lazy rainy morning in bed - liam

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You take a deep breath in as you regain consciousness, the sound of distant thunder accompanying the patter of rain at your window. You turn your head to look to the side, but instead of seeing a handsome sleeping face, you're staring at a long lump of covers, like a tree trunk covered in a big, fluffy, white blanket. Confused in an early morning brain fog, you begin to tentatively pat the back of what you now realize is Liam's leg. He slowly rustles, extending his hand beside him to try and find you, but props himself up on his forearms when you're not there. Then he peers down to the end of the bed, finding your curled figure, and looks at you-confused, but amused.

"What in the world are you doing down there?" he asks, laughter and sleep in his voice.

"I don't know!" you playfully moan, raising your hand to your forehead and letting it fall haphazardly as you laugh with him. He twists his body around and crawls down the bed so he's laying the same direction as you and collapses. You both lay there staring at the ceiling for a minute, wiping sleep out of your eyes and trying to stay awake, before you turn on your side and pat the puffy comforter down so you can see his face.

"What do you want to do today?" you ask and he looks up at you, his eyes appearing even more puppy-like than usual. You begin to finger his hair as he sighs and puts his lip out.

"Oh, I don't know. Whatever you feel like." He replies and smiles. You smile back before falling to your back again.

"Well.." you ponder out loud, "It's a nice rainy day.. what do you feel like?"

He chuckles and props himself up again. "You're terrible at making decisions."

"Hypocrite." You give a silly glare and he laughs while he descends toward your neck, his playful kisses there making you giggle. When he lifts himself up again, his arm stays draped over your stomach.

"How about we watch a movie, then?" he asks, and you nod in agreement.

"See? I'm way better at making decisions than you. Like the one I'm about to make to kiss you." He smirks, then grins as he leans down to kiss you long and sweet, like a foreshadowing of the day ahead.

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