I smiled.

“Ofcourse she would have. She is smart not like you!” I said smirking.

He turned to me smiling.

“She is indeed smarter than me. But stupid too. That is the reason she chose a crying and weak person like me as a partner.” He said as he is smiling but his eyes are teary.

I cupped his face and kissed his forehead lovingly.

“You are not weak. And for your information crying is not wrong. It helps to relieve you from inside. You are scared of losing her. And you are scared that this shouldn’t affect her relation with her parents especially her father. Nobody would be as lucky as her to get a partner who thinks about her parents than about him. And I am proud of my brother.” I said ruffling his hair.

He kept his head on my lap and I caressed his hair.

“Hope this all gets solved soon.” He said.

“It will My Pri!” I stated.

Her POV ends.

Author’s POV

She sat there on the wall near the window in her room and is staring outside. She has successfully written her final semester of her graduation. She wrote them well. Her room door opens. She knows who it is. She turns to see her father who has been angry with her since twenty days. He has not spoken to her lovingly since the time he got to know about Prit.

“Day after tomorrow evening be ready at 5.00. You need to meet someone.” Says her father Ashok Arora.

She doesn’t speak anything and nods okay. She could guess what’s happening. But she doesn’t want to say anything against her father. Her father went from there giving her a look. She wiped off her tear that slipped her eyes.

“I am sorry Prit! I am sorry!” she whispers looking outside again.

“Ashok please don’t do this. Atleast once speak to his father. Get to know about him. You should trust your daughter.” Her mother Shailaja spoke in worry of her daughter.

She doesn’t want her daughter to lose her love and also her career is under stake. She can’t see her daughter’s life spoiling.

“I know what I am doing!” says Ashok rudely.

Shailaja looks on. He isn’t listening to her. She turns and goes from there. She looks at the Shiv Ling that is in their house and prays to help her daughter.


Next day early in the morning they have to wake up due to the calling bell. Shailaja was about to go to open the door but Ashok stops her and goes himself. He opens the door and gets shocked to see Laksh and Ragini there. Laksh smiles sweetly.

“Good Morning Mausa ji!” he says and hugs him.

Ashok just stands not hugging him back. Laksh breaks the hug.

“Mausa ji!” Laksh shakes him.

Ashok comes out of his shock and looks at him.

“Will you not let us in?” asks Laksh.

“Yeah! Sorry! Come inside Laksh. And Ragini come.” He says.

Ragini smiles and takes his blessings. He smiles wholeheartedly blessing her. Laksh smiles seeing him.

“Ashok who is at…” Shailaja who was about to continue her question stops as she sees Laksh.

“Laksh!” she whispers surprised.

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