Dating? Us?

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Niall: You couldn't help but furrow your brows when his arm circled your waist, pulling you in closely to him. "This is girlfriend." Niall beamed giving you a look as you began to cough uncontrollably. "Alright babe?" He asked giving your back a quick rub. Getting yourself under control you nodded with a tight lipped smile. "All good babe...who are these people?" You asked averting your attention to the couple standing in front of you. "Lovely to finally meet you [Y/N]. I work with Niall...'m Sam and this is my girlfriend Liz." "Finally?" You questioned turning your gaze back to Niall, only to see a pinkish hue creep it's way up his neck. "Yeah he talks about you a whole lot." He chuckled at the site of Niall blushing. "Well uh...we'll see you around Sam. Gonna go grab some drinks." Niall coughed, bringing his hand up to rub at the back of his neck before leading you in a different direction. "Didn't know I was your girlfriend Ni." You whispered with a shake of your head. "I-I should have explained this all in the car." He grumbled.

Liam: You let out a groan with your face buried in the crook of his neck. "Carry me feet hurt so bad." You moaned, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Hi to you as well [Y/N]...I'm alright thanks for asking." He rolled his eyes as he circled his arms around your waist. "I was gonna say hi once you picked me up." You mumbled into his skin before pulling away to shoot a tired smile at him. "Sure you c'mon and get on my back." He muttered, turning around and kneeling a bit once you dropped your arms. You climbed onto his back, loosely wrapping both your arms and legs around him. "Love you Li." You spoke softly before pressing your face back into his neck. "Love you too [Y/N]." He smiled a soft smile before beginning the walk back to your shared flat. "You know my mom's convinced we're dating. I told you right...she was killing me Li. Going on and on about how cute we are together. She's mental." You let out with a small chuckle. "Dating? Us...what." He croaked.

Louis: He caught a hold of your hand as he led you further into the club. "Ahhh there those idiots are." He shouted over the booming music peering over his shoulder with a grin. With a roll of your eyes and a tiny smile tugging at your lips you allowed yourself to be led deeper into the mass of people until you were stood in front of four guys. "Took you long enough t get ' ere...this your girlfriend? " "What?" Louis scoffed rolling his eyes. "This is [Y/N] idiot...not my-not my girlfriend." He shook his head and you made a face before waving your free hand at them. " I'm just gonna go grab a drink." You muttered letting your hand fall from Louis' before stalking back into the mass of people toward the bar. A scowl took over Louis' face after a whistle left one of his friend's mouths. "None of that. Don't even look at her. She's off you idiots anyway." He warned with a shake of his head. "Are you this protective of all of your friends or just her?"

Zayn: With his arms still wrapped tightly around your waist he dropped down onto the couch. "Missed you." He mumbled for the second time into the crown of your head as you nuzzled into his chest. "I know...told me earlier when I picked you up." You grinned, pulling away a little so you were just sat in his lap. "Look whose being all chummy...I'm gonna be sick." Louis teased as he stalked into the living room. "Don't start." Zayn groaned with narrowed eyes. "What am I not allowed to express my disgust in the confinment of my own home. I mean you do have a room of your own to be all cute with your girlfriend. Did you forget?" He asked with a cocked brow and a smirk tugging at his lips. You let out a cough, looking between the two boys with widened eyes. "What?" " know she's not my girlfriend. Quit taking a piss." Zayn shook his head with a roll of his eyes. "Doesn't mean that you don't want her to be." He smirked as another groan fell from Zayn's lips.

Harry: Pulling his shirt back over his head he sat on the edge of the bed with a grin tugging at his lips. "You coming over to mine tomorrow?" He asked not even glancing over his shoulder at you as he pulled on his boots. "Nah 3 days in a week is enough...people are gonna start thinking we're a couple." You joked as you blindly reached over and pulled up a hopefully clean tank top. "They already think we're together [Y/N]." He shook his head with a dimpled grin on his lips and you let out a feigned groan. "Guess this is the end then. I can't have my future suitors thinking I'm taken when I'm not." You sighed dramatically, falling back against your pillows. "I'd be a good suitor for you...I think we're quite good together if you ask me." "Harry I didn't ask." You giggled as you watched a frown take over his lips. "I'm only kidding need to pout." You sat up and placed your hand on his shoulder giving it a bit of a squeeze. "How about we-how about we try it" He shrugged taking his lip between his teeth. "Dating? You really want to?"

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