Chapter 145

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Miles finally comes into sight around the corner of the building, Liam practically throwing himself out of his seat to try and get a better view of the guy as he walks straight across the road towards us.

Damn he looks fucking good.

Too fucking good... Maybe him leaving for college wouldn't be the worse thing, at least I wouldn't need to deal with the high school cheerleaders looking at him like they currently are.

I'm not a particularly jealous guy... but what's mine is fucking mine. No exceptions.

Even though we've practically been together constantly for the last two weeks we haven't actually had any time... alone... together.

I swear to God I'm getting the fucking shakes from withdrawal.

I need a fix. A fix of him.

Miles pulls open the door, throwing himself inside and immediately reaching between the front seats into the back to ruffle Liam's hair. I love how easily the two of them have just fitted together, the moment Liam realises that Miles is in the car it's like he completely relaxes finally, returning to his video game as everything in his little world just slots into place. He loves him so much.

"Sorry I'm late, I would've called but the guy took my fucking phone." He reaches over and kisses me quickly before pulling on his belt.

"Who took your phone? Where were you?" I ask slightly confuzzled. Miles stares out the window, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck before glancing at Liam nervously in the mirror. Oh God, what did he do?

"I had... I'm... I got detention." I slam the brakes on just as I was about to move out of the space, even Liam looking up at the two of us and smirking as I try my very best not to burst into laughter but fail miserably.

He got...

"Oh God... My boyfriend was late because.. he had.. fucking detention!" I cackle, oh my stomach hurts. Miles is less than impressed as me and Liam continue to chuckle at his terrible life choices. That's just too fucking funny. "Who knew you were such a bad boy? You should really be setting an example, what if Liam starts to follow in your rebellious ways? You could be leading him down a very dark path here..."

He's so red. It's so fucking cute.

Liam laughing hysterically in the back seat is probably not helping. Funny though.

Miles immediately reverts all his attention away from me and focuses completely on talking with Liam about his day in school today like I'm not even in the car. I bet he was freaking out about that all fucking afternoon, he knows I will be making fun of this for days.

He really hates it when I have to be reminded that he's still in high school, it's not exactly my favourite thing either, but it's not like he's supposed to be there. We have to take these moments of laughter when we have them, we haven't had too much of a reason to lately.

Liam barely gets one foot inside the house before asking for a snack, the kid doesn't stop fucking eating lately. I'm starting to think he's making up for all those years of Chrissy forcing him live off fucking toast.

Miles follows him through to the kitchen, picking him up and placing him on the counter before pulling down the box of snacks that they picked when we went shopping this week. It's really funny that he always makes fun of Tara for her healthy eating crap but when it came time to pick snacks for Liam he was checking the fucking sugar content on everything.

Such a fucking dad move. Sweet as fuck though.

He passes him over a pack of strawberry wafers before throwing together a bowl of grapes and handing them off to a very grateful Liam. They have their own little routine now but it still makes me smile just as much as the first time when I see them like this.

"So, what's for dinner dear?" Miles glares at me across the counter, doing everything he can to look intimidating but it just makes me laugh as I slip off my suit jacket and step around to pull him into a much needed kiss.

That's fucking better.

His hands immediately grab hold of my ass, squeezing roughly and pulling my hips into his. I know full well that if Liam wasn't sitting over there distracted by old school Nickelodeon cartoons then he'd be shoving me up against that wall right now to remind me what a fucking alpha he is.

Which I wouldn't say no to...

"Do I look like your fucking wife?" He complains, pulling away from the kiss but still keeping his lips hovering above mine. He may not be my wife but he's very quickly becoming serious fucking husband material.

"I think you'd look cute in an apron." Miles' grip on my ass increases tenfold, his nails digging through the fabric of my suit trousers into my cheeks. I know that he's just as frustrated as I am with our lack of contact lately, yet he still hasn't tried to push anything to happen.

It's the same thing with him saying that he loved me, he doesn't know what I'm ready for and he doesn't want to force me into anything so he's just taken a step back. He's genuinely the most selfless human being I think I've ever met. I'm scared that one day his desire to see everyone else safe and happy, even if it comes at the expense of himself, will be his undoing.

His grip loosens as Liam's laughter filters through from the living room, reminding us that we are the furthest thing from alone, again.

A gentle cough follows, both me and Miles look over to make sure he's alright but he's already distracted by the TV again. He actually didn't look that well when he got in the car but I thought maybe he just had a bit of a rough day.

"You alright little man?" Miles steps away from me, dropping down into the seat next to Liam and placing the back of his hand to Liam's head. "You feel kind of warm."

Liam nods, seemingly content now that he has Miles sitting next to him before offering my boyfriend some of his grapes. They are too fucking cute together.

I pop upstairs, slipping out of my suit and throwing on some sweats before heading back downs. I try not to look at the bed with too much desire, I'm fucking exhausted.

Liam is one of the smallest kids his age but he still manages to spread himself out so much on that thing that I've practically been hanging onto the edge every night just to stay on the mattress.

And he kicks.

How can something so small hurt so much? Those feet are like knives in my back.

Besides, I never sleep well when I don't have Miles' arms around me anyway.

He's practically my addiction.

The two of them sit comfortably on the couch, Liam playing on his little console whilst Miles spreads out some of his work all over my coffee table before spotting me and getting an unusually large smile on his face.

"Liam, why don't you tell your brother what you just told me." What the fuck is he so happy about?

Liam's little head pops up over the back of the couch, smiling at me in the cute way I was scared that day I took him from Chrissy's apartment I would never see again.

"I was kind of... maybe... thinking that I might be okay to sleep in my bed tonight? But can I keep the lamp on?"

His bed.

The lamp.

I would buy this kid the entire Eiffel Tower and let the fucking lights blare all night in our backyard if it meant he'd sleep all night in his own bed.

"I asked Milo if he'd sleep over too, that way I get to have pancakes in the morning."

I fucking love this kid.

Miles smirks from behind Liam, not hiding any of the dirty stuff running through his head right now from his face as he looks over me slowly.

"Is that okay with you Josh? Can I sleep over?" Miles asks with all the innocence he can muster.

You are the furthest thing from fucking innocent Milo Thompson.

I swear to fuck he'd better stop looking at me like that, or I'm going to send Liam to Brie's right now so I can bend him over that fucking coffee table.

Damn, I'm definitely not going to be sleeping again tonight, am I...

Worth it.

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