whispers in the dark

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Niall: "I love you." He whispered, his lips brushing along the nape of your neck after pulling your body closer to his in the dark, "You know that right [Y/N]?" He asked quietly, lifting his head up to peer over at your quickly and you nodded with your eyes still screwed shut and a tiny smile on your lips. "I do...and I love you too." You breathed as you felt him lower his head back down onto your shared pillow. His arm around your waist tightened before pressing his lips to your skin, kissing you chastely, "Yeah..." He spoke under his breath and you could feel the smile grow on his lips, "I know." He finished letting his hand trail down to lace with yours. "You seriously mean the—" He started but you cut him off by shushing him. "Niall..." You mumbled burying your face into the pillow to mask the smile you couldn't fight off, "Always rambling in the middle of the night." You teased and he scoffed.

Liam: "I'll miss you..." You spoke under your breath as you tightened your hold on his shirt and you heard a sigh fall from his lips, "'m sorry for being like this..." You sniffled trying to bury your face further into his chest. He stopped you from doing so by pulling you up; making it so there was barely any space between your faces. "I'll miss you too [Y/N]." He breathed with a sad smile on his lips, "You have no idea how badly I'll miss you [Y/N]." He whispered resting his forehead against yours, "But you'll be here when I get back though...right?" He asked staring back at you with tired eyes and you nodded the best way you could with your foreheads still pressed together. The smile on his lips brightened a bit, "Well that's good t know...can you give me a kiss now?"

Louis: With a sigh falling from his lips he shifted around in the bed until he was facing you. Bringing his hand up to your cheek so he could lightly brush his thumb over the purplish skin underneath your eye. "I'm sorry..." He spoke softly, allowing the frown to set in on his lips. "I wish things could go back to how they were before...when we didn't spend most of our time together arguing...or not speaking to each other." He continued in a the same soft tone to your sleeping figure as he let his hand fall from your face. "You know what I'm afraid of the most?" He asked running his tongue over his chapped lips, " 'M scared of turning over one night and you actually not being there...'m scared of you leaving one day and probably never seeing you again." He muttered before letting out a yawn. "I want us to work [Y/N]..." His voice trailed off as he let his eyes close.

Zayn: The two of you laid facing one another, blinking slowly as slumber gradually took over your bodies. "You're really nice to look at..." You mumbled bringing your hand up to lie on it and a chuckle fell from his lips as he shook his head. "[Y/N] shut up..." He spoke softly with a grin on his lips before letting out a yawn. "What? It's the truth Z...I feel like I could just lay here and stare at your face forever. You're beautiful." You murmured between a yawn of your own. Even in the dark you could see a hint of pink creeping up along his neck as he shook his head once more. "Go to sleep babes yea...you're tired and speaking nonsense." He reached over to cup your cheek, letting his thumb smooth over your skin and you leaned into the touch allowing your eyes to shut. "You're the most beautiful person in this room." He whispered, taking his lower lip between his teeth.

Harry: His fingers brushed lightly over the bump of your stomach, a tired smile on his lips as he did so. "I kind of want her to be here already." He spoke under his breath, taking his lower lip between his teeth. You lifted your head up off his chest to look up at him quickly with a smile and a shake of your head. "You're saying that now Harry...just wait until she's pulling you out of bed with her wails in the middle of the night." You mumbled, letting your head fall back down onto his bare chest and he let out a quiet chuckle. "I really mean it though...I can't wait." He sighed allowing his eyes to shut with the smile still on his lips, "She'll probably be just like you babe..." He mumbled as his fingers continued to brush over your stomach.

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