Chapter 48: Time's Up

Comenzar desde el principio

"Are you going somewhere tomorrow." Asked Yae who had walked in.

"I'm going to the Lastion State Park, with Otto." He said.

"With Otto Apocalypse? You two are really hitting it off lately. By no meand is that a bad thing though." Said Yae before talking again. "Hey so, about what you said before, you know, about my happiness?" She asked before she stopped himself from saying anything else. "S-Sorry. It's nothing. Good night." Said Yae as she left his room.

'Tomorrow we meet with Kevin." Thought Alex. "I gotta sleep immediately so I won't be late tomorrow."

With that, Alex laid down and drifted to sleep, as the next day approached fast.

[The Next Day: 7 of 7]

The day had arrived as after spending the morning eating breakfast at his apartment, Alex had departed to the Lastation State Park.

After walking along the trail, he arrivef at the hill where Kevin's hazy palace was as Otto was already there.

"Ah. So it seems you arrived after all. Based on the look on your eyes, I'm guessing that non of the valkyries are gonna be of any use to us." Said Otto.

"I'm sure they'll come around." Was all Alex could say as Otto chuckled.

"Oh yes. Because I'm sure your all just as close as you were before reality was changed." Said Otto. "Well, there's no point in griping about it out here."

Are you ready?" Asked Otto. "It's pretty obvious that we'll have to confront Kevin physically today. If your not prepared for such a contingency, then please go and mentally prepare yourself as quickly as possible." He said.

"No need. After all if I wasn't mentally prepared then I wouldn't even have showed up. Let's go." Said Alex as Otto smiled.

"I appreciate your intensity kid. Very well then, let's begin."

After using Fenghuang Down, the two had arrived at the entrance of Kevin's palace.

Before the two entered the elevator to go inside the building, Otto turned to face Alex.

"First things first. Let's figure out where Kevin is. I don't want to waste any time wandering around aimlessly. We came across an information guide after going up that elevator. If he intends to welcome us in so graciously, perhaps we'll come across another guide soon."

With that, the two rode up the elevator and entered the main lobby. As they did, an intercom turned on as a voice spoke.

"VIP patients identified. We will now begin the grand tour.  The auditorium is now open. Our master awaits you there, with the patient you seek. Please enter through the door on the left hand side of the entrance hall." Said the speaker.

"Just as I suspected. They're politely informing us of their location." Said Otto as the two looked to the left. "That must be the door. Let's go."

The two walked to the door and after going down a dimly lit hallway, they arrived at what seemed like a center stage as all the lights were off.

BGM: Desire from Persona 5

In a split second though, they were turned on in a flash as the two covered their eyes for a bit only to then see in front of them a small flight of stairs leading to a higher platform which had an unconscious K-423 sitting on a throne like chair and Kevin standing next to her as a crowd of the ghostly figures was present.

"Thank you for coming." Said Kevin.

"Did you do something to Kiana?" Asked Alex.

"She's only sleeping. I've never had any intention of hurting her. Once her inner turmoil begins to settle, I'll have her remember her life as she wishes to live it." Replied Kevin.

"The life she wishes for huh?" Said Otto. "Call what you like. Your merely brainwashing people for your own satisfaction." Said Otto as Kevin sighed.

"I'm wholly aware that some will interpret my acts that way, but if that self-satisfaction leads to the happiness of thousands of others, don't you agree that outcome is for the best?" Asked Kevin.

"Mr. Mustang. If I understand correctly, this past week you went and checked in one Kiana's friends. This reality is the one they all wished for. Did any of them seem troubled by that fact?"

Alex kept quiet, remembering that he was right. Without him purposely trying to get them to open their mind, they were all perfectly happy living this life.

"This reality IS the "true" reality. All you have to do is recognize it as such. Once you do, you'll be just as happy as they are. Didn't you see it yourselves? Your friends don't just want to live these lives. They want you to choose this reality for yourselves and live happily too." Said Kevin.

'This reality..' Thought Alex.

"Please. I want you to understand for their sake as well as yours."

'Everyone I know, all my friends want to stay in this reality, but, is that really true?'

BGM Stops Here

"Well, it's time." Said Kevin.

Otto merely scoffed as Alex kept quiet.

'If I accept Kevin's offer, all my friends, family, and I will be able to live happily in this reality he's created, or so he says. If we stay in this world, we really could lead happy lives, free from pain and suffering, but, our memories will be distorted to allow the new circumstances. There's probably no way to avoid that.'

"For the sake of Ms. Kaslana, and all your friends and family, I ask you to give me your answer."

Chapter 48: End

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