"What's wrong?" She asks.

"We can talk about it in the car. Let's go." Damon starts to walk but Elena is fast with her feet as she is now standing in front of him.

"But look-" She says as she picks up her hand holding the ascendant.

"You found it?" I ask in disbelief.

Damon grabs it quickly and shoves it into a pocket on the inside of his jacket. "We need to go now."

We start rushing to the car, Damon and I worried Joshua will show up and stop us. Elena has no idea about our encounter with him but I will fill her in when we get into the car. I open the passenger side door and climb into the back seat. Elena pushes the seat back and sits down as Damon is already in his waiting for us.

He gears the car into drive and we take off. I don't know what made me want to turn around to look back at the house but when I did, I saw Joshua rushing out the front door onto the porch. The tires kick up dirt as Damon drives away blinding my vision of where Joshua was standing.

I turn towards the front of the car and start to tell Elena about what had happened. I tell her the way Joshua's body tensed at the mention of Quinn's name and how he said he didn't know her. I explain how he said she got sent to the wrong Prison World by mistake and it most likely stuck there with his son who murdered his siblings.

"So you are saying she is stuck in this place with a psychopath?" Elena's jaw drops. "Oh my god... What if he has been hurting her this whole time?"

"Then I'll kill him myself." We hear Damon say as his eyes are still on the road. He always treated her like the sister he never had. Even before her and Stefan started dating he had a soft spot for her.

"Where did you even find this?" I ask as I take the ascendant.

"It was hidden in a closet in one of the bedrooms. There was an old box on the top shelf, kind of hidden and it sparked my interest. So I grabbed it, opened it up and there it was."

I sit back in my seat after telling Elena all this information and just stare at the ascendant that is now in my hands. Grams said she would have the spell ready for us by the time we get back. She still thinks that this is all a bad idea and we shouldn't let her out.

There is no way Quinn was meant to be sent to a Prison World. She is the purest person I know. My mind goes back to her in that place... with Malachai. What if Elena is right? What if has been hurting her this entire time? All I know right now is that this drive back to Mystic Falls is literally going to take forever.

Quinn's POV:

We have been lying in my bed for 30 minutes now not saying a word. I know what he told me was a lot for him to let out and I really appreciate him wanting to tell me. To trust me with his past.

Lying here with my chin in his hair as his face is nuzzled into my neck I feel content. Like this is where I'm supposed to be. The hot air from his nose hits my skin in a slow rhythm and I am not sure if he is still awake.

My fingers comb through his hair as his arms drape over my waist. His grip becomes tighter as he tries to pull me closer even though our bodies are already pressed to one another.

His head nods up a little allowing his lips to pepper kisses along my skin. He is soft with his lips as his finger begins to draw circles on my back through his t-shirt.

As he continues to kiss my neck I think about how emotional he was talking about his father. It was strange to see him in that way and then when I started to see the tears fall from his eyes it was like I was staring at a whole new person.

I love that he was so vulnerable with me and that he actually was able to show emotions even though he says he is a sociopath.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks against my skin.

"Mhm..." I hum in response.

"You're friends... do they know that Klaus is your brother?" I wasn't expecting that to be the question he asks.

"Uhm.. no." I tell him. "They thought I was just some witch he pulled into his plan."

"Why didn't you ever tell them?"

"I guess I just didn't want them to know. I thought that if they knew who I was and what I was that they wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore. They are the closest friends I have ever had and I didn't want to do anything that would mess that up. But then I killed them and they are still by my side." My eyes begin to water at the memories of me murdering them.

Kai can tell I am getting upset by the change in my breathing. It makes him pull away from me to look into my eyes. He brings his hand up to my jaw and pulls me in for a kiss. I let my lips linger on his for a minute before I pull back to look at him. Normally there is a look of lust in his eyes after we kiss but this look is different. It is soft and gentle just like the way his thumb is brushing against my jaw.

"And now you have me baby." He whispers. "Nothing you say or do would ever make me leave."

"How long will this last?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?" He tilts his head.

"This whole being nice and caring act? Like when we get out of here are you going to go back to the old Kai?"

"Quinn there is no old Kai... I'm still me. It's just-" He pauses to move the hair from my face. "When I'm with you I feel different and I know that's not going to change even if we get out of this place."

My eyes dart between his and when I look into them I know he is being honest with me. I give him a soft smile before I bring my lips down to flatten them hard against his. Kai's hands move to my lower back pulling me into him as our lips stay in a synchronized motion. He grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him making me feel how hard he already was which makes me get an idea.

"Kai-" I say his name in between our kissing.

"What?" He whines as I pull back.

"Since you were so open with me today... I uhm... I want to do something for you..."

"And what could that possible be?" He places his index finger on my mouth dragging my lip down with his movement only stopping when his finger is resting on my chin.

I bring my eyes down to look at his hard length that is touching my leg through his jeans. When I bring my eyes to his, I noticed that he had been watching where my eyes were wandering to. I lick my lips in a teasing motion and he gives me a sexy smirk now knowing what it is that I want to do.

"Well how could I say no to that?"

Smut, smut, smut!!

Will be continued in the next chapter!!

Also how cute is Kai?

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