Chapter 105

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“If you do that one more time, I’m pushing you out of this bed. They’re freezing!” Josh protests with his mildly sleepy voice.

I chuckle but don’t stop, pressing my ice-cold feet against his warm shins all over again. I’m seriously fucking chilly this morning and he’s practically a human radiator.

He’s been threatening to push me out of this bed for the last twenty minutes but we both know it isn't happening, he is too fucking happy to have me to himself for a bit.

Heather came charging into our room this morning, luckily I was in the shower because she didn't even bother to knock. Apparently May had offered to take her on one of the boats to eat breakfast and she wanted Liam to go with them.

The moment I got out of the shower, Josh dragged me straight back into this bed and hasn’t let me go since.

“Fine!... If you refuse to stop then I guess I’ll just have to do this...” The arm he has draped over my waist tightens, his chest pushing into my back before suddenly he flips so that I almost go tumbling off the bed, him catching me so we end up with my body laying almost directly on top of his.

I began to laugh like crazy as I try to pin his shins down with my feet again but he just shuffles up the bed until he's sitting against the headboard with my back on his chest before wrapping his legs completely around my hips.

He thinks he’s won here but this is actually the most comfortable position I think I’ve ever been in.

I don’t know how long we’ll get like this, but it's nice to just have a normal moment as two people in a regular relat- dating situation. Damn, I really need to fix that.

Josh reaches over onto his bedside cabinet and picks up his phone, beginning to scroll through his work emails whilst his hand holds my body against him snugly, gently stroking my stomach. I hadn’t even realised my hand was absentmindedly running up and down his arm until he leant forward to kiss the top of my head, distracting me from staring out at the world that seemed so far away through our window.

“Anything interesting?” I ask even though I get completely lost every time he tries to explain to me exactly what it is he does for a living. Business... numbers... something with big words... He’s a transponster!

“Not a lot.” He says shaking his head and kissing the top of mine again. God I could stay here all day...

I look over at his screen, names of people I couldn’t possibly recognise flipping through until I spot one that I definitely do.

“Is that...” Josh looks down at his screen, the hand he has on my stomach holding me even closer.

“Yeah that’s the same Xade... He umm... He actually came to my office before I left for here. We had a talk about things and I guess everything wasn’t as black and white as I thought it was. I told him that we can't really hang out anymore and he said that he got it, he also kind of invited us both to this fundraiser thing but I won’t make you go through that, I’ll just send a cheque.”

Am I a bad person for kind of wanting to go and shove it in this guy’s face that I fucking won?

I really wish I was that kind of person, but I think making Josh happy is probably the best thing that I can do to prove that this guy never had a fucking chance.

“I didn’t ask you to do that Josh. I would never tell you who you can and cannot see, even if we were in a...”

Josh smiles, leaning down to kiss the side of my neck and instantly making me forget whatever that guys fucking name was.

“I know you didn’t, I really love that you’re someone that doesn't feel the need to control me like that but it was my choice. What he did wasn’t okay with me, and my friendship with him pales in comparison to what we have anyway. Me being around him would make you uncomfortable even if you try to pretend it wouldn’t, I never want to do that to you.”

Marry me.

A loud knock at the door pierces our perfect bubble, but whoever it is doesn’t wait for an answer before pushing the thing open. Why the fuck didn't he lock that?!

Both of us freeze instantly. There’s no fucking way we’re talking ourselves out of being caught in this position...

Luckily it just turns out to be the two curly headed drunken messes from last night, looking even worse than they did curled up on a dirty mattress in a broken room, if that's at all possible.

“We’re hungover. Indoor voices only.”

Josh begins to chuckle as we both relax back into our comfortable position, although apparently it was too loud as Brie gives us continued evils whilst her and Charlie climb into the other side of the bed and spoon each other under the quilt.

“I see that best friend thing extended beyond the life span of the gin in your veins then?” Josh remarks before leaning over to kiss my temple and making me sink even further back into the cushion that is his rock hard body.

