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Liam: It was unlike him to be so cranky all the time. At first, you believed it to be as a result from something the media was saying nowadays, since that always made him moody, but then he started moaning and groaning throughout the day until he finally snapped. His fist collided with the wall out of nowhere late into the afternoon and you jumped from your place on the couch. He was several feet away from you but the sudden noise had startled you back into reality. You set down the book you'd been reading for school and walked over to him, a worried expression set in your face. "Why've you been so grumpy all day?" you whispered, finally making the move to see what was going on. Usually, you didn't like to pry and knew it was best to just let Liam coast out his anger, but this seemed a little different. You could see that he didn't want to be angry. "We don't have any damn aspirin and my head is killing me slowly," he complained, brows knit together in what you now recognized as pain. So he hadn't been completely angry; he'd been in a lot of pain, which resulted in cranky behavior. You breathed a sigh of relief and set him down on the couch, ready to rummage through some secret drawers in search of pain killers. "The Payne is in pain," you snickered to yourself, but heard Liam groan again, this time at your stupid joke. "Shut up, (Y/N)."

Niall: He hadn't returned any of your phone calls all day and you were beginning to worry. Niall usually contacted you throughout the day with a bunch of weird updates on what was going on around him. One time he'd sent a picture of a lady with her face pained like Satan walking around the supermarket. Another time he'd called you to tell you that he'd witnessed two people brawling in a hotel parking lot over a parking spot that someone else inevitably taken. All very useless bits of information, but he kept at it. You hated to admit it, but you missed those updates. And it had only been half a day. Either way, you decided to take matters into your own hands and march over to Niall's flat, your sternest expression on your face. You banged on the door, ready to go into concerned girlfriend mode, but your stern-ness instantly fell away once you saw the sickly boy that answered the door. Niall looked like a bus had hit him and then backed up to run over his mangled body. His eyes were rimmed with dark circles and his hair was all over the place and dirty. His clothes were wrinkly and definitely hadn't been washed in a while and looked way too big on him. Nothing about this person was Niall, yet it was him. His hand had come up to cover his eyes and he looked like he was in pain. That's when it clicked. Niall was sick, probably with one of his really bad headaches. You hadn't been dating long enough to see it firsthand, but the other boys had told you about them. Niall could go a full day just feeling wretched and not even leaving his bed. You didn't even need to say anything and vice versa. Niall had taken care of you when you were sick, and now it was time to return the favor. "I have a funny story about my day," you whispered, and you could have sworn you saw the faintest smile on Niall's face.

Harry: It had been a normal day, a normal schedule. You'd accompanied Harry and the guys to some promotional work they had going on that day, and then they had a brief tour rehearsal for their upcoming tour. Harry had been so upbeat and happy, the usual. He'd done such a good job in his promotions today and all that was left was the rehearsal. You were watching them go at each other and judging them with Lou when all of a sudden, Harry just collapsed. Everyone stood still for a moment, nobody was sure what was going on or what to do, and then he just started screaming. That's when their manager burst into action and bent down to Harry's crumpled figure, trying to keep him from writhing around too much. "Harry?" he kept saying, but it didn't do anything. Harry didn't respond. You were still frozen, even though you knew what was going on. Harry was having one of his headaches again. They got really bad sometimes, but he'd been lucky enough to get them in a more secluded, comfortable place before. And this one had come out of nowhere. That wasn't common. The more you looked, the more panicked you got, until you eventually just had to run over and help. "Shhh," you comforted, stroking his hair. "Think of the color blue." You never understood why that helped him, but within seconds his cries were reduced to short whimpers. "Let's get him to the hospital," his manager ordered and you were about to protest that you could take care of him, but then you realized just how bad this looked. Harry needed to be checked out by a doctor. You were worried beyond belief at this point but just like that, Harry grabbed your hand and squeezed. He had been quiet now, eyes shut and breathing controlled. "Think of the color blue," he whispered to you hoarsely, and now you realized why he liked to picture that in his mind to calm down. Harry was going to be fine.

Louis: The clock read 3:23AM so why the hell were you awake? You in your groggy state had almost forgotten what had woken you up until you heard a deep moan from the other end of the bed. You turned to face Louis, anger hurriedly crashing through you. "Are you masturbating?" you croaked, kicking your man-child in the leg. "Keep it down, nasty. I use this time to sleep." Louis didn't say anything, which was unlike him, so you assumed he was too into his "personal time" to even acknowledge you. Instead of waiting for an answer, you turned back around to sleep again. You'd almost gotten there...and then you heard Louis again. In an instant, you grabbed his shoulder and violently yanked him so he faced you. You immediately regretted being so rude before, because Louis looked like he was in immense pain. "What's wrong?" you whispered, horrified at what you were seeing. Louis pointed to his head as an answer, eyes still squeezed shut. His lower lip was trembling, which broke your heart, and you leapt up from the comforts of your bed to go and get Louis some aspirin and water. It was fast-acting and strong, because pretty soon Louis was drifting in and out of consciousness. "I can't believe you thought I was diddling my stick," Louis slurred, making you smile a little. "I love you, (Y/N). I would never diddle the fiddle while you were trying to sleep. Okay?" You rolled your eyes, knowing he was gone. You didn't even get to respond because Louis was out again, looking at least relatively comfortable.

Zayn: Everyone knew that Zayn wasn't the clingy type, but he'd been clinging to you all day today. You could see that he had bags under his eyes, indicating that he hadn't slept well. Which meant that he was probably enduring one of his headaches today and was using you as a source of comfort. Whenever Zayn hadn't sleep in a while, he got this weird headaches that mostly just disoriented him and made him regress into a small child. He hated doing anything and usually stuck to one person all day until he was able to rest. He'd been practically leaning all his body weight on you and you were beginning to teeter to and fro. "Babe, I'm going to fall over," you told him. "So am I," he sighed, looking as cute as a puppy, but also like a puppy in pain. You sat him down instantly, making him groan. "I have a lot to do today, I need to be on my feet or else I'll pass out," he rasped, but you shook your head. "Whatever you do today is going to come out with a crappy result. Save everything for another time," you advised, pulling his head onto your lap. "Take a quick nap here at the studio and then we'll head home." Zayn was out in an instant, which gave you time to explain the situation to his manager. He agreed to let Zayn sit this day out and that he could make up any recordings later. You didn't know how you'd managed, but somehow you'd been able to drag Zayn home for a proper rest. Even through all of that, he'd found a way to grasp onto you tightly so you couldn't leave his side. You didn't mind at all, however. You liked it when he clutched you like you were the only thing left. Because right now, in all his pain and disorientation, you probably were the only thing that was stable for him.

(c)weyheypster on tumblr.

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