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Jisoo and Jennie both sat down near the club 

"I think my idea was really bad..I called Taehyung for this about you calling Jane saying Taehyung was with me and cheating on Her and you calling her to the room..Gosh, when I'm thinking about everything ..Guilt is eating me up.."Jennie Sighed..

"But we wanted to help their relationship right? so..I guess we did the right thing....But why did Jane blackout like that ? Is she like having any Health problem?",,Jisoo said and took her phone out,,"To me I don't think she has health problems she was always happy and cheerful",,Jisoo frowned and said.

"Should we go to the hospital?....Or should we go later tomorrow morning?",,Jennie said.

"Yeah..lets tell Taehyung to tell her all this plan and then just..leave the rest to them..they might need time",,Jisoo said and got up and called a cab and went to their homes.

--Taehyung POV--
Taehyung was still crying silently but he kept silent
*Ring Ring*

His Phone Rung and he saw the caller ID

 --        Ji ah         --
 -Incoming Call--

He Picked up the Call

   --ON PHONE--

Ji ah-Hello- Taehyung ? why are you crying? what happened ? did everything go well?
Taehyung-No noona....I'm at the hospital
Taehyung-She blacked out I don't know why....
Ji ahTaehyung! What have you done!? Wait up Mom and dad does not know right?
Taehyung-No , they don't
Ji ah- You-Urgh! I'll just take a flight back to Korea today..


Taehyung face palmed Himself and cried
He cried himself to sleep and waited for you outside the room until next morning


"Who is the Person here For Park Jane?",,The doctor came out of the door and asked.

"It's me...",,Taehyung said and stood up,,"How is she ?! Is she okay?",,Taehyung asked without a pause.

"She is totally fine....But Who are you of her?",,The doctor asks and Taehyung hesitated.

"I-i'm Her Husband..",,Taehyung said and wiped his sweaty and wet face.

"Ok..But as a husband do you not know that she has a breathing illness and cannot get wet under rain or water for a long time?",,The doctor , suspiciously asks.

"I never knew..She never told me so..",,He said.

"Well she was recovering so well but then this incident which has now occurred will take her again around 2 months to recover..Do not allow her to drench herself in water especially with heavy clothes on..I guess she forgot to take her medication?..Anyways you free to meet her now..",,The doctor said and Taehyung walks into the room where you are with a gulp.

--Jane POV--
Opening your eyes with a blurry vision and an aching body..You tried getting up but eventually fell back down , because your body ached so bad.

You had a mask on your face and tubes and syringes stuck in your hand

"Where am I? What am I doing here?"

Suddenly you remembered back everything
Again..your tears formed after remembering them

 "well..that must be the end of my marriage with him..",,You Sadly smiled.

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