Chapter 5

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She really isn't slowing down tonight, I know her folks aren't here but eating her out on the living room couch definitely feels like I'm asking for trouble.

Not that it's stopping me.

"Fuck Milo... right there..."

Flicking my tongue around her little bundle of nerves, I know she wants it to stay in that spot that makes her toes curl but I just can't stop myself from making her moan for just a little while more.

Lowering my tongue to her entrance, I push my hands against her inner thighs to spread her open before letting it slip inside. I can taste every inch of her, feel her thighs quivering under the pressure of my touch. She's screaming like I'm about to kill her...

Yet it's not doing to me what it usually does.

Pushing myself in and out of her over and over again, her flavour is on every bud of my tongue and I can feel everything pouring out of her dripping down my chin. Usually at this point I'd be ready to ride her into dawn but I'm really fucking off tonight.

Not that she can tell, obviously. Rolling up her slit until I find her clit again, I flick it roughly with the tip of my tongue. She twitches each time, curling her hands into the soft cream blanket that covers the seats, one she's definitely going to need to wash when we're done.

Just as I can feel she's ready to fall off the edge, I push two fingers inside her, hitting as deep as I can and forcing her to scream out my name. When we first started dating she only liked things done gently, but there's been a change in her and I don't hate it.

She pushes down on my thrusts, meeting each and every one until I'm practically being smothered by her. Grasping her ass with my spare hand, I tilt her hips and bury my face deep into her, making sure to swipe my tongue over every inch that makes her shake until she's gripping my hair to keep my head against the spot she wants.

She cums, hard. Shaking like a leaf and biting her bottom lip to stop herself disturbing the neighbours until she's ridden our her high. Usually at this point I'd be ridding that high with her but I'm seriously not fucking with it. Kissing the beauty spot at the apex of her thigh, I slip back up onto the couch. I love that thing, a tiny little heart imprinted on her body in a place no-one but me has seen.

"Fucking hell Thompson..."

I'll take that as she enjoyed herself then... So why didn't I?

It's this fucking camp, the scouts are fucking with my head. I know it's not the end of the world if I don't do well but it will look shit if the guy they're going to travel half way across the country to come see in a few months isn't even ranking there after seven days. Being Jayce Thompson's brother is only going to give me so much fucking leeway.

"Hey... What you thinking about?"

Zoe lifts her hand to my face, her delicate fingers stroking my jaw. She really is so beautiful, everything about her is so dark; her jet black hair, her deep green eyes and that gorgeous iridescent skin. I know every guy at that school hates me, I mean, who wouldn't want her? She's basically every guys fantasy come to life.

"Just how lucky I am to have you."

She smiles, not that fake one she puts on for other people, the genuine one she saves for just the people she lets in. I know she's the right one for me, she has to be. Captain of the basketball team and Head cheerleader, it's a cliché for a reason, right?

Her lips place to mine but the kiss is sloppy, she's tired and I know it. She always gets like this when she finishes like that, her legs are so heavy she can hardly lift them to move onto my lap.

Our very conflicting stamina has always been a bit of a problem. She's a one round and sleep it off girl, I'm more of a keep going until you pass out kind of guy. I guess people don't always match that way though.

"You're stressed." She purrs, her lips slipping down my neck in slow open mouth kisses. She's always had a way of knowing what's happening with me, we've been in the same school for five years but we only really started talking last year, yet in that time I've got to a point where I can't imagine my world without her now.

"A bit..." She moves lower, trailing her kisses gently down my abs whilst slipping onto her knees before me. I quickly try to pull her back up when I know what she's about to do. "Zo, don't. I know you hate it.." She really does, she's got the worst gag reflex and if I'm perfectly honest... she's not very fucking good at it.

Lifting her head slightly, she continues to undo my jeans and slips her hand in to stroke me. I'm rocking a semi at best but she doesn't seem to care.

"Please... let me try again..." Slipping my dick out of my boxers, she holds it in her tiny fist, hardly able to wrap around my girth properly. "You know, this would be a lot easier if you weren't so fucking big."

I smirk. "Not something you complain about when it's pounding inside you."

She smirks back, holding me firm and attempting to slip her lips around my tip. She's hardly got me in before I can hear her starting to gag. I try to pull her away but she won't let me, I know I need to get this over quick, somehow.

I know that sounds bad but this isn't going to be the best experience for either of us, the quicker it's done the quicker we can go back to doing shit we actually both enjoy.

