Chapter 230

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Where the hell is Brie?

She practically begs me to bring Heather here, insisting I take the fucking train because the little Princess has suddenly developed a love for Thomas the fucking Tank, even though I've never seen her show any fucking interest in anything that rides a track, only for me to find out that she's bringing Liam in the fucking bug!

She literally could have given us a ride here... That way I wouldn't have had sixteen year old girls trying to take fucking videos of me for their social media accounts while Heather berates me for not bringing enough fucking snacks. She's a brat like her mother sometimes...

I don't mean that, I love this girl so fucking much, I've just been a bit on edge today.

Eli was on the phone last night until like three o'clock in the fucking morning because of the time difference, chatting a load of shit and obviously avoiding the one topic he actually needs to talk about.

Not that Luke is any fucking better.

I tried to get him off the phone like three different fucking times but once you get that guy talking he just refuses to shut up... It meant it was the first night that I had to go to sleep without Josh being the last voice I heard.

It's made me miss him so much more than I already was...

Eli bringing the ridiculously handsome man up every two minutes to remind me how fucking incredible he is didn't help, as if I'd need him to... I know the guy is perfect.

Don't ask me what the fuck is going on with us because I don't fucking know. We both agreed that we needed some time to get to grips with what happened but I just don't feel that way anymore.

It's just so easy, picking up the phone and talking to him like it always was. I feel like I did when we were first dating all over again, every time his name pops up on my screen it sends a fury of excitement rushing through me... God, I want to see him so fucking bad but I just don't want to put any pressure on him.

I'm getting kinda desperate.

All the research I've done keeps telling me that you can't just fall straight back into something when reigniting a flame, but what if we fucking can? We have always been the exception to every fucking rule, we have never formed to fucking convention and it works for us.

I swear that he's thinking the same thing, his messages and the way he talks to me... the words are on the tip of his fucking tongue. It's like he's just as afraid to push me as I am to push him because we're both so fucking terrified to lose each other again.

But I want him.

No, I fucking need him.

I've driven to his house four fucking times this week, just sat outside begging myself to go in but so frightened that after what happened in the club it's just going to make him run again.

I don't want to push him, of course I don't want to fucking push him before he's ready but... fffuuuucccckkkk....

That kiss against his neck outside the Manor is the only thing that's kept me fucking sane. The thing that's reminded me why I'm doing this.

I check my phone again but there's no message from Brie, and Josh hasn't been active for over an hour so I can't even use him to keep me entertained.

"Maybe we should wait for them inside, Princess? They might've got stuck in traffic or something?" Not that I'm in a rush to get inside this building. The last time I was here I was having the best date of my fucking life and I know it's all I'm going to be able to think about once I get inside.

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