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--Jane Pov--

"Oh no ....I can't work with that jerkass for a whole night ! He's SO weird ! But he's gonna be my sister's husband tho..why am I not surprised that my sister is getting married ?,,You thought and scratched the back of your head looking like a dumbfounded person,," Maybe I am just not believing the fact ..,,You continued with your work.

"Jane? ",,Your heard Jisoo calling your name as you walk up to her.

Jisoo stood there with her hands loaded with a bunch of printed papers

"Oh.....thank you Jichu!!",,You said , feeling bad for her carrying the heavy bunch and Jisoo smiled back while waving her hand at you.

"I Didn't know there were so much to print",,You sideyed Taehyung and then apologized to Jisoo,,"I'm Sorry you had you carry all that, If I had Known , I wouldn't have made you take the copies.."

"Oh god , It's alright..I didn't have much work anyways..I'll leave now, Bye Jane! See you at Lunch time",,She left and you looked at your arms carry a Stack of documents.

"Bye..",,You mumbled.


You met his Dark brown orbs from a far distance , looking at you with empty eyes , he walks up to you but you wanted to get away with the situation and so you began walking to your desk like nothing happened and looked on the black laptop screen blankly , your mind in another world.


"OHMY! Mr.Kim! You scared me ..",,You screamed in alert and held your chest, not expecting him Right behind you.

He chuckled lightly
"Are you an Alien ?",,He asked while grinning.

You smirked from the inside of you
"Says the Alien Himself",,You scoffed and grinned.

"N..o Mr.Kim? What makes you ask that ?",,You got back to your acting.

"Well I see you work on a complete black.blank..screen....it is really dumb of you , you know ?",,Taehyung said and snickered.

You closed your eyes of the embarrassment you were facing now..

"Fuck..he got me there..",,You tried to think of a comeback

"Uh....Mr.Kim I will just submit the work and get over with this as tomorrow is the marriage....",,You tried to change the topic.

You walked outside the Room and start submitting papers for everyone to complete and you were done with your work.

--9:30pm, In your Own Office block--

"Finally! I'm gonna leave!..",,You exclaimed and stretched your body.

He was focused on his Computer screen working

"Damn..Does he ever get tired? Why does he work 24/7?",,You frowned and remembered something,,"Oh wait....I forgot to eat lunch ! And that too with Jisoo! ",,You face palmed yourself and smacked your forehead.

"Hey Jane-sii !? Are you done with the work ?",,Taehyung enters your office and asked you out of the blue.

"Yes!",,You proudly but exhaustedly said.

"Then please go home ...it's already about to be 10pm",,Taehyung said.

"Yes Mr.kim ....",,You sighed ,packed your bag and left the location.

You drove Back home , picked up your bag and went to your room and plopped on your bed.

"Why wasn't Mr.Kim excited or happy as always ? ...isn't he supposed to be really happy about his future?",,You thought.

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