"stay with me"

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Niall: Your alarm clock was going off way too early for your liking. It was Monday, once again, and you weren’t ready to head to work. Niall had just gotten home from tour and you hadn’t spent more than a few hours with him since he got home, other than the six that you had spent sleeping. You were able to leave his comfortable and warm embrace when you heard him mutter, “Stay with me.” You smiled and looked to see that his eyes were slightly open. “I can’t, babe. Duty calls,” you said, feeling his arms get tighter around you. “Call in sick, please. I just want to spend time with you,” he said, pouting with his eyes still closed. There was a small giggle that escaped your mouth, before you grabbed your phone to tell your boss you weren’t coming in.

Zayn: Waking up with a pounding headache and not knowing what day of the week it was, was becoming quite normal for you. Waking up and feeling someone’s arms around you was something that was not as normal. You turned your head to see that a naked boy with tattoos, long eye lashes, and very dark hair was lying next to you. He is good looking you thought before moving his arm and sitting up. You were searching for all your things when you felt him moving. “Stay with me,” he said in deep, raspy voice. You smiled and turned to him, it wasn’t often that a guy invited you to say after a night of sexual activities. “You want me to stay?” you asked, still smiling. He nodded and opened up his arms, inviting you into them. You obliged and got back into bed with him. The rest of the morning was spent getting to know one another better, and doing some other unmentionable things.

Louis: It was time for him to leave on yet another leg of a tour and you were both having a hard time with it. He was getting the rest of his things packed and you were sitting on the bed watching him. Every time he carelessly threw something into the suitcase, you would pull it back out and fix it right. It was an ongoing thing that you had both become accustomed to doing. He had gotten a call saying that he was going to get picked up in a couple minutes. The both of you stayed in silence before he pulled you into his embrace. You let a couple tears fall as he held you tighter. “Stay with me,” you whimpered out. He shushed you, running a hand up and down your back. “I wish I could, love, but I can’t. I’ll be back in no time and I’ll call or Skype you any chance I get.” “I love you,” you said. He pulled back and looked in your eyes, “I love you more.” There was honk that pulled you out of your moment. He gave you one last kiss before the both of you said see you later to one another. And he was gone for a month or two, whenever he got a break.

Harry: Dates with him were unimaginably perfect. There was never a dull moment between the two of you and you loved it. Whenever the nights ended the both of you would take forever to say goodnight and for one to leave the others home. Tonight you had been over to his, eating dinner and watching movies. It was getting later and you were getting tired. You let out a yawn while one movies ended. He turned to face you, knowing that you were probably going to leave. “It’s that time,” you said, smiling lightly. He looked down for a moment then his head sprung up like he got an idea. “Stay with me,” he said, smiling widely. You looked at him confused and wondering if what you heard was right. “Yeah, stay with me. If you want to of course. I mean there’s no pressure if you don’t want to,” he rambled. You smiled and leaned over to kiss him, and shut him up. “I would love to,” you said against his lips.

Liam: The store that the two of you had been shopping in got surrounded by fans. It was crazy to see how fast they had found out where he was and how fast they had gotten to blocking the two of you in. you looked at him nervously and he gave you a sympathetic look. It was the first time you were going to experience how his fame limited him to certain things. Your relationship had just been showcased to the public, but you still hadn’t been caught with him out in public until now. He pulled you to an area where no one could see the two of you. He looked you in the eye and said, “Stay with me while we go out. I’ll keep you safe.” You nodded in agreement and he leaned in for a hug. He nuzzled his head into your neck and kept repeating stay with me as if you were going to leave him, for good, as soon as you were out of that crazy crowd. You frowned and pulled back, pulling him into a quick kiss. “I won’t leave your side, now or ever.” With that reassurance and a smiled plastered on both your faces, you guys walked out into the crowd.

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