room service

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Liam: He just had enough energy to reach for the phone after the havoc you two just caused. He surprised you for a weekend in Paris and to be honest, you hadn't done much more than see the inside of the hotel room and how sexy Liam looked against satin sheets when he was falling apart beneath you. You were beside him, your hand running down his abs as you caught your breath. He caught your hand and nipped at your fingers playfully. "Baby, I need food," you grinned, your mouth latching into his chest. You didn't want food, you wanted Liam. He groaned and rolled over as he pinned you beneath him. "Food first," he said nipping your neck. You wrapped your arms around him, your bare chest rubbing against his. "No Liam," you said licking into his mouth, "me." He laughed at how insatiable you had been. Two days in Paris and all you'd done was go to dinner and drink too much wine. "Minx," he pinched your bum and picked up the phone, ordering dinner in some rusty French-but it still had you licking your lips with desire. He didn't realize how sexy he even was which drove you even more mad. As soon as you'd gotten him alone in the room, you'd tackled him onto the bed wasting no time in ruining his best shirt by ripping it open, buttons rolling across the floor. He didn't mind that he wasn't able to tour Paris like a proper tourist. He'd be more than happy to lay in bed with you for a week and learn how your skin looked in the slight changing in the suns rays. He already noticed how in the morning your skin looked bronze, as if the sun had warmed you. But at night, you were the softest, purest porcelain. As Liam rolled back over, his hand grabbing your ass, he thought that Paris could never offer a sight nearly as beautiful as you.

Harry: He stumbled back into the room, your hand in his. A laugh was dying on his lips as he removed his jacket and toed off his shoes. He had the idea to spend the weekend in New York and seeing as many shows as he possibly could while he was there. So far, you'd seen four and you loved each one. He took you out for ridiculous dinners and spent hundreds of dollars in wine that was either too sweet or too dry, he didn't care. He was with you. He'd blown way too much money, but he was making memories with you that would last for his whole life. What was a grand to him when he saw you smile all day? You'd just seen Wicked and you were still laughing, surprised to find how much you enjoyed it. You were both a little bit tipsy, the wine from dinner and the show taking an effect. He fell back onto the bed, his body bouncing once as the mattress caught him. "I am so drunk," he giggled, his handsome features flushed and his lips perfectly pink. You fell on top of him, your mouth latching onto his. You swallowed his sighs, his long fingers tangling in your hair as you rubbed against him. "We need more wine," he laughed as your fingers tickled his ribs. "Yes we do," you rolled over him and grabbed for the phone but he grabbed your ankle, pulling you back down the bed. "I want to call," he pouted like a child. He climbed over you, his body pinning yours to the bed as he reached for the phone. He ordered two bottles of wine then raked his eyes down yours. "And if you have it, chocolate cake," you moaned as he hung up the phone, his playful lips on your neck. "I'm gunna get you good and drunk and take advantage of you all night," he said nibbling your lower lip. You grinned, rolling over and drilling him into the mattress. "Not if I beat you too it," you smirked leaning down as your lips captured his,

Zayn: He woke before you, rubbing the sleep out of his tired eyes. You'd been up late, doing everything but sleeping and he was famished. He looked at you spread beside him, your hair like a waterfall on the pillow. He grinned, remembering how your hair had been wrapped around his fist last night. He'd exhausted you out, just like you'd exhausted him. He'd taken you to the beach for the weekend and Zayn didn't exactly plan on how frustrating it would be to see you in a tiny little bikini or how sensual it would be for him to rub sunscreen on his back. He was going crazy watching the water droplets roll of your body, clinging to your lashes and lips that just begged for his attention, and he'd been more than happy to oblige. Zayn didn't even make it out the front door before he was untying the strings on your back so the top fell away and his hands were running over your skin. He shook his head, his voice husky as he placed an order for breakfast. Slowly, he ran his lips over your neck and down your collar bone. It wasn't often he got to take his time and feel the texture of your skin under his lips, but now he did. "Wake up, sleepy head," he said with his smoke voice. You stretched, your muscles feeling ridiculously well used and put to the test. You gaze him a lazy smile as his lips kissed your belly button, his long painter's fingers tracing your skin. "I ordered breakfast," he said between kisses. You smiled, your fingers running through his hair as he looked up at you. You ate together, feeding each other french toast and french fruit along with mimosas. "This is the best vacation ever," he said after a sip of coffee. "What? Why? We haven't done anything?" With a devilish look in his eye, he flipped you over and pinned you to the bed. "I've done you," he said suggestively, "which makes it the best," with that his lips fastened back to yours.

Niall: When he saw an opportunity to be romantic, he took it. He had called room service before you left, making sure that when you returned there would be chilled champagne, chocolate covered straw berries and roses on the bed. He'd taken you to New York, wanting to see what the fuss was all about with Broadway. You'd made him see Phantom of the Opera, claiming it was your favorite play. He was happy to go if it made you happy, and you showed him all around the city. Of course you spent more time getting lost than actually seeing anything, but Niall didn't mind. He was more than happy to walk the busy streets with your hand in his, stumbling across something wonderful. But if he could have a say in the wonderful that could happen, he would take it. "Did you like it?" You asked as you reached the room, your back against the door as he grabbed the key out of his pocket. His blue eyes were happy as they looked at you, his pretty pink lips tugged into a grin. "I did, baby, it's was a great show." You squinted at him trying to figure out of he was serious or not. "Really?" you asked skeptically. "Yes baby," he said kissing your lips sweetly. He unlocked the door, pushing you both inside without taking his lips from yours. He pulled back and turned you around, pleased to see the candles, champagne and roses to his exact specifications. "Holy crap, Ni," you said walking further into the room. He smiled, watching you lift the ridiculously expensive bottle of champagne from the bucket. He poured you both a glass and lifted his in a toast. "To many more memories and many more moments of taking your breath away," he teased, clinking his glass to yours. You took a sip and grabbed a strawberry, but Niall pulled you to the bed. He needed to see what your skin looked like against rose petals. "I love you," he said softly, your eyes like stars as you looked up at him. With a smile, you pulled him down on top of you, making the most of the candle lit night he had provided.

Louis: To Louis, ice cream at two a.m. was the best decision he could have made. Honestly, what could be better. He was starving, having stayed up all night with you talking and laughing. You were supposed to see a movie tonight, but you'd both blown off the showing you had picked. He called room service instead around 1:30, ordering two sundae's off the menu. Neither of you had gotten out of bed all day, and this was the fourth meal they had delivered to the room, but they couldn't complain with how well Louis tipped. "This was a good idea," you said around bites, your lips covered in chocolate. He leaned forward and kissed the chocolate from your lips, a murmur of approval leaving how own mouth as he pulled away. "And you taste delicious," his eyes darkened and you batted his hand away as it crept up your thigh. "It's your turn," you reminded him, placing a dot of whip cream on his nose. He wiped it away saying, "Okay fine. I hated that my teachers said I wouldn't amount to anything," he admitted, eyes on his ice cream. You and Louis had spent the day sharing secrets that you didn't yet know about each other. It was wonderful to fall back in the sheets with him, his fingers running over your skin as yours traced his tattoos. It was wonderful hearing him laugh and seeing him well rested. "Proved them wrong," you winked, pecking him on the lips. "I'll say. Look at the girl I'm dating, you're the best thing I've ever done" he said, his fingers hooking under your chin to keep you closer. "Lou," you said truly taken aback. He smiled, forking more ice cream into his mouth. He wasn't always sentimental, but he figured there was no time like now when he had you locked away and all to himself. "Best thing that has happened to me or will ever happen to me," he said again, his hand taking yours.

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