"Because Kai is right. Olivia and Luke shouldn't be the ones to have to do this." She sighs. "So I'll do it but I need something first."

"Anything." I immediately answers.

"I need my magic." Jo says nonchalantly.

Her magic? "What do you mean you need your magic?

"After dad sent you to the prison world I got rid of my magic. I didn't want to be part of the coven anymore so I hid my powers somewhere safe." She says.

"And where would that be?" I fold my arms across my chest.

"Back in Portland. In the knife you used to stab me." She cocks her eyebrow at me.

I let out a laugh at how ironic that is. The weapon I used to try and kill her is the place she put her magic. How great.

"Looks like I'm going on a road trip." I grin. "You wanna come along?" I turn to Quinn.

"No." She says. "I can't leave. Some stuff has happened since I last saw you and right now isn't the best time for me to leave town."

I turn back to Jo who is still standing there for some reason. "I'll get the knife and bring it back to you. Now, can you go so I can talk to my girlfriend alone?"

Jo rolls her eyes and walks away.

"What's going on?" I bring my attention back to her.

She lets out a sigh. "I went to talk to Klaus about some stuff... and then Elijah showed up and I got angry."

"Did you kill Klaus?"

"No. Not yet." She answers. "But I did snap both of their necks and undagger Kol."

"Klaus is going to come after you Quinn... this is probably the best time for you to leave town." I say.

"I'm not just going to run away from my problems Kai. I need to make sure he doesn't get to Kol again. And he said Rebekah is somewhere out there, I need to find her too." She goes on.

"And what about you? What's going to happen when Klaus gets to you?"

"I'll handle it Kai." She starts to walk away but I grab her arm, pulling her back to me.

"If he lays a finger on you I swear I will kill him myself." I warn.

She stares hard into my eyes for a moment then relaxes her body.

"I said I'll handle it Kai." Her eyes drop to the floor.

There's something she isn't telling me. I can see it in her face that she's hiding something. My hand lets go of her arm and I bring it to her face, tilting it up so her eyes meet mine.

"What are you not telling me?" I whisper.

Her eyes dart up. "What?"

"You're hiding something. What is it?" I ask her again.

"I'm not hiding anything from you Kai."

"That's bullshit and you know it." I say.

She lets out a sigh of frustration before walking away again. This time I don't stop her, I just walk after her. Her footsteps are quick as she makes her way through the halls of the dimly lit hospital.

When she finally reaches the automatic front doors, she steps out letting the warm air hit her. I hear a long exhale leave her mouth as her feet stop inches outside the door.

I stand there waiting for her to turn around and say something. Giving her all the time she needs because obviously what she isn't telling me is something big.

She slowly turns around and I notice there are tears in her eyes.  I reach out and pull her into me so her head rests on my chest. She starts to sob against me while I rub my hand up and down her back trying to comfort her.

I don't push for her to tell me what's wrong because I know she will say it when she is ready. Her arms are wrapped tight around me when she opens her mouth.

"You did it." She whispers so soft that I wasn't sure I heard her.

"What?" I ask as she pulls her head back to meet my face.

"You were the one who asked for our memories to be erased." She tells me.

Sorry for the short chapter!!!

I just wanted to get something up for you guys <3

Play With Fire (Kai Parker)Where stories live. Discover now