“Laksh I am your wife. I can understand. And it’s my duty to understand.” She said.

“But it is my duty to not to hurt you. But I did. I broke my promise. I am sorry.” I again apologised.

“Shhh… how many times will you ask sorry? It’s okay. Let’s leave it. It’s over.” She consoled me.

“No I did wrong. It should be me who should be making it normal. I am really sorry. Will you forgive me?” I asked seeing into her eyes.

“I forgave you Laksh!” she said wiping the tears that escaped from my eyes.

“Now give me the most charming smile of yours.” She said poking my nose.

I just hugged her tight letting my tears.

“Sorry!” I whispered again.

“Shhh… it’s okay!” She whispered caressing my hair.

“My legs are paining!” she said suddenly.

I broke the hug and looked at her. She pouted. I immediately helped her for standing and we both stood.

“I am sorry!” I apologised.

“Oho… did you eat that word as your lunch or what? You aren’t leaving the word from the time you came.” She tried to cheer me.

“I am sorry!” I whispered caressing her cheek as I cupped her face.

“Wait let me tape your mouth. Then you will stop chanting that word.” She said again trying to cheer me.

But I am not able to get rid of the guilt. She sighed. She cupped my face.

“Laksh it happens. Yes I was hurt and sad but then I also understand your stress. It’s okay. You know now after you apologized me I am really not sad because I understood that my Laksh is someone who will apologize for his mistake instead of ignoring it. He respects me and my feelings no matter what. If we don’t have these small fights life will be boring. I don’t want a boring life with you. Let’s fight, let’s shout at each other but at the end of the day let us patch up and forget them. All that we need to do is understand that we did the mistake and apologize like it happened today. Today it’s you but tomorrow it will be me. Then won’t you forgive me?” She asked at the end while she explained me.

I nodded yes immediately.

“See I did the same. Leave the guilt. It is all okay! But still if you want I will give you a punishment.” She said the last line mischievously.

I immediately nodded.

“You want me to punish you?” she asked with wide eyes.

“Yes!” I said nodding.

She chuckled.

“First freshen up and come. Then I will tell you.” She said.

I nodded. She kissed my cheek suddenly and asked me to leave. I left to freshen up.

His POV ends.


I smiled as he left to the room to freshen up. How can someone be so loving? Once again he made me feel very lucky to get  him in my life. The way he kept apologizing, the guilt he felt, he is different. I have seen ma and papa also having arguments. But the next day I see them again flirting and laughing with each other. It happens between every couple. If there are no fights how are we going to learn lessons of life. It’s all about understanding our spouse. Where there is understanding and love there is no route for heart break.

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