Chapter 73| Defeated Already

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"You won't be alone, Jungkook. I will be there for you."

The words came out of my mouth as if they were bound to. I felt stupid. I should have said it back then.

Jungkook's grip tightened around me. His arms encircled my figure as I was completely engulfed in his warmth.

I felt overwhelmed.

It must have worked.

"Can I ask you what you wished for?" Jungkook said softly.

"You can ask but I won't answer." my voice came out muffled as I was still pressed to Jungkook's chest.

He laughed.

"Jungkook," I called him.

"Yes?" He responded.

"Did you wish for something?" Though I asked him to make a wish, I was quite sure he did not do it since he did not believe in these things.

"Hmm," I heard.

"Really?" I looked up at him, "I want to know what you wished for."

"Well, I can tell you since it is already fulfilled." He ran his fingers through my hair.

"What is it? How can it get fulfilled in only five minutes?"

"I will only tell you mine if you tell me yours." A mischievous smile was plastered on his face.

"It's not fair. Mine is not fulfilled yet!" I complained.

"Okay," he chuckled, "I wished for you to not get mad when I would confess to you tonight." Jungkook spoke taking my breath away.

I remembered it again.

"I love you."

"Ugh!" I hid my blushing face in his chest, "What kind of wish is that?"

Jungkook giggled.

"It did not mean anything."

His words suddenly stung my chest. I needed to ask him why the kiss did not mean anything to him.

Or did he like me after that?

This was not probably the best time. But I wanted to know. We never get the chance anyway.

"Jungkook," I called him after hesitating a bit.

"Hmm?" He pulled back a bit, still wrapping his arms around me.

"Why did you reject me when I confessed to you?" I asked him directly.

He tilted his head.

"You confessed to me? When? It was me who just—"

Come to think of it, I never confessed to him properly. But I kissed him twice that day without him returning it like a fool.

How could he not understand after that?

Was he stupid?

I lived around stupids after all.

"I am talking about the wedding day, Yoongi's."

It was painful to remember it.

"Oh," he had the same expression like that day again. He let go of me.

"That was because, I thought you still liked Taehyung." He looked down.

"Taehyung? How could I possibly— He is my past. And I was saying that right in your face. Are you that dumb?" I was agitated.

"Uh— I thought that you are just getting infatuated about me." He was clearly embarrassed.

"Jungkook, it took me ages to say it on that day" I told him.

"Really?" He seemed confused.

I nodded.

"But I always had the feeling that Taehyung and you still like each other. I thought you two were just afraid of commitment."

"Woah! Where did Taehyung's feelings come from? Even back in high school when we dated, it was quite hard to know if he liked me or not. He also played me with the cheating and all. But all of that don't matter now since-"

Jungkook held my hand. I stopped talking.

"Kkum, Taehyung likes you," he looked into my eyes.

What did he mean?

"As in?"

"Present tense. He still likes you."

"What? No! Also he has that Dayeon girl-"

"And they are avoiding each other now because both of them realized that Taehyung still has not gotten over you." My eyes widened. I never expected it. But Jungkook was really serious about it.

"How do you know? Did he tell you about it?"

"He is one of my best friends, Kkum." Jungkook sighed, "I know what he is feeling just by looking at his eyes. And he liked you in high school as well, probably even before that."

I suddenly felt like crying.

"Then why did he cheat on me?"

Jungkook hugged me again. He rested his face on my shoulder as he said in my ear,

"You better ask him that the first thing in the morning."

I held my tears back. I would definitely do it.

"Jungkook," I called him again.

He hummed in response.

"I like you."

There I said it. He was quiet for a few seconds before saying,

"Then I will just have to turn the word to 'love'."

"You better."

He chuckled.

"But I am more than happy you know with just 'like'."

"Me too. At least this time I defeated you."

"Defeated?" He backed up again depriving me from his warmth.

"Yeah. Since you could name this feeling 'love' before I did."

"Wow," he laughed beautifully, "then I had already lost to you when we were just five years olds."

"Huh?" I was mesmerized.

He pecked on my cheek.

"What's up with the immature kiss?" I was a little taken aback.

"Remembering how cute you were at that time made me want to kiss this cheek. It is still soft as before."

I was a blushing mess.

What was I? A teen?

"You should not have attacked me like this." I pouted.

"I am sorry. I just couldn't resist it." He smiled sheepishly.

I was still sulky.


"What now?"

"You look beautiful tonight. It's getting hard for me, you know?" He leaned closer.

"Hold it there, mister." I pushed his forehead, "You are getting a little too bold. What about giving an warning before sudden attack?"

Jungkook laughed. It had really been long without seeing him laugh so frequently.

Jungkook dropped me off at my house. I came to my room and plopped on the bed. I took out my phone and sent a text.


We need to talk.


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I tried my best to make this chapter sweet. I just hope it hasn't gone all to waste. So how was it?

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