder.

My heart twists in my chest when Josh does absolutely nothing to stop him, even though I know it shouldn’t. You’re not together Milo... you don’t get to act like this...

I bet he doesn’t even realise, one of the things I adore most about Josh is that he’s completely unaware of how fucking appealing he is. However, being that oblivious kind of makes him an easy fucking target for somebody to get their hooks into without him noticing they're even there.

We have no label, we haven't even come close to an conversation about being exclusive, but for me it's just a given. I’ve never been the kind of person who would date multiple people at the same time and I guess I just assumed he was the same way.

“Stop it. Whatever you’re thinking right now just fucking stop it, that guy is so smitten with you he wouldn’t notice anyone else if they slapped their fucking dick across his face. Now, turn around.” I look down and realised that Charlie has stripped me of my jacket and hoodie so now I stand in just my t-shirt and jeans, my bag and all my other belongings discarded onto the couch in his office.

“Charlie, what the fuck are you doing?”

He completely ignores my question, gesturing with his finger for me to spin, which for some unknown reason I comply with, eventually turning back to face him and seeing the giant smile on his face.

“Perfect. Now, now you look good enough to go straight into that room and take ownership of your fucking man. Not that you didn’t look gorgeous before sweet cheeks but go show that advert for folic acid that he isn't competition for what you've got going on.” Charlie winks at me and I can’t help myself as I smile back at his wicked little face, looping my hand behind his head and planting my lips on the top of his curls.

I’m glad of all the weirdos in all the world, Josh found this one and made him his friend. The moment I let him go, Charlie throws his whole body back onto the couch, using his hand like a fan and giggling to himself. “Damn, you kids keep me young. Go fucking get him.”

Walking across the office space, I keep my eyes hawked in on the man with his hand on Josh's shoulder. Josh and him exchange words, looking at each other and smiling but the moment that Josh returns his eyes to his screen the dude makes a move to run his vision up and down Josh's body.

Like fuck is that happening. The guy needs to learn to keep his fucking hands off what’s mine.

I push open the office door without so much as knocking, all the anxiety I had about whether or not Josh would actually want to see me disappears the moment our eyes lock and I watch his gorgeous face light up completely. He’s so fucking cute when he’s happy.

He seems a bit at a loss for words and I just can’t stop myself smiling back at him, crossing my arms over my chest and making sure to show off everything I have just like Charlie told me to, even more grateful that dad managed to shrink this shirt in the wash last week.

If I didn’t already know I look good, then the way he's looking at me right now would tell me so. He seems to forget that anybody else is in the room as he leans back in his chair behind that giant desk, looking like the ultimate fucking alpha male and making me just want to rip him up by that fucking suit and throw him up against those floor length windows. The shit I’m going to do to him in this office one day...

There’s a moment where I know he doesn’t quite know what to do here, the other guy in the room fading into the background as he steps away and I parade into the room, stepping around the desk without a word and taking hold of Josh's jaw before placing my lips down onto his.

God it feels so fucking good to have his lips on mine again. I thought he’d hesitate but almost instantly he kisses me back. I’m kissing him, I’m kissing him in fucking public and he’s letting me... Fuck, this is amazing...

This is still his office so I won’t push it further than that, but when I pull our lips away I keep my face hovering over his so I can soak in his eyes, whilst running my thumb along his bottom lip and sealing my kiss in place on his body.

See, mine.

There’s a serious amount of blush in his cheeks but it only makes me smirk fucking harder, he’s so gorgeous like this. I try to step back but he keeps his hand pressed against the reverse of my neck before bringing his lips back up onto mine quickly. There’s always been a fear in me that he would be ashamed on some level to be seen out with me considering our age difference, but I can see now that he doesn’t give a fuck, just like me.

“I didn’t know you were coming...”

“I know, I just couldn’t stay away.”

His smile is truly joyful, I could admire it all night but my attention is taken from it as I feel a presence come in next to me, the guy that had inadvertently being shoved behind Josh's chair now trying to wedge his way out from where we are.

Yeah, off you go, whatever business you thought you had here is fucking over now.

Josh notices, rising to his feet as if it's only just hitting him that we're not alone in this room.

“Shit, sorry Xade, why didn’t you just push me out the way?” He laughs but when I lock my view with the guy I can see that he’s very fucking far from happy.

Charlie was right, this guy has nothing on me. He’s having to look up just to match my eye-line and the shadow cast by my body is enough to drown him in black. He’s not unattractive but there’s way too many angles on his face. It’s also even easier to see the way he’s looking at Josh when I’m this close to him, his eyes dropping from mine to glare at the way Josh’s fingers sit over my own on the desk. Don’t laugh Milo, even if it is hilarious, Josh isn’t a prize to be won... but if he was then I’d have just walked away with the biggest cuddly toy at the fair.

