Chapter 40

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I’m grateful when I get back to the house that everybody is already in bed. Settling onto my sheets, I check my phone for the first time in a few hours.

Oh crap.

‘One new message – Your guy’

It’s from over an hour ago.

‘Hey, just dropped Liam home... Want me to pick you up for a bit?’

No. No. No. No... Fuck.

I don’t even hesitate, hitting the call button before I can overthink it and painstakingly listening to every single fucking ring. Please pick up. I would’ve fucking gone with him in a second if I’d seen this earlier.

Finally, on what feels like the hundredth ring he picks up the phone. His voice thick and hoarse, great I fucking woke him up too.

“Hey, you are okay?”

Apparently there’s still a substantial amount of alcohol in my veins because all my desire to appear cool and unattached has completely vanished, leaving only my unfulfilled need for him to know how I feel.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Eli dragged me to this fucking party and I didn’t hear my phone. I swear to fuck I would have come with you... I really want to fucking see you.”

Josh chuckles, I still think it’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.

“It’s fine Miles, party any good?” Of course he’s fine with it, he’s fucking perfect.

“Shit actually.” I laugh twirling a pen I just found tucked under my pillow between my fingers. “Some girl I hardly fucking know tried to kiss me and I’m pretty sure that Eli just banged his way into signing a marriage contract with the Russian mafia.”

Josh erupts into laughter.

“That boy is going to get himself in some serious fucking trouble one day.”

Yeah, he is. How is he always like this? Like everything that happens just washes over him, he isn’t mad that I didn’t get back to him, he isn’t even mad that some girl tried to fucking kiss me.

“How are you always so cool with everything? Just saying, most of the people I’ve dated wouldn’t be okay with me not responding to them after like a fucking hour because I was at a party with other people trying shit.”

“Because I’m not a teenage fucking girl.” He chuckles. “Life gets in the way of this shit sometimes. You were out having a good night, you shouldn't have to feel bad about that.”

Is what it would mean to be in a mature relationship? Actually having fucking understanding.

“I would have had a better night with you.”

When he speaks next I can hear in his voice that he’s smiling, being the person that makes him smile like this makes me too fucking happy.

“Of course you would have, nobody there would have come close to me anyway, I’m kind of special that way.”

Damn, okay apparently I’m not the only one of us that can be a cocky little shit when we want to be.

He’s not fucking wrong though.

“Sure about that are we?  I mean, the girl staring at my lips whilst we danced was pretty cute.”

It was a joke, but now I’m regretting it. I shouldn’t have said that.

“Did you kiss her?” He’s trying to sound all calm but there’s an edge to his voice like he genuinely needs to know. Oh god, is he jealous? Please be fucking jealous...

“No. I didn’t even want to... There’s only been one person I’ve wanted to kiss since my lips felt his.”

Now there’s no way he can hide his smile, I can feel the happiness radiating off him through the fucking phone. Stripping my body down to my boxers, I lay back against the pillow and stare out the open window at the night sky.

“Then yes, I’m sure.”

He’s too fucking cute.

My hands trace along my abs as I stare out at the glistening black lack of horizon. Each tingling sensation of my skin brushing together is only increased with the sound of his voice. What I wouldn’t give to have his hands on me right now...

“What are you doing? Are you home now?”

I smile. “Yeah, I’m home. Just laying down staring out at the stars... Kind of wishing I wasn’t the only one in this bed to see them.”

The sigh that leaves him is a meeting of his contentment with a hint of frustration. The same way I feel when I can hear him but can’t touch him. “I can see them Miles... They always seem to be brighter when you’re here though.”

I know what he means, I’ve been lost in that eternal universe since I was old enough to lift my head to see it, yet it’s never looked more beautiful than when I was watching it with him.

“What would we be doing if I was there with you right now?”

My fingertips move, lightly stroking over my hips and along the waistband of my Armani boxers. It’s like I can feel him here with me if I concentrate, his skin on my skin, his touch in place of my own.

He breathes deeply. “You'd be right here beside me, your head resting on my chest, my hands on your back keeping you close. Not having to let you go until morning.”

I pull the pillow from behind my head, locking it between my arms and trying to imagine what it would be like to feel that fucking happy in his hold again. I really want to be there with him.

“Then what would we do Josh?”

That grin of his is spreading isn’t it?

“Then I’d kiss you. Fuck, I’d never stop fucking kissing you. Anywhere, everywhere. Your lips, your neck, your fucking chest. I'd just fucking kiss you.”

I want that, I want all of that.

It’s all I can imagine now. It’s all I have imagined for weeks...

“Where else would you kiss me Josh?”

A large exhale of air comes from his end of the line, my words are having a fucking effect on him. I know he's hesitant, the confidence I have with him is not something he feels with me yet, but I’ll fucking get him there.

“There’s not an inch of your body I don’t want you to feel my lips on Miles.”

The hand that was once gently stroking my skin now slips completely within the waistband of my boxers, my thumbs hooking into the fabric and pushing them down to my knees.

Yes, his words had an effect on me too. My solid dick springs free and stares up at me as his breathing fills my ear like he’s right here next to my body.