”You are clearly not a girl,” Brie states like it's not already very fucking obvious. “If you make a best friend in the bathroom of a club when you’re drunk, then they become your best friend for life. It’s the rules.” Charlie nods with agreement.

“Well that’s good, I guess, but why the fuck are you two in our room, in our bed?” Josh asks, his hand still gently stroking over my chest.

“Listen to these two - OUR room, OUR bed... How about OUR need to go and make Brie a very large coffee because we love her so much?” Josh gives her his ‘go fuck yourself’ look and she less than appreciates it. “Fine. But we aren’t moving, Heather is trying to torture us by making us do stupid things like eat and get out of bed. We request asylum in your little love dungeon, and by request I mean we are fucking taking it whether you like it or not.” Charlie nods again, I’m not entirely sure he’s capable of doing anything else in his hungover state.

Josh apparently intends to just pretend they don’t exist, returning to stroking my stomach and checking his emails until the door swings open once again making everybody hold their breath.

Will someone fucking lock that thing already?!

May walks into the room, her phone in her hand, which she lifts instantly to take a photo of the four of us no matter how much I scream at her.

“I really hope you guys didn’t have sex because this foursome is an accident waiting to fucking happen...” Oh she’s funny. “Your husbands are looking for you. Well, not you Josh because yours is right there but the other two. Also Leah needs to talk to us Brie about the... thing.”

May wiggles her eyebrows at Brie and all signs of a hangover disappear as she shoots up in the bed.

“Oh shit, I forgot. Were coming. Come on bitch, you’re one of us now.” Brie springs to her feet, her and May giving each other an unsettlingly joyful look. Nothing good can come from those two looking that fucking happy.

She pulls Charlie onto his feet, even when he tries to claw at the bed to stay, dragging him with her as she goes after May.

Josh’s phone buzzes and I see a message pop up from Steve asking if we want to hit the gym with him and Jayce. Considering how much of May’s lasagne I ate last night, I could really fucking do with the workout.

“You ready to go back to reality?”


We pull ourselves together, me letting him force me against the door for one last make out session before we hit the gym. Liam and Heather are practising their ball skills outside when we get there, Jayce running through some drills with Liam that he actually seems to be enjoying.

I told Josh everything about what happened with him this morning, although I think he wants to see it for himself I could tell that he was a lot happier with the idea of Jayce finally being the person we all believe he can be. Okay, maybe I didn’t but I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt now.

He smiles at me as we step outside, Liam sprinting away from the training session for a quick cuddle with Josh before he returns. Josh walks over to meet Steve by the building with all the gym equipment in just past the garage but I stop when Heather throws me the ball.

“You need to play. Dad needs a teammate and he keeps trying to take Liam from me.” I cock my eyebrow at Jayce and he smirks when we both watch Heather take hold of Liam’s hand, only for the kid to go redder than that Super Mario shirt he’s wearing. Kid’s got a serious crush.

It’s alright mate, just hold onto it for another ten years and get really hot, maybe your dreams will come true too.

“You sure you want to do that little Princess? Me and your uncle have never been beaten when we’re on the same team.” Heather gives him a look of absolute defiance, not that I would expect anything less from this girl. She is the most threatening combination of her parents, not to mention the influence that Brie and May have had over the years.

“I ain’t scared of you, I eat pansy-ass witches like you for breakfast!”

There’s that Parker influence again, at least she’s listened to Lee’s words about censoring herself.

Jayce gives me a look, a look I haven’t seen from him in a really fucking long time. He picks up the ball and tosses it over to me before stepping out onto the makeshift court we've made.

I’m not saying that we’re competitive... All I’m saying is that these two kids are going to regret the day they decided to take on the Thompson brothers.

Laughter fills the air as me and Jayce toss the ball from each other to the hoop, all the time letting Liam and Heather believe they are actually in with a shot here. I can’t believe how many of our old plays we remember, or how easily we still read each others minds when we play.

