interacting with fans

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Niall: Niall's voice was drowning on and on as the two of you walked to the line at the concession stand. He was talking about the game that was currently still happening, but you two needed to grab some drinks. AS the two of you stood in line, you looked around and saw a couple of girls gawking at the two of you, making you smile as you knew they were fans. "...did you see the way that happened?" he asked, looking at you with wide eyes. "Sorry, didn't, but babe... There's a couple of fans over there," you whispered, pointing in their direction. He took to the direction and smiled, putting his finger to his lips so they would get that he didn't a crowd, before waving them over. "Hi, girls," he smiled as they came up close. Both of them were a little struck, not saying anything right off the bat. You stood off to the side as he spoke to them about the game. "We should get a picture, yeah?" he asked, changing the subject and getting an agreement from them. "I can take it," you smiled, letting your hand out for the phone. "Thank you, Y/N, you're so sweet," one of the girls said, handing you her phone. "She is isn't she?" Niall smirked. He stood between both girls and placed his hands on their shoulders before you told them to smile. "It was nice to meet you guys," you smiled as they said their goodbyes and got another hug from Niall. "It was nice to meet you both too."

Zayn: The two of you had just finished dinner, a lovely dinner at that, and were getting ready to leave. The waitress had taken away the check along with the card that dinner was being put on. As soon as the waitress had come back, the two of you had gotten out of your seats to leave. His hand was held in yours as the two of you started towards the door. "Thanks for dinner, babe," you smiled, giving his hand a little squeeze. "You're welcome," he said, kissing you cheek. "Hi, Zayn, Y/N," you heard a male voice say, turning to see who it was. You smiled and Zayn nodded, greeting the fan. "I know this is rude, but can I get a picture, please?" he asked, holding out his phone. He looked a little nervous to be asking as if he would get scolded. Luckily, the two of you were still in the restaurant, so you wouldn't get overcrowded. "Of course, man. Babe, can you take it?" Zayn asked, looking down at you. You nodded, but then the fan stopped the two of you. "I was wondering if you would both be in it," he smiled. "Oh. No problem," you smiled, looking over at Zayn as he asked his guard to take the picture.

Louis: There was always an endless need for groceries at your shared home, seeing as the two of you ate a ton. He had whined about going shopping with you, but he had no choice as you dragged him out. He was pushing the cart around as you looked over the list and grabbed things. While the two of you were in the sugary aisle, a little girl around the age of five approached the two of you. "You're in One Direction," she smiled, pointing at Louis. "Yes, I am, love. What's your name?" he asked, down toning his voice as he croched down on his knees to be at her level. "My name is Aimee," she smiled, letting her hand out. "It's nice to meet you, Aimee. Where's your mum, sweetheart?" he asked, looking around and back at her. Just as she was about to answer, her name was being called and a woman was fast approaching. She looked panicked as she took her daughter into her arms and apologized to the two of you. "He's from One Direction, mummy!" she smiled while her mum looked over at Louis and you. "She absolutely loves your band," her mum smiled, earning a chuckle from Louis. "How about we set the two of you up with tickets for the next show?" he offered.

Harry: "You can't buy that," you laughed. Harry was wondering around the store, picking tons of shirts that were in the ladies section. Some were so much like the ones he always wore, so you weren't surprised when he had grabbed them. "Yes, I can, love," he chuckled. He had turned around, trying to prove a point by asking the lady next to him what she thought. It just so happened that the lady was actually a hardcore 1D fan. She hadn't flipped crazily, but she did go and agree with you after some formal introductions. "I agree with Y/N, Harry. Those shirts are hideous," she chuckled, earning a fake pout from Harry. "Told you, baby," you smiled, leaning over and high fiving the girl. "Two against one, I guess I lose. But I really like them," he said, putting them back on the rack. "Thank you for helping me out," you smiled at the girl. She nodded and went to walk away, but then she stopped. "Do you mind if I get a picture?" she asked, making the both of you chuckle. "It's the least he can do, seeing as you stopped him from being the next fashion police victim," you laughed, pushing him over to stand by her while you took a picture.

Liam: It wasn't rare that he met fans while on a night out. This time was no different. He had already consumed quite few drinks as the two of made you way down to the bar. He had been holding you by the waist, guiding you threw the slew of people. As soon as the two of you made it to the bar and ordered, a couple of girls came up and struck up a conversation. It was normal. They had told him that they were massive fans of the boys, saying that they had been to the last concert on the last tour. He had talked to them for a while about the show as you threw your two cents in here and there. They had been really nice, not asking for anything. "How about I buy you around?" he smiled, turning and asking them what they were having. As soon as the shots, and their preferred drinks, were placed down, all of you took a little glass and held them up. "To new friends," he smiled, wrapping an arm around you as you all clinked glasses and took the shots

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