Chapter 109

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I actually think I preferred it when Jayce and Miles really fucking hated each other, than I do right now with them on the same team.

"If you haven't got the money then you have to go bankrupt Brie, that's the rules of the fucking game." Everybody pushes back from the table as Brie's nails dig their way into the fucking wood.

"You will give me a fucking loan mini Thompson or I swear on those fine ass abs of yours that you will regret it! There is something wrong with that dice or that fucking board anyway, how the fuck have I landed on that fucking hotel six times already?! Hand over the cash May!" Brie snaps her fingers at her sister, demanding more money even though she's already had two fucking loans.

May realises I can see her shoving hundreds up her sleeve right? Miles fucking said she shouldn't be banker. She's as much a cheat as her damn sister is.

Jayce smirks at Miles, the both of them seem to have created a silent partnership to get them through to the end of this game on top. I have a fucking degree in financial business management and yet somehow I'm the one that ended up fucking bankrupt first with these two! I would have left the table altogether if Miles wasn't repeatedly running his hand up and down my thigh underneath it.

Jayce is literally sitting right next to him, he really has no fucking fear does he?

May refuses to hand over the cash and I can see what's about to happen before anybody else does, Brie grasping the edge of the board and sending all the pieces flying as she flips the entire thing before kicking her chair out and storming over to the couch. She never was a very good loser.

The Thompson brothers just continue to laugh, Liam looking on in disbelief at Brie as she continues to rant loudly about us whilst throwing her legs over Charlie and allowing him to slowly feed her gummy bears as his effort to satisfy the raging beast within her. It's actually so funny to watch, every time she takes a breath and starts to calm herself, he feeds her another candy, kind of like training a dog to sit with treats.

Who's a good girl Brie? Who's a good girl!

She can't read my thoughts right... She'll kill me long before Jayce gets the chance too if she can...

Han and the oldest Thompson chuckle as they collect up the pieces and return them to the box. I shoot Miles a warning glare as Jayce leans under the table to pick up the last of the houses but it still doesn't make him remove his hand from edging ever closer to the apex of my thigh.

"Stop it..." I try to whisper the words quietly so that Jayce doesn't hear but it only makes him go further, his thumb grazing over my crotch as his fingers make it to the waistband of my jeans. Damn it Miles...

"Make me..." He's fucking paying for this later.

His hand slides over until he's about to cup me completely through my pants just as Jayce notices a last house by the leg of my chair. He's not going to fucking stop is he?

Jayce leans his hand against the back of my chair as he reaches down for the last piece, his head fucking inches from where his brother's hand sits on my dick. I can't fucking do this.

Slamming my chair out from the table, I realise I've just lost this game of chicken with that competitive fucker but I'll take it, we definitely don't need anybody else finding out about us because we let ourselves get into another compromising fucking position! No matter how fucking good it feels... My chair screeches along the hardwood floors, sliding too far back from the table and almost sending Jayce head first into it as he loses his grip.

Miles looks entirely too satisfied when he realises that he's pushed me to my fucking limit, me having to grasp Jayce's arm and pull him back to stop him hitting the floor.

He. Shall. Pay.

Jayce gives me an appreciative nod but doesn't say anything, he's hardly said two words to me all day in fact. I know he spoke with Al this morning about everything he told Miles last night, and earlier him and Brie went out for a drive so they could discuss some of his options post next season when his basketball career is done, but so far with me there's been nothing.

I've been really pissed at him for the way he's been treating everybody but this isn't what I wanted. I know what playing ball means to him, it's been a huge part of who he is for his entire life. He has talents that extend far beyond a court though, and I have no doubts that he will be successful in whatever he chooses to do next, I just really wish this had been on his terms.

So many people think that the ramifications of the shooting ended the day we buried the last coffin but they're wrong. Every shot fired that night has weaved its way into millions of lives, fraying threads that are thinning as the years go on until something was bound to snap them. In some ways I'm really lucky, I have been constantly surrounded by love and support since that day, but I would be lying if I said that it hasn't always had a hold on me, a control far beyond my reach.

Liam and Heather finish their game of Connect Four, him letting her win again for the tenth time in a row. He doesn't even care, I'm pretty sure he would do anything to see that girl happy and smiling. I get it man, they just have that hold over us don't they?

Miles slips out to the kitchen, while I move back into the living room just as Liam settles himself on the couch to wait for me. He's had a seriously busy last few days and I can see how tired he is but I know he will fight me on going to sleep tonight because I have to take him home tomorrow. I don't think he wants this weekend to ever end bless him. His reality isn't anywhere near as happy as this place is...