It’s kind of surreal to be like this with him again, the wind blowing through our hair and both of us flowing into the routine that we always did. We let both Heather and Liam have their time to shine but neither of us were raised to just let somebody else beat us.

I hadn’t realised how long we had been playing, or that we had somehow gathered ourselves an audience, until there was the slight sound of a sniffle coming from next to the house.

Lee stood against the back door, wiping away the tears from her eyes as she looked at the four of us. I know it’s probably mostly the pregnancy hormones but I think there was a tiny part of her that truly believed she’d never see this again.

Neither did I.

Brie looks over at Jayce with a real sense of pride, I think she actually understands better than most people what it's like to feel out of control when you reach a low point in your life. I’ve always kind of made fun of the fact that he is the Golden Boy that can do no wrong, but maybe it wasn't ever that he couldn't do wrong, it was just that he was surrounded by people that would continue to love him even when he did.

Heather tries to drag May into the game but she’s not been steady on her ankle all day and I don’t want her to risk hurting herself further, so I quickly distract them when I offer up Jayce as their personal chef to make them whatever pancakes they desire. He tries to give me an evil glare because we both know he hates being in the kitchen, but it doesn't have the effect it usually does, in fact it turns to a smile so quickly that I can’t help but smile back.

Steve and Josh are deep into their workout, so hard in fact that I have to stop myself when I walk in and see him drenched in sweat, his thin white shirt sticking to him like a second fucking skin that I just want to peel off.

He spots me and smiles, winking through his reflection in the mirror before continuing his run next to Steve. Fuck, he’s fit... I leave them to it, instead opting for the weight room and starting with my usual sets, running around with the kids for the last hour was enough of a warm up.

Putting in my headphones I get lost in my usual routine, answering a quick video call from Eli who was definitely not in his own bed, before moving to the free weights.

I like working out, it makes me feel better to push my body further each and every time. Just as I lower my weights back to the stand, a familiar pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist before I pull out my headphones.

Josh leans his head against the back of my good shoulder, his breathing still heavy from all the work he's just done.

“I’m going to go back up and shower, you got much left to do?” I shake my head as his lips meet my skin, a trickle of sweat escaping the bottom of my hairline and swimming its way down the back of my neck. As it reaches between my shoulder blades Josh appears to become hypnotised watching it flow over my body, right before his eyes catch mine in the mirror and he smirks, letting his tongue slip out of his mouth and trail back up that same mark until it’s on the back of my neck and all traces of me now sits on his buds.

He seriously just licked a bead of sweat off my fucking body...

Is he trying to make me fuck him right here on the fucking weights bench?

“You taste so good...” He whispers against the moist surface of my skin, every hair on my body standing to attention until I feel my muscles become riddled with anxiety over where this would be leading if we weren't definitely about to get caught.

He presses a kiss right to the back of my neck, it’s not lost on me that it’s the exact same point that I kissed him for the very first time.

Even after he leaves the gym it still feels like his body is against mine. I’m not sure there’s any way that I could ever get enough of that man. There’s something so desperate about the way that I crave him, my need for him is insatiable and it's starting to become somewhat of a problem because right now I can’t even remember what the fuck I’m supposed to be doing here.

Weights Milo.

You’re supposed to be lifting all the heavy weights so that you have the big muscles so that you can lift the big muscly man. Get your fucking head in the game.

I finish up my set, deciding to ditch the rest of my routine when I wrap my hand around the thick weight bar and realise that there’s definitely something I’d rather it be fucking wrapped around.

Heather and Liam have eaten their way into a food coma by the looks of things, both of them comfortably laying on the couch watching cartoons as Heather makes sure that the blanket is covering the both of them.

“Hey, mini Thompson. Game night tonight, you in? I promise not to punch anyone in Monopoly this time.” Brie says through her mouthful of pancakes, Charlie can’t even add to the conversation as he continuously shovels his mouth with more food. I guess they’re at that point of hangover where they would pretty much take a bite out of a living cow just to satisfy their appetites. Poor Han can’t get things cooked quick enough, the guy looks like he’s had a better workout than me standing over that stove.