Laying back against the couch, I let my mind wonder to the things that usually get me off. Running all the free porn I want through my head is doing fuck all so I go back to the basics; That girl from the coffee place who can't keep her tits in her bra... that time Miss Perry accidentally brushed up against my crotch in tenth grade... The receptionist from that office building when I went to see... Josh...


My dick twitches, smacking against the roof of her mouth as it suddenly stiffens.

What the fuck...?

I can't stop it. As she sucks on my tip and begins to pump my length as best she can my mind becomes solely focused on one thing...

It's okay, it doesn't mean fuck all, people fantasise about random shit all the time... it doesn't mean anything.


It's just because I've seen him for the first time in years, only for it to magically happen twice in a week... he's just in your subconscious Milo, it's nothing... it's just...

Those fucking blue eyes of his that burrowed straight through the glass of his office into my soul when our vision met... How perfectly he filled out every inch of that fucking suit... The way his strong hand felt holding against mine... His soft skin stroking against me, the pressure firm enough to know he was there but soft enough to make every hair on the back of my neck stand up on end.


She smiles but I can hardly feel what she's doing to me. I just... I don't want to stop my mind spinning, so I let her keep going. Suddenly I want the pressure to be firmer, stronger. I want her lips to be rougher... I bet his lips are rough... I wonder what they'd feel like wrapped around my co-


Oh Fuck.

Zoe jumps up to her feet at the sound of that furious voice but her legs are still weak, my solid dick left firm and exposed as she finds her balance, her hands shaking at her sides whilst she stares at the seething man behind the couch.

"Dad... I thought you guys were on date night..."

Yeah, I really need to get out of here. He looks ready to tear me in half.

"Zoe, escort the criminal out. We need to talk."

Alright mate, it was one fucking charge, I'm hardly fucking Escobar.

Zoe pulls me so fast from the couch I have to grip my jeans to stop them falling down, of course they do the second I try to reach for my shirt. Oh just fucking kill me now.


Yeah, forget the shirt.

Yanking my jeans back up I bolt for the door, trying to stay out of arms length of the 6'6 wall of muscle that seems to be searching for the best way to relieve me of my limbs right now.

Zoe stops by the door and I can't just do a runner. Her cheeks are still bright red and I know she's almost as terrified as she is embarrassed.

"Do you want me to stay? I won't let you face him alone if you don't want to."

She shakes her head. "No, I'm his little princess. He'll calm down quicker if it's just me."

I lean down to kiss her goodbye but the growl that suddenly emanates from behind her tells me that was a mistake. This time when I turn I don't stop, thanking the gods that Eli lives on the other side of the street.

Slamming my hand on his front door, I try to warm up my naked torso with my arms but it's doing nothing. I'm going to lose a fucking nipple to frost bite if this carries on.

The second Eli opens the door I hurl myself inside away from the cold, grateful his mum seems to be on the night shift again when I find us alone. He glances down at my naked chest and I realise how odd this must look.

"Dude, can you get me home? Like right now."

He goes to say something but a scream from over the street forces his gaze across the road, Zoe's father's voice carrying even all the way out here.

"Man what did you do?" I scratch my head and then realise my jeans still aren't done up as they almost fall back to my ankles. Eli sees and a massive grin spreads across his face. "Dude! Her dad caught you? You do know that guy is a cop, right? He could've shot you and got away with it. What the hell were you thinking not locking her door?"

Well if we were in her room obviously I fucking would have!

"We were um... on the couch... Dude, can we just go? Once he's done there he's definitely coming for me and I'd rather be at home... where there's witnesses."

Eli chuckles, grabbing his keys off the side and slamming the front door shut behind him. As soon as I sit in the car my phone starts to buzz, I grab it quick in case it's Zoe needing an escape but it's actually the other woman in my life.

'Annoying baby sister – Can you make someone come get me? At Hopes, too tired to walk.'

It's one fucking block!

"Can you stop at Hope's and pick up May?"

Eli's smile only grows. "You know there's always room in my back seat for May."

I smack the back of his head harder than I ever have before. I know he only says it to fuck with me but it's gross.

"One, that's my fucking sister and I will fucking kill you. Two, she's fifteen. What the fuck are you thinking?"

Eli smirks, checking his hair in the mirror as we stop at the red light.

"She won't always be."

One day, when I kill him for looking at my sister like that, that cop will finally have a real reason to hate me.

My Best Friends BrotherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant