Chapter 65

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Poppy had managed to make it a solid hour before she let me look over the files without a crayon in my other hand. She’d also taken it upon herself to devour half of my shrimp noodles. The fact that I let her have some of my food without protest is a testament to just how bloody cute this kid is.

However a belly full of noodles, along with me repeatedly stroking my fingers through her hair, was just too much for her tiny body to cope with. She’s been sleeping, completely passed out; half on me, half on the fluffy rug that I’m sitting on, for the last ten minutes. If anything she looks even sweeter now, her long blonde hair sweeping over her cheeks as she breathes deeply with her head resting on my thigh.

Being away from Westbrooke for so long, I didn’t get to spend as much time with Heather as I wish I could have at this age. I love that little girl to death, and I know that she loves me too, but she doesn’t look at me the way she does Milo or even Steve. Sitting here with Poppy, I realise I’ve never really got to have one of these moments with her.

“Do you want me to move her?” Xade asks, shuffling the papers that I’ve just sorted through back into their box before digging back into his fried rice.

“Try and take her from me and I will tear your arms out of the sockets.”

He chuckles so heartily that he has to slam his hand over his mouth just to stop the fried rice making another appearance, but if he thinks I’m joking then he should come over here and try it because I will fucking hurt him. She’s my little cuddle monster now.

We haven’t spoken too much since I’ve been here; between sorting through these files, eating too much food, and fawning over the seriously cute tiny human, we haven't had the chance.

Xade shuffles closer, taking my jacket off one of the bean bags and then draping it over Poppy as she sleeps.

“She likes you. I mean, she's kind of one of those kids that likes everybody but still, she definitely likes you more than most.”

Of course she bloody does, I’m loveable, ask anyone.

“I like her too.” I respond, pulling open the last box of paperwork that I plan to go through today. Something isn’t right with the numbers here... but I just can’t get my finger on what it is.

I glance down at Poppy as she takes a deep inhale, a small smile appearing on her face at whatever joyful vision fills her dreams. Oh to be young and carefree again like that, no bills to worry about or sexy Thompsons seducing you away from all your regular thoughts so much that you can’t get any work done... “What time is your sister coming to get her?”

Xade reaches over, taking one of the files I have piled up balancing on my other leg but freezing instantly when poppy turns in her sleep until she’s leaning the side of her face against my hip. Neither of us move or say another word out of fear of waking the sleeping treasure, Xade’s hand floating just above my leg clutching the edge of the folder.

We lock eyes and smile at each other as we both realise we’re the kind of people that would rather be in pain stuck in a frozen body position,  than risk waking a sleeping child.

When Poppy’s breathing returns to a deep, steady flow once again, Xade pulls back with the file before sliding in closer so that we can speak quietly.

“She won't be long, I’ve got her car seat in my car anyway so I can always run her back if we get done before Olive gets here.” It’s funny, we’re actually a lot alike in a number of different ways, I seem to find more every time we talk.

We both have found ourselves inadvertently embracing other peoples children and changing aspects of our lives to accommodate them. When I bought the Bentley I never thought half the back seat would be taken up by an oversized Batman shaped car seat, yet I can’t imagine life without Liam now.

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