“Yeah I’m in, but I’m not sitting next to you, and May can’t be banker. She always fucking cheats.” May starts to scream that I’m lying but we both know that I’m not, I’m sure that girl just walks around with monopoly money shoved up her sleeves just in case.

The shower is still running when I step into the room and for a second I seriously consider just getting in there with him, when unfortunately the door opens and he emerges through a thick cloud of steam.

Seriously, fucking look at him. Asking me not to have my hands on his body at all times is like some kind of mental fucking torture. This is what they should do instead of waterboarding people, just let Josh walk around in a towel wrapped around his waist that barely holds together, the water dripping from his hair down over his neck like a tantalising river on his skin... the water dribbling down from his shoulders over his pecs... and hanging themselves from his wanting nipples...

Fuck, he's really begging for me to suck them right now.

Josh rubs the water from his hair with a smaller towel before looking up and realising I’m just standing here at the other side of the room gawking at him.

“I was just thinking about you...” He says as he drops that towel straight to the floor and starts to walk towards me.

“In the shower?” My brows raise as he finally comes close enough that I can fucking touch him. Reaching out, I grab hold of the towel wrapped around his waist and loosen it so the only thing that keeps it covering his body is my will for it to be there. “And what exactly were you thinking about me in there?”

He let’s his bottom lip slide between his teeth and he knows he shouldn't fucking do that unless he really wants me to lose control.

I pull him forward by his towel, crashing his clean body into my dirty one and almost bringing my lips to his before lowering them instead to the side of his neck.

“Were you thinking about this?” I latch my lips around the already bruised spot on his neck and suck it gently until he moans and stretches his neck to give me better access.

“Or were you thinking about this?” Keeping my lips kissing along his shoulders, I drop my hand onto his chest until my thumb starts to twirl it’s way around his nipple. I press in the bud before letting it spring back out and flicking it, that beautiful fucking moan of his growing louder each time.

“Or was it this?” Pushing against where my hand holds his towel, I don’t stop until the bend of his knees hit the bed and he falls flat onto his back. I lean over him, letting go of the towel so that it starts to fall open as I kiss my way down his chest and onto his abs, whilst letting both my hands play with his nipples.

I reach the bottom of his abs, the towel falling away completely until I’m greeted by what I really fucking want. I look up at him only to see him doing the same thing, staring down at me as I sit on my knees right before his naked body.

Our eyes stay connected as I lift my lips from the base of his stomach and move lower.

He’s hesitant but he doesn’t have to be, I know what I want.

“Or maybe you were thinking about this?”  Looking down at his throbbing erection, his hands shake at his sides like he's not sure if he should pull me back or not, but I answer his question quickly when I let my tongue slip out from between my lips and sweep it gently over his tip.


Oh God, he's going to let me do this...

Please don’t let me fuck it up. He was so fucking good at it, it was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before so please don’t make me a fucking Zoe here.

My tongue slips out again, about to make contact with the base of his shaft when–


We both shoot up, trying to figure out what the fuck that was, when we hear a slightly smaller noise this time and realise that it's coming from inside the wardrobe.

Josh quickly wraps the towel back around himself and steps off the bed just as I make it back to my feet.

This had better be a lost fucking raccoon or somebody having abandoned a baby or something, because if it’s just a pair of shoes that have fallen off the shelf that made me fucking stop when I finally got up the courage to do that, then I’m going to lose my shit.

But it’s not a raccoon. It’s something much much worse.

Opening the doors to the closet, the cause of the noise is sitting there at the bottom...

Clutching their phone in one hand and a scream mask in the other, with those hands planted firmly over their ears like they're trying to block out whatever they really didn't want to hear...

...sits my sister.

A look of total terror and disbelief covers her face when she finally removes her hands from her ears and turns up to face us again. Her voice riddled with shock slips through her open mouth..




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