“It’s fine, I should get back and deal with this whole mess anyway.” He reaches his hand out towards me, trying to keep his face indifferent but we both know that he's killed me three different ways in his head already. “Xade Hunter, it's nice to meet you...?”

“Milo Thompson, you too.” I make sure to grip his hand tightly just the way that Granny always told us we should when giving a handshake. I can feel him trying to return the grip but it's like a kitten trying to take a chunk out of a Pit-bull, I can hardly feel it. Funny.

Josh eyeballs us, raising his brow at me when I refuse to be the first one to break the hold. I’m not usually one of those guys that needs to be all macho or anything, but this dude did try to shove his way onto my territory so he needs to know that it ain't fucking happening again.

Although I do feel slightly bad when the guy eventually gets his hand back and practically has to shake it out to get the feeling to return to his fingers.

“I’ve heard a lot about you, it's nice to put a face to the name.” He captures his jacket off the back of the chair and swings it around onto his body in one fluid motion. He glances over at Josh as if to check that he noticed but unfortunately for him Josh is already looking directly at me. Seriously, this guy has to be close to twice my age, shouldn’t I be the one that’s acting like that? Daddy doesn’t care about watching you show off little boy, get on your fucking bike.

He takes some papers off Josh's desk and places them into his briefcase, stepping forward as if to approach Josh before looking over at me and thinking twice about it. That’s right mate, stay the fuck away.

“Thanks for this Josh, I’ll call and let you know how it all goes. It’ll probably end up going to the police so they might have to talk to you, considering you're the guy that uncovered this whole thing.” Josh nods, clenching when I slip my hand under the back of his suit jacket and begin to trace circles onto his lower back. Even the guy in front of us doesn’t know what I’m doing but it’s still fucking nice to touch him out in the world. “It was very nice to meet you Milo... You’re umm... different than I imagined you’d be.”

What the fuck does he mean by that?

“Oh yeah? How?” He stops as he makes his way to the door, looking from me to Josh and back again.

“Oh nothing, you’re just.. You look younger than I pictured you would be.”

Josh tenses under my touch, I’m surprised this guy knows anything about me but I can appreciate why Josh wouldn’t have been completely honest about how old I am, considering everything.

“It's just good genes.”

The guy nods but I’m not fucking happy with that look on his face, like he's a lioness that just spotted a limp gazelle on the opposite side of the jungle. I know what he’s thinking, but he's wrong. I have more to offer Josh than he could possibly ever understand.

The moment he shuts the office door behind him, Josh hits a button on his desk, before grasping hold of my jaw and shoving me backwards so I land on his workspace with his lips planted firmly on mine.

The jealousy that was consuming me only seconds earlier evaporates when he slips between my legs and I can wrap my arms firmly around his hips. I’ve missed him so fucking much, last night all I dreamt of was having him like this again.

Josh kisses me with so much passion I begin to forget where we are, his hands slipping into the back of my hair and the grip he has on my jaw so tight that I can’t even fight him when he pulls my mouth open and begins to tease the tip of my tongue with his own.

Oh God... just let me shove you over this fucking desk already...

He’s so raw you’d think he was losing control but he’s being very careful not to come anywhere near my shoulders, it doesn’t feel as bad today as it did yesterday but I know the strength in his grip is no fucking joke so I’m grateful that he's being so considerate.

My hands begin to move of their own accord, caressing down from his waist and searching the skin of his back through his shirt, before reaching lower so I can just grab his ass and pull him flush against me. He fucking loves it when I do this.

“I can’t believe you’re here...  I can’t believe you fucking kissed me...  You know everyone here saw that right?”

“Do you care?” I ask whilst continuing to pepper kisses across his jaw and down onto his neck, that perfect scent of his clouding my mind so much it's becoming difficult to concentrate on anything but his body.

“No... I fucking loved it....”

He loved it...  Good to know he's not scared of a little possession because quite honestly; I’ve never wanted to keep anything as much as I want to keep him.

I squeeze his ass roughly right before bringing our lips back together. His moan comes almost at the same instant some girl drops a box of files right next to the office wall. I spring back from the kiss quickly, realising just how exposed we are and that Josh doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that would appreciate someone making him act so unprofessionally.

Glancing over at where the girl stands less than six feet from us, I expect to see at least some kind of recognition on her face that Josh was just tongue deep down me as I sit on his desk, but she doesn’t even glance our way. Kind of fucking insulting if you ask me.

Josh begins to chuckle, drawing my attention to the box on his desk that he was playing with right before he kissed me.

“It frosts over the glass from the outside, for private meetings. We can see out but they can’t see in.”

Oh... well, in that case...

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