Chapter 67: Selfless

Start from the beginning

"What a futile battle. All you hopeless humans can't do as much as lay a single finger on me." Said Father.

'Attacking from afar is too easy for him!' Thought Alex as he charged in only for Father to grab his neck and lift him.

"Your unique for an Alchemist as your still teeming with energy. Very well then. I'll have yours." Said Father as Alex chuckled.

"How nice of you to be tricked. You can only draw energy if your shield is down!" Shouted Alex.

This shocked Father as in came in the physical fighters as one by one, Edward, Alphonse, Kunsil, and Becky all took turns trying to strike down Father only for the "god" to transmute a wall to block them or jump away from an attack.

Another round of bullets came again as Father continued to form walls to block them.

Kunsim came back and tried to hit him with arrows as well as trying to land punches and kicks as Father easily dodged them.

Edward, Al, and Becky all came back to assist Kunsil only for Father to get engaged as he shot out a massive shockwave launching everyone back and removing Alex out from his grip as the the wave itself was so powerful it broke Becky's power armor, and, much to Ed's shock, broke his automail

Edward, Al, and Becky all came back to assist Kunsil only for Father to get engaged as he shot out a massive shockwave launching everyone back and removing Alex out from his grip as the the wave itself was so powerful it broke Becky's power armor,...

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"Don't give up now!" Shouted Ed as even with only one arm, he, Kunsil, and Becky still continied to punch and kick away at Father's shield as he just stood there.

That was until Father felt himself convulge on the inside.

Ed went for a kick only to be blocked and knocked back as Father began to shout as black mist escaped from his mouth as red sparks emanated around him.

"He's losing control! He can't keep the power of god he craves to have in check anymore!" Shouted Alex.

Father continued to lose control as he shouted in agony, an eye appearing in his mouth.

Father continued to scream until he got on all fours and let out an enormous shockwave that launched everyone back and blinded everyone's vision.

Once the smoke had cleared, Father slowly got up, severely weakened as he needed more energy immediately.

"The stone! The Philosopher's Stone!" Shouted Father looking around to see unconscious people laying all around him as well as seeing Alphonse and Alex next to one another as Al lost his legs from the blast leaving only the upper exposed part of the armor left.

Father continued to look around until he saw the one he was looking for

Father continued to look around until he saw the one he was looking for

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