Chapter 160

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Meanwhile, a loud noise echoed in the townhouse of the Angenas family located in the Capital.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

The Empress' younger brother and the new Lord of Angenas, Duigi Angenas screamed at the man who stood in his way with a frightened face.

"I can't believe a Knight Commander of Angenas imprisoned the head of a family!"

Duigi Angenas was only leaving the office to attend a social club salon.

Until he found Ethan Klaus, Knight Commander of Angenas family, hold the door.

Apart from Lord's orders to step aside from the way, Ethan Klaus did not budge.

Dressed in thick armor, he stood tall like a mountain, just looking down at Duigi Angenas with an indifferent face.

"Hey! There is a man who disobeyed the order of the Lord of Angenas. Drag this guy!"

Even if I shouted until the veins stood in his neck, there was no sign of a move in the empty hallway.

As if everyone knew about Duigi Angenas' situation and escaped.

It was a chilling moment.

"Do you get it now, Duigi?"

Slowly turning from the corner was Empress Rabini, wearing a long veil.

"Who is the real owner of Angenas."

"How, how could you do this to me!"

"Ah, I didn't want to do this either. But you didn't want to listen to me to postpone the payment of Lombardy Construction."

"But there's an appointment date and there's constant pressure from Lombardy, so..."

"After all, You must be more afraid of Lombardy than I am."

Empress Rabini smiled and asked.

"How are you now, Duigi?"

Duigi Angenas looked at Rabini with a tired face and shook his head.

"I don't understand you, my sister. You owe so much to Sussew and Lombardy, Aren't you worried?"

"What's there to worry about? The Western business is finished and all we have to do is harvest the fruit."

Tak! Tak!

The sound of Empress Rabini approaching Duigi echoed in the hallway.

"My poor and stupid little brother. You are the son of our father."

She clicked her tongue.

"Tourism is not everything in the West. Money is saved where people gather. There will be a miracle that a big city will be built on land that cannot be farmed properly. It's a miracle I made. So there's nothing you need to worry about, Duigi."

The blue eyes looking at Duigi Angenas shone coldly.

"Other than your own ignorance."

Empress Rabini's fingertips tapped Duigi Angenas on the cheek.

And she clicked her tongue again, looking at her brother's face stained with fear and anger.

"I'll overlook your mistake this time, but not the second time. Do you understand?"

In a very sweet voice, Empress Rabini whispered.

"You can continue to do as I say. Then, you will be able to enjoy your life as the Lord of Angenas."

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