Klaus rolls his eyes. "Fine. But one word from you and I'll throw you out of this room myself."

"I'd like to see you try." Kai sits in the chair next to mine.

"Enough with the back and forth." I stop Klaus from saying anything else. "You said we don't have much time. So talk."

"Right.. well as you know I want to take the city back." Klaus states.

"Yes I know this." I say. "I'm not sure why you want to though. All that responsibility... I mean Marcel has been doing a great job. Keeping order and such."

"He is not running the city the way it should be ran. Did you know he doesn't allow witches to practice magic?" Klaus clasps his hands together.

"What?" I shake my head. "You're lying. He would never do that."

"Oh but I'm not lying. He has banned witches from practicing magic. If he finds out they have been using their powers, he kills them." Klaus smirks.

I wonder why Rebekah hadn't mentioned this. I feel Kai squeeze my thigh under the table and for a moment I had forgotten he was there.

"With that being said, I want to change that. Witches should be able to use their magic..." Klaus begins.

"To help you when you need it." I cut him off. "I mean that's why I'm here right? For you to use my magic to take back the city?"

"I'd be lying if I said no Quinn." He tells me.

What an asshole. I knew that's the reason he wanted me to come home but is it dumb for me to want him to actually care about me for once? Not just treat me as a witch who is only good for her magic?

"So what is it that you need from me Klaus?" I fold my hands together. I already know the answer.

"I'm going to need you to kill Marcel. If he is gone, then the city will need a new King. That's where I come in." He leans back in his seat.

"I'm not killing Marcel." I state.

"Quinn..." Elijah says as if he is trying to make me change my mind.

"What Elijah? I'm not doing it!" I look back to Klaus. "Our sister is in love with that man! How dare you want to take that away from her!"

I slam my hand down on the table out of anger and Klaus goes to say something but his eyes meet my ring.

"What's that?" He nods his head towards it.

"This? It's called an engagement ring Klaus. You know when you love someone so much and decide you want to get married? Oh wait.. no you wouldn't know what that is."

"Married?" He laughs. "You really think I'm going to let you marry him?"

The anger builds up even stronger and I stand up from my seat leaving the palms of my hands on the glossy wooden table.

"I'm not looking for your permission Klaus! I'm marrying Kai whether you like it or not!" I leave the table and walk to the door. "As for the plan, you're going to need to find another witch to help you. I'm not doing it."

I storm out of the dining room and down the hall to my bedroom knowing Kai won't be too far behind me. Once I get inside I want to destroy something. Anything. The anger is too much it makes me want to scream.

Footsteps enter the room snd when I turn I see Kai walking towards me. His hands grip my face as my heavy breathing won't calm down.

"Baby you're alright. Focus on my voice and try to calm your breathing." His thumb caresses my cheek. "It's going to be okay."

"No it's not Kai!" Tears start to run down my face. "Nothing will ever be okay with him still alive."

He pulls me into him so my head rests against his chest. I cry all the tears and he lets me. He doesn't say a word and he doesn't need to.

I push my head off him slightly so I'm able to look up at him. "I want him dead... now."


Okay so the story is coming close to an end and honestly I'm not ready for it. I wish I could write this story forever but it's gotta end at some point, you know?

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