“I want you to feel me Josh, to feel every bit of what your lips can do to me as they take in every part of my body.” His breathing becomes heavier as my fingertips brush gently up my shaft. “Then, I want to touch you. I want you to feel what my contact does to your body, to trace over the goosebumps on your skin that only I can cause.”


His words are strained, his breath catching in his throat. I can just imagine him now, laying back just like I am, his eyes falling shut as he becomes submissive too his own imagination.

“Josh, I want to find every electric filled spot that bring this you closer to that edge. I want to let my lips trail down your neck, searching out every sensitive nerve that makes your muscles contract and your veins throb, watch my hands roam over your body until it’s shaking with the anticipation of what you know I could do to you.”

I can’t tease myself anymore. Clutching my cock in my fist, I begin to pump slowly, squeezing the tip at the end of each euphoric stroke.

I’m trying to hide what I’m doing from him but I’m pretty sure my breathing is giving it away anyway.

“Fuck... Miles... What the fuck are you doing?”

Smirking, I increase my pace. My legs starting to quiver as I imagine him right here doing this to me. Fuck, I want him.

“Thinking about you...Thinking about how you would react if I moved my lips from your neck to your chest. How fast your heart would begin to beat if I let my tongue trail between the lines of your perfect abs...If I kept moving lower until my mouth was on your-”

“Fuck Miles...”

Holy fucking shit, he’s doing the exact same thing I am.

I’m too fucking turned on right now, imagining his hand pumping his thick length at the mere thought of me. Fuck, I really need to fucking have this guy right now.

“Faster Josh.” The once rhythmic breath that filled my hearing is now desperately fast pants of shaking exhales. “What do you want to do to me? Tell me.”

“Taste you..” Oh fuck. “I want to fucking feel you, to have you shaking below me while I take you in my hands and make you feel things you've never felt before.”

He could, the way I feel when I’m around him, it's so much more than words can explain.

“Joshua...” His breathing stops completely. He didn’t think I realised the way he reacted to me saying his full name that night, but I felt it in his heartbeat. It did something to him.

His gentle moans push me closer and closer to tumbling over that edge, I have never been able to talk with someone like this. He makes me feel so fucking free.

“F-fuck... Miles...”

One day I’m going to make him  scream my fucking name, but just hearing it pour from his lips at a moment of such fucking pleasure is enough to make my toes curl into the sheets right now.

“Not yet... wait for me...”

My thumb brushes and teases at my swollen tip, the pre-cum dripping all over my fingertips. I stare at my dick, twitching under my own touch, fuck knows what it would do under his.

“Miles.. Fuck.. I’m gonna..”

Fuck, I want to hear him.

“Cum. Now.”

He’s loud. Fuck, I fucking love it when they’re loud.

There’s pleas and curses as he cums hard. I think it’s the sexiest fucking noise I’ve ever heard. No, I know it’s the sexiest fucking noise I’ve ever heard. My hips thrust into my fist as his echoes of pure fucking bliss ring in my mind, throwing me off the cliff as the brink collapses and I fall completely into my orgasm.

It’s him, all I see as my eyes roll back in my head is him.

Lashings of thick, warm, milky cum coat my hand and drip free to my stomach. Every muscle in my body screaming at me under the contraction of such a release. That was fucking intense... So fucking intense.

I’d usually want to get clean as soon as I fucking could but right now I’m too fucking satisfied. He did this to me. I did this to him.

A smile crosses my face as I listen to him trying to catch his breath.

“Fuck.. Miles... I’ve never done that with...”

“Me neither...” The empty space next to me suddenly feels even colder than it did earlier. “I wish you were here, or I was there, fuck I just wish we were together somewhere...”

“Me too.” His words fill my whole body with so much warmth, just hearing his voice is better than not being with him at all. “When can I see you?”

Please say soon.

“Fuck, I um, I kind of wanted to do something properly next time. The movie at my place thing, it wasn’t what you deserved.”

Deserved? Ohhhh...

“You mean, like a date? Are you asking me out Josh?”

His nervous chuckle is too sweet. I can picture him now, hiding his red face behind his fucking arm even though he’s the only one that actually see him.

“Well.. yeah. Only if you want to, I mean you don’t have to. Fuck, just forget I-”



“Yes, I want to go out on a date with you Josh.”

Guess this blows my plans to ask him first... My stomach feels like I just swallowed dynamite and it’s getting ready to explode.

“Thank fuck.” He laughs as I try to hold back the giddy feeling filling me from my breathing. “I just need to look into something then I’ll tell you when, okay? You free this weekend?”

Look into something... What does he have planned?

“Yeah, I’ve got a game Friday but after that I’m all yours.”

Oh fuck, shouldn’t have said that. I can sense his smugness through the screen.

“Good to know... I’d um, yeah I’d better go um...”

“Get ready for bed?” I spare him the need to tell me I managed to get him in such a fucking mess he probably needs a shower.

He laughs. “Yeah, something like that...”

I take a deep breath, I know if I still had my car I’d already be on my way there. This is all I can have for now though..

“Goodnight Josh...”

“Goodnight Miles...”

There’s no part of me that wants to hang up the phone, given he’s still on the call too I guess he’s just staring at the screen like me.



“...Dream of stars.”

Well, that’s going to be easy. 

“Josh, you are my stars.”

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