ready to run

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There's a lighting in your eyes, I can't deny
Then there's me inside a sinking boat running out of time
Without you I'll never make it out alive
But I know, yes I know, we'll be alright

"Look at this sky! Look at this water!" You skipped to the beach, throwing your cover-up to the side and continuing down to the clear blue ocean. Liam hurried behind you and you could hear him laughing, chucking off his shoes and shirt, letting them join the spot your cover-up lay. "Liam would you hurry up in here!" You splashed around in the water, letting your body get used to the quick cold of the blue. The sun beamed down on the beach in Dubai, a place you had only dreamed about going until Liam surprised you on a vacation to the famous beach. It's not enough that he took you on this vacation, but he also got a honeymoon suite with the most beautiful view and rented a boat to take out for a day so you could go deep sea swimming. Liam joined you in the water, his face light with happiness and love all for you. "This is amazing, Liam look I can see my feet!" Your childlike senses were tingling as your feet kicked around the sand under the water and you could see the little minnows scurrying away. It was only your first day here and you could already tell it was going to be the greatest. "Do you like it so far?" Liam looked around, back to the beach, and out to the open ocean. He sounded hopeful, like he was hoping you would say yes because in the back of his mind there could be a million things you would rather be doing. "Li.." You said sweetly, swimming over to him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. His back was hot from the sun making the water from your hands almost disappear completely. "I love this. I love every single thing about it." Yeah, he was worried that you would see something you didn't like and he would feel so bad about not making it perfect for you, but as you stared up at him, focusing all of the love in your entire being on this one person, he was reassured.


There's a devil in your smile, its chasing me
And every time I turn around it's only gaining speed
There's a moment when you finally realize
There's no way you can change the rolling tide

He could see it across the room, the smirk on your face as your friend said something inappropriate, but to him it was like you knew he was watching. You were standing with friends, but if he could have his way right then and there, he would pause this moment, pick away your friends and make a straight path for you to go to him. Then he would hit play and you would walk straight up to him, ask his name and if he would buy you a drink, even though you already had plenty. Every second his eyes spent scanning the room, he always found that they ended up right back on you. Of course you noticed, as well as your friends noticing. "Why don't you just go and talk to him? He obviously likes you." One of them commented. "Likes me? Yeah right he probably thinks I just look like a clown with all this makeup on. I told you going out tonight was a bad idea." You shook your head in utter disbelief, taking a quick swig of the simple light beer you were drinking. Everyone else liked the fancy Cosmos and Martinis, for you beer was plenty enough. "Is that why he's walking over here now?" You choked on the beer going down your throat, "He's what?" Once again, to your utter disbelief, the mysterious man who had caught your eye all night was low and behold making his away over to you. And although he couldn't make the world pause around you two, literally, he could sure pretend like it did as he couldn't wait to get lost in how intriguing you were.


This time I'm ready to run
Escape from the city and follow the sun
'Cause I wanna be yours, don't you wanna be mine?
I don't wanna get lost in the dark of the night

The snacks at the table before concerts were either lacking or overdone. It always depended on what mood the boys were in, and being someone on the team you had no say and were most likely the one making sure their needs were met. "Water and crackers it is." You muttered to yourself with a heavy sigh. Two arms snaked around your waist and you felt a presence behind you, "Let's go out, have a chat." It was Louis. Secretly the two of you had been sneaking off here and there for a quick make out session, but very secretly. Team member/band member relationships of the sexual kind were highly frowned upon by the guys up top (your bosses) and seeing that those people determined your salary and whether or not you had a job or not, it was in your best interest to not even see Louis, even if it was in a closet of a venue or an empty bus that just held suitcases. That is, it would be in your best interest, not meaning it was the best thing for you. Louis told you countless times how strong his feelings were for you and what you meant to him, and honestly you felt the same way about him. He quickly walked out of the dining area and you knew he would end up in a closet somewhere. A few minutes later you walked after him, typical giving the other person a head start so no one became suspicious. Louis was reluctantly right outside the room and he gripped your hand, leading on a running foot journey down the hall and into an empty room. As if time were going to run out he placed a sloppy kiss to you lips. "I've wanted to do that the moment I woke up." He said, his face close to yours. You knew the consequences, but frankly, you could care less as you answered him with a kiss.


There's a future in my life I can't foresee
Unless, of course, I stay on course and keep you next to me
There will always be the kind that criticize
But I know, yes, I know we'll be alright

Usually, the plane ride to the next state or scheduled appearance was something Niall didn't remember. Usually, he could put on his Beats headphones, his playlist and fall fast asleep as the plane continued its journey in the air. However, this 3 am journey was one that he couldn't fall asleep on. He had just been on a month's break for the holidays and spent every waking second with you and now that it was over and he had to leave you, he couldn't shake the feeling of torture he would have to go through without you right by his side. No more waking up to pancakes and coffee and you in his tshirt from a night before spent in bed. No more going to bed with you and waking up in the same position of his arms wrapped tight around your body so the only thing he could smell would be the scent of your Herbal Essence's shampoo and conditioner. Instead, there would be sleepless nights spent in the portable studio, early mornings for sound checks, nights spend driving to a new city. Those fulfilling dinners now replaced with granola bars here and there throughout his day. His bandmates warned him how hard it would be, and although they're going through the same things, they somehow handle it better. He looked around the plane, everyone sleeping and snoring, and something he wished to be doing the same of. To pass time he decided to organize his backpack, maybe do a little double checking to make sure he grabbed everything. While doing so, he took out his wallet, setting it on his lap, but not before some cards fell out right by his feet. "Shit." He muttered under his breath, hoping the loud shuffling wouldn't wake anyone. When he picked them up, he noticed that they weren't his bank cards. In fact they were mini polaroid's with you and Niall on each one of them. He smiled to himself, seeing your face on the pictures made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside and when he flipped them over, seeing your scribble on the back of all five of them. Each one said something different: for when your sad, for when your happy, for when you're missing me (that one was his favorite), for when you're hungry, and for when you need to hear "I love you". They weren't you, but they were damn close.


This time I'm ready to run
Wherever you are is the place I belong
'Cause I wanna be free, and I wanna be young
I will never look back now I'm ready to run

His shoes squashed and squished against the slosh of the snowy sidewalk, his nose was red and cold, but his hands were stuffed in the pockets of his trench coat and he didn't want to remove them. As he made his way into your posh apartment building he lost all sense of what he was meant to say. Minutes ago, he had an entire speech to tell you at your doorstep, but when he finally saw your door and knew that you were just feet away from him he lost it all. Harry brought his hand up to the door, feeling much warmer now that he was inside, it hovered there for a while. There was no way he had walked all the way here to just chicken out like this. Knock knock. Two knocks was good enough, he thought, if there are three then it's like the person on the other side is anxious or something. When only a few seconds passed, he thought it was hopeless. You probably weren't home, he thought again. But when the door opened and you appeared on the other side, all of his words that he forgotten came rushing back at him at once. He pushed passed you, leaving you in shock that he was even at your door in the first place. "Harry what are you doing here? I thought I dropped your stuff off." His stuff. Yeah, the box of shirts and frames that he left there. "You did. But I'm not here for that." Harry shook his head, knowing that would be your immediate response. He blew the hair off his forehead, "I want a second chance." "Why? Why should I give you a second chance?" Harry stared at you as you stood in your open doorway. Even if you wanted him to leave he wasn't going to. "Give me a second chance Y/N. Let me prove to you that we can work." You became silent, this time you forgot what words to use. "I'm not happy without you." So his speech wasn't exactly the same, but it got across the same message. Harry knew what he needed to be happy, and it was you all along.

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