Heather sprints up to Han, placing her hand out and opening her eyes as wide as they will go. She's really got those two guys wrapped around her little finger already. Han places a pack of sherbet into her hand just so he can see her smiling again, I think he bought every pack they had at the shop when we were there earlier. She immediately leans forward and kisses his cheek before turning to Charlie and doing the same thing.

They both look at her with such admiration before turning to each other, their smiles now holding just a touch of sadness. They want this so badly, they were made to be dads and they'd be so fucking good at it as well. I think their kid would be the most loved one on the planet, and probably the best dressed if Charlie had anything to do with it.

I wish there was something more I could do for them, if I had an oven, I would quite happily cook their bun for them.

Liam cuddles into the side of me, his eyes heavy with sleep but a giant smile on his face as he looks over at Heather raising her packet of sherbet towards Miles. He doesn't even hesitate, dipping his finger into the white powder before bringing it to his lips and letting his tongue soak it in.

Why the fuck does he look like he's in slow motion right now?

His eyes catch mine, holding them until everything around us is fading away. The flames burn brightly in his irises as his finger slips between his parted mouth and he sucks away every sprinkle from his skin. Fuck, Miles... His wet finger pops from his lips but his eyes never leave mine. Fuck, he needs to stop. I'm going to throw him into that fucking room right now and let everyone fucking hear what I'm capable of doing to him if he carries on.

"Fuck... Can I keep him for the night? Just one, I swear I'll give him back." Charlie's voice manages to smash its way through the bubble of sexual energy that seems to have encompassed me and my stars. I turn to see his eyes completely locked on Miles as well, even Brie holding her head to the side to take in every inch of that mans glory. Will you lot stop fucking looking at him like that...

He may scream like a girl and bruise like a peach but Charlie is still a fucking man, so I will hit him.

Brie nods with agreement at Charlie's words. Jesus Christ. I throw my head back against the couch and try to not look at him, pretending all the time that two of my best friends aren't fully checking out my almost man right now, even though they absolutely fucking are.

Miles turns and starts to clean the dishes, Brie and Charlie both leaning so far over to get a look at his ass that they almost fall off the fucking couch before Charlie suddenly springs to his feet.

"I bet he needs help. I should go help him..." Charlie races past me, I attempt to grip hold of his shirt and rip him back but he twists and turns out of my clutches before skipping his way right over to Miles. He better keep his hands to himself or he'll be spending his last night here sleeping at the bottom of the fucking lake.

"Hey Liam, Heather wants to go watch a film in our room if you want to go with her?" Jayce asks in a voice much more gentle than he would speak to anybody else. "You don't have to go if you're comfortable by there but she wanted me to ask you."

Liam smiles sheepishly and nods, taking my fingers in his tiny hand and attempting to pull me to my feet so I can walk him through. Jayce starts to follow us as we walk towards his room, I glance over at Miles but him and Charlie seem deep in a conversation that Charlie looks way too fucking happy about.

I have no idea what they're talking about but as we pass them I hear Charlie say, "You have much too learn grasshopper." Before suddenly he grabs a banana from the bowl, snatching Miles' hand and dragging him quickly towards his bedroom.

What the fuck is going on?

"Charlie!" I shout but neither of them look back, Charlie throws Miles into his room before looking back at me and winking, stepping inside and slamming the door behind them. Jayce looks just as confused as I am but it doesn't stop him continuing to push us towards his bedroom.

Miles better be just as intact as I fucking left him when he comes back.


Heather is already in the bed when we get there, Liam lets go of my hand and crawls onto the other side next to her as she flicks through the options while shovelling handfuls of popcorn into her mouth with the other hand and balancing a plate of Pop Tarts on her knees. She has never looked more like her mother than she does in this very moment.

"I can keep an eye on them, I'll give you a shout to take him back to his room if he falls asleep. Chase's baby monitor is in here anyway and Heather practically uses it like a walkie-talkie when she needs more food so it's not like he won't be able to contact you anyway." Jayce chuckles, his firecracker of a daughter starting to tuck Liam in under the quilt like the natural mother she already is.

Everyone keeps talking about the two of them like they are a ready made couple but I'm not sure that's exactly what I see when he looks at her, I think a big part of it is admiration. Heather isn't afraid of anything, that girl would walk straight into the middle of a war without batting an eyelid, Liam sometimes finds it difficult to even walk from one room into the next on his own. I think he idolises her strength, he doesn't realise that he has a true strength of his own just waiting to be released.

Me and Jayce slip out of the room as they decide on Monsters Inc. again for the hundredth time. We make it to the end of the hall but I see the living room is still a Miles-free zone so I make a beeline towards Charlie's room, only for Jayce to capture my arm as we approach the back doors.

"Hey, can we talk for a minute out here?"

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