"Hey there dad..." I greet him. "I would love to stay and catch up but I have somewhere-"

Before I can finish my sentence, he is lifting his hand into the air sending me straight for the wall to my left. My body hits it and falls to the ground.

I wince in pain but I hide it from him. I don't want him to know that he can hurt me. I want to be stronger than that so I stand up and brush myself off.

"Neat trick." I cock my head to the side. "Mind if I give it a try?"

I raise my hand making his eyes go wide. He realizes now that I have magic coursing throughout my body. His feet are off the ground and with one quick swipe to the side, his body meets the wall.

"Did I forget to mention? I have some magic in me." I smile as I walk closer to him, kneeling down. "And I don't really want to deal with you right now."

He goes to mutter something but I'm too quick. I take his head in my hand and slam it against the wall and he eventually passes out. That felt nice.

I think my father always envied how powerful I was when I did have magic. He will never admit it but I'm stronger than he is and that scares him. That is why he doesn't want me to become the leader of this coven.

I look at him once more before heading back outside to get the other object I came here to find.

Jo told me she hid it in the tree stump out front and that is where I find it. I can feel the magic running through it as I grip the handle but I don't take it. Even if I want to, it's not mine to take.  I smile to myself and walk to the car so I can get back to Mystic Falls.


A couple days later:

Liv and Luke are finally meeting with me at the bar. They said they only found one ascendant which is better than what I thought they were going to do.. which was find nothing.

I sit alone at the high top bar waiting for them to come. The place is shut down right now because it's early in the morning so I have it all to myself. Quinn would like it here.

I place the palm of my hand on the countertop and slowly run it over the wood. Images pop into my head of her sitting on the bar top, legs wrapped around me while I fuck her.

Damn I miss her.

Before my mind can wander any further I hear the front doors to the bar swing open. I turn in my seat to see the two blondes making their way towards me.

Liv sits down beside me while Luke just stands there on his feet. Reaching into her bag, she pulls out the ascendant and slides it to me. I stare at it for a moment before picking it up. This is definitely a real ascendant, I can feel the magic in it.

"What year is this prison world?" I ask as I examine the old object.

"1903." Liv answers my question.

"And who is the unlucky person who is trapped there?" I look to her.

"I don't know." She shrugs.

"Hmm..." I think to myself before handing the ascendant to Luke. "Send me there."

"What?" He is confused. "Why would you want me to send you into another prison world?"

"Because it's 1903... and I'm curious." I grin.

"What makes you think I won't leave you in there?" Luke asks.

"Well I know you won't because," I grip onto Liv's arm. "She's going with me."

"What? No way." He shakes his head and goes to sent the ascendant back on the bar top. With my free hand I stop him.

"Don't think you can do it? You are the more powerful twin right?" I coax him.

"Just do it Luke. I'll be fine." Liv assures him.

He looks between Liv and I before letting out a sigh of defeat. A huge smile grows on my face as my heart begins to race.

"An hour, that's all you get." He tells us.

I nod my head as he shuts his eyes and begins to chant the spell. When I look over to Liv she is just watching Luke and before I know it, everything gets brighter and then suddenly we are standing in the woods.

In snow.... at night.

"Fuck it's cold." I rub my arms for warmth.

"Yeah it is." She looks around us unsure of where we are.

The sky lights up a greenish color making us look up. The northern lights spread across the sky and they are beautiful. I've always wanted to see them.

As I bring my head down I see a faint light in the distance. Squinting my eyes I realize it is coming from a house. Well more of a cabin.

I grab Liv and start walking us towards the light. I don't want her to run off and somehow get out of here without me.

We reach the cabin and ascend up the stairs. The light we see is a flame in a small lantern sitting on the railing of the old porch. I push open the front door to see there is barely any light.

The fireplace is going and some candles are lit but that's about all. I let go of Liv to wander around the small space to look at everything. Making my way over to the fireplace, I stop at a small side table with a picture frame.

It's one of those small ones that fold in half and there are only two pictures in it. One of a small boy and another boy who looks like he is in his teens. It's hard to make out because it's so dark.

Uninterested, I go to turn away but something in my body stops me and tells me to turn back around. My head goes back to the pictures and I grab it, holding it up by the candle light.

"There's no fucking way." I whisper to myself but then I hear footsteps.

When I turn, I see Liv is still in her spot but someone is walking up behind her. Liv looks at me with confusion and then turns around and stills her body.

"Can I help you?" A woman's voice asks.

I'm sure you guys know who this is lol

Play With Fire (Kai Parker)Where stories live. Discover now