"She wants to know who sent me here. That way they can find the ascendant."

"Yeah I know. I read it." He states. "But if you tell them your brother is the one that sent you here it would be a dead end. He wasn't the one who created this world so he wouldn't have the ascendant."

"So then who should I tell them to look for?" I question.

He sighs. "My father. Joshua Parker."

I nod my head as I hop off of the mattress. I leave the room to go find a pen and paper plus a candle. When I walk back into the room Kai is still in his same spot with his arms draped over his knees.

I set the stuff on the floor and light the candle. I start to write to Bonnie to tell her to look for a man named Joshua Parker.

"Portland, Oregon." I hear Kai say. "That's where they'll find him."

I watch as his jaw clenches as he tells me this information. He doesn't look at me so I bring my head down looking back at the paper. I add the location and crumple the paper up.

As I start to chant the spell I can feel Kai's eyes on me. I don't open mine as I am too focused on the spell. I feel the paper heat up in my hand and then the ashes fall onto my skin. When I open my eyes Kai is still staring at me with a concerned expression. I bring my hand up to my nose because I can already feel what's happening. It's bleeding again.

"You should have given me some of your magic so I could do the spell." He says.

"It's fine. I'm fine." I reassure him. "I'm gonna go take a shower." I don't let him answer, I just walk into the bathroom and close the door.

Kai's POV:

She shuts the door to the bathroom leaving me alone in the bed. She should have just let me do the spell. She isn't strong enough to send something to a different dimension.

I wonder what's going to happen when they go looking for my father. I know for a fact he won't give that ascendant up without a fight. I hope they don't kill him to get it because that would defeat the whole purpose of me getting out of here. Well there is the other reason. The one I didn't tell Quinn yet.

This reason has to happen before I kill my father though. If I kill him first then everyone in the Coven dies. So my plan is to become the leader of the Gemini Coven by merging with my twin sister. When I win, and I know I will, I'll become the leader of the Coven making it easier to kill my father.

I don't know why I haven't told Quinn this information yet. Probably because she has nothing to do with it.

It doesn't matter anyways because when we get out of here we will go our separate ways. She will go to her friends and Stefan to handle her brother and I will go to deal with my family.

The water has been running for about ten minutes and I know I have about fifteen more until she gets out. I peel myself out of bed and walk over to the bookshelf. I slightly remember standing here last night and looking at all the photos.

There are picture of her in the 20's, 50's and the 70's. She can literally pull of any style. In each picture she is standing next to her sister which makes me wonder if she is daggered in a box somewhere or if she is free.

My eyes scan down the shelf when I notice the drawer below it is open just a little. I place my hand on the small knob and pull it out. There is a stack of  Polaroid pictures lying there so I pick them up. One by one I look at them, in each one she is smiling. Truly happy.

I set the ones I've already looked at on the shelf when I make my way to the end of the pile. I flip over the next picture and freeze.

"What the hell?" I say under my breath. I look at the picture then to the bathroom where I hear the water turn off.  She got out early.

Looking back at the picture, I put it in my one hand and drop the rest on the shelf. I walk to the bathroom and open the door, not bothered with knocking.

"Jesus Kai!" She lets out a little yell as she wraps the towel around her body.

"What the hell is this?" I hold up the picture for her to see.

She squints her eyes before coming closer to me. When she sees the photo her eyes widen and she snaps it out of my hand.

"Where did you get this?" She demands.

"The drawer of your bookshelf." I answer. "Now do you want to explain why you have a picture of us?"

"I-" she starts. "I honestly don't know Kai." 

Her eyes meet mine and I can tell she is just as confused as I am. I walk to her side to stare at the photo.

In the picture she is holding the camera in front of us with a huge smile on her face as I'm kissing her cheek. My eyes scan to where her thumb is holding the photo to see a smudged black marking.

"What's that?" I point to it.

She moves her thumb to reveal a date: 1993

"Wait I'm so confused... we knew each other in 1993?" She looks up at me.

"Seems like it." I state.

"But- how... why don't I remember this. I would have remembered this..."

"Not unless your brother made us forget." I tell her when the realization hit me. "You said the originals are the only vampires who can compel witches."

She nods her head. "We look so.... happy."

"Maybe that's why he did it. He didn't want you to be happy." I shrug as I stare at the picture. She is right, we do look happy. I can't imagine in that point of my life or ever, actually feeling happy.

"You think he'd stoop that low?"

"Maybe." I tell her.

We keep our eyes on the picture for a couple more minutes before she sets it down on the counter. I can see in her eyes that there are a million thoughts racing in her mind.

"If he did that just so I wouldn't be happy..." she brings her eyes to mine which have now grown a shade darker. "I'll kill him."

So uhm yeah.... the ideas I have!!!!

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