he regrets leaving

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i was grounded lol but im back


Zayn: He watched as you laughed loudly, leaning on Niall for some support, "Think she'll talk to me again?" He mumbled with raised brows as he glanced over at Liam, who shrugged in response. "Dunno mate...the way things ended was kind of bad yeah." Liam offered him a tiny smile as he noticed Zayn's lips fall into a frown. "You're right." He sighed running a hand over his face quickly, his eyes still focused on where you stood joking around. Your eyes trailed over to him, the smile slightly leaving your lips a bit before you cut your eyes back over to Niall. "Is it bad that I miss her sometimes?" He spoke softly under his breath with a sigh leaving his lips. "I miss what we had..."

Harry: "Did you really expect her to invite you mate?" Louis asked with a hint of laughter in his voice. "No...but you know it's only been a year and she's—she's already engaged." He frowned staring down at the invitation in Louis's hand. "We were taking a break Lou." "Well Harold did your really expect her to wait around for you? It didn't end so smoothly either from what I remember." Louis shrugged as he fell back into the couch, placing the invitation on the table in front of him. Harry sent his hand through his hair slowly, the frown deepening on his lips, "It'll be stupid for me to give her a ring then yeah?" Harry asked as he bit down on his lower lip and Louis nodded in response. "But...maybe I can change her mind."

Niall: He slumped over in his seat with his head hung low, "How'd this even happen?" He asked once again as his lower lip began to tremble. "If...if we were still together this wouldn't have happened." He whispered peering up at Harry. "Don't start this Niall...it's not your fault okay." Harry spoke softly. "But it is Harry, [Y/N] would be fine right now if I'd been there...she wouldn't be in a coma. I shouldn't have left that night...I should have stuck it out." Niall continued a few tears spilling over his lower lids. "You think her mum with let me see her?" He asked as he brought his hand up to his face and swept the tears away. "Yeah she will mate...why wouldn't she?" "Because I—I broke her daughter's heart." He frowned.

Liam: "Thank you for coming Li...I didn't think you'd show." You smiled up at him, after you'd released the embrace. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." Liam murmured as he shot you tiny smile. "You—you seem really happy." He continued as his teeth came down on his lower lip and you nodded in response. "I am...I really like him...love him." You shrugged. "I always imagined we'd get married." Liam spoke under his breath as his eyes trailed away from you. "Me too...but that's all in the past now right." You let out a small chuckle. "Right..." His voice trailed on as he offered you a weak smile. "Again thank you for coming...I'll see you a bit later."

Louis: "Did you see her?" Louis repeated with a grin playing at his lips. "She looked beautiful..." He spoke under his breath as he let his eyes follow after you. "Bet it sucks that you let [Y/N] slip through your fingers." Niall nudged his shoulders as a chuckle slipped through his lips. "Not funny...what was I thinking?" Louis grumbled as he brought his glass to his lips. "I'm pretty sure you weren't thinking Lou, lets be honest here." As the other boys joined in with the laughter. "It's really not funny...I know I messed up with her. I don't really need my mates joking around about it." He sighed, placing his glass down on the table and slipping away from the group.

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