Chapter 92| Blushing Mess

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It was late at night and Minah was walking on her tiptoes, trying to hide herself from her aunt while she was sneaking out of the Jeons' mansion. It was easy for her on other days since her parents worked till late at night.

Minah's grandparents could not always keep track of her. But Jiah staying there tonight made it difficult for her. Usually Jiah lived at a separate apartment of her own and occasionally visited her family house.

Minah looked at her aunt, hiding behind the staircase. She was watching TV and kept munching on some snacks. It was a Friday night so she could chill as it was the weekend after.

The female let out a sigh, glancing at her phone screen again. She pressed the unlock button, causing the screen to lit up. She slid the notification bar down just to see nothing new plastered on it.

She had been calling Donghyuck since the afternoon. He neither received her calls nor called or texted her back, ignoring her texts as well. Minah was worried being very well aware of his personality.

I'm sure he is in the park.

Minah made her way outside the house and walked towards the park where her boyfriend usually crashed. She arrived there to see him sitting on a bench. His elbows were resting on his knees and his head was hanging low.

The female pursed her lips before stepping towards him. She gently caressed his black tousled hair. "Are you okay?" She softly asked. Donghyuck lifted his head up to meet her eyes, the ones that were so close to welling up.

He clenched his jaw. He hated seeing her like this and the fact that he was the reason behind it made him even more furious. What kinda guy makes his girlfriend cry so often?

He caught a hold of her wrist and made her sit beside him. At that time, Minah noticed the cut around his lips. I knew he had been fighting again. Her breath hitched at the sight of it.

She lifted his hand to touch the injury. Donghyuck winced in pain when her fingers came in contact with the unattended cut. Minah's forehead creased, a teardrop rolling out of her eye which she managed to hide from her boyfriend by hurriedly looking away to wipe it.

"Who were they?" She asked in a quiet voice. Donghyuck let out a sigh so deep that it almost sounded as a scoff. "Seniors again," he mumbled, not meaning to let her hear but she did anyway.

"You are an idiot, Hyuck." She started getting her first kid aid out of her sling bag. "Just run at these times. Why do you fight them back? Running works too, you know?" She said while applying the ointment on his injury.

"It doesn't, though. Even if I try to avoid them, they keep finding weird ways to approach me." The female continued tending his cut. "Then maybe you can go straight to house after school for a week or so until they stop."

"They will find me in the way."

Minah shook her head, not having any solution to that. "I wonder if they call me just to get beaten up by me. You should have seen their faces after the fight, having bruises all over them," Donghyuck bragged with a smug expression.

Minah let out a snort at his childishness. However it was for the truth. Not for once the seniors or their classmates had won a single fight against Donghyuck. Still they called him repeatedly.

"Why didn't you pick up my calls?" Minah asked him, sulking. Donghyuck flashed an apologetic smile. "You had called?" The female nodded. "And texted a lot too."

"I'm sorry, babe, didn't check my phone all day long. It's on silent mode so— were you worried because of that?" He tugged a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Of course, I was, Hyuck."

"I'm sorry, won't let it happen again. Now let's get you home, okay?"

Minah nodded. You say that every time. She thought but did not say it out aloud.

The two stood in front of their house after getting off of Donghyuck's bike. "You are gonna be in big trouble if my dad sees you here with me and this bike." The male let out a snicker, stepping closer to her.

"Really?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist. "And if Mr. Jeon sees us like this?" Minah blushed at the sudden closeness. She lightly pushed his chest to move him away. "I am serious."

Donghyuck let out a laugh. "Okay."

He turned away just to turn back at her again before leaning in to plant a kiss on her lips.

"Bye bye, girlfriend."

He drove away, disappearing from Minah's sight, leaving her a blushing mess.


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This chapter was a little lengthier. After this chapter, the story is gonna take it's original turn. Continue to support this book please!

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