Chapter 31| Tender

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"I knew that it was your voice, Kkum eonni."

Jiah chimed happily.

"You just came back from school?" I asked her letting down the blanket which I was using as a shield to protect me from Jungkook a few moments ago.

"No. I came a while ago. I thought no one was in the house. Until I heard your scream" she said and sat facing me on the bed.

"Oh" I smiled sheepishly.

"How was your day?" Jungkook asked Jiah.

"Oh. It was nice.

She looked at me,

"Remember there was the transfer student Rian in my class? He seemed friendly."

"Really? See I told you" I said and Jiah laughed.

"Wait. What?" Jungkook was confused.

"You don't need to know that" I said and pinched his nose,

"You are hot" I immediately said.

"I know. But you don't have to say that in front of a kid" Jungkook shrugged.

"No! I mean literally. Your temperature" I was not able to make him understand that his temperature had risen above normal.

Jiah put her hand on her forehead then on his brother's.

"You have fever" she said. Yes that was the word I was looking for.

"Do I? I don't think so. Shoot!"

He gasped looking at me,

"You must have gotten it too then."

"Obviously not. If I had it too, then I wouldn't have been able to understand that you have it" I said and Jungkook seemed to ponder about it.

"Now, someone gets cold faster than me, huh?" I smirked a bit.

Jungkook squinted his eyes before saying,

"I was in wet clothes for longer time."

"As you wish to think" I said putting my hands up.

"What exactly happened?" Jiah asked getting honestly curious.

I sighed,

"It's all my fault" I blamed myself.

"Yes it is" Jungkook said not letting me speak any further.

I rolled my eyes at him.


"Do you want me to feed you or you can drink it by yourself?" Kkum asked Jungkook holding soup for him.

"Do you want me to drink it by myself?" He said pitifully.

"If you can" Kkum said shrugging. She did not want her lingering feelings to be all over the place.

"Can you just feed me like you used to before?" He asked. His voice sounded even weaker.

"You two practically were dating at that time" Jiah commented jokingly.

"What? No! Why would you say that?" Kkum stood up from bed freaking out.

'You hate it that much, huh?' Jungkook thought in his mind.

"You know what? On a second thought you don't have to. Jiah will feed me. Right sibling?" Jungkook asked Jiah hopefully.

"Uh. I'm so sorry but I can't. I need to prepare for my speech tomorrow. Kkum eonni can feed you alright" she said as if that was the most obvious thing.

"Yeah. I did not say anything about not feeding you. I just asked if you can drink it by yourself or not. Why would you ask Jiah to do that?" Kkum said sadly thinking about the possibilities of Jungkook not wanting to be fed by her.

She already forgot how he was the one who asked her to feed him.

Kkum sat beside Jungkook again. Jiah left in hurry, reassured that her brother is in good hands.

"You are unpredictable" Jungkook said as Kkum brought the spoon to his mouth.

Kkum made him drink it.

"You are the one to talk" she said even though she was reluctant to bring the topic about Jungkook ignoring her all of a sudden from the senior year of high school.

Jungkook closed his eyes. He started massaging his temples.

"Does it hurt? I can give you tylenols" Kkum said, clearly worried for him.

Jungkook took a glance at her, then at the soup bowl and then back at her.

"Did you make it?" He asked her with a blank expression.

Kkum cleared her throat,

"Is it that bad?" She asked him.

"Have you ever learnt cooking soup?" He asked Kkum.

"At least, I did not make any staff of yours do it" she tried to cover up.

"You did not answer to any of my questions" he said not changing his expression.

"Okay. Yes, I made it and I never learnt to cook soup. Also I know that you got fever because of me. But you know what, you could still not wear this cold expression considering how bad my day went today and what I went through this morning"

Kkum's voice got raised, tears trying to escape her eyes.

"I-" Kkum watched Jungkook as his statuesque like, almost never changing facial features formed a gloomy expression.

Jungkook examined her too, carefully before saying anything. Kkum waited for him to speak up.

"I am sorry. I am not mad at you, at least not for making me sick. I don't care about that. I am not mad at you for cooking too. I would happily drink it if it was a normal day. But today it's just not getting through my throat" his voice trailed off wishing he did not say the last sentence.

Kkum's expression softened realising how hard it must be for Jungkook to drink something not so edible when he was not supposed to even want to eat anything delicious.

"Uh- I will ask your chef to cook something else" Kkum said to Jungkook.

"No. It's okay. I will drink it" Jungkook said and gulped.

"You won't" she said and left the room.

Kkum fed Jungkook a better tasting soup later that night. Then she went to bring a towel and water in a bowl to soak it.

When she came back, she saw that Jungkook had already fallen sleep. Kkum soaked the towel and put it on Jungkook's forehead and repeated it for a long time.

Then she sat on a couch of Jungkook's room and fell asleep there being exhausted as she was.

Kkum woke up and hurriedly got up to check how Jungkook was. She saw him roll over because of the sunlight, still asleep.

Kkum smiled at him. She drew the curtains properly so that it would not disturb Jungkook's sleep.

She carefully checked Jungkook's temperature by putting her palm on his forehead. She was relieved to see that it was not as warm as last night.

But then Jungkook's strong arm took a hold of her slender hand and pulled her towards him.


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