he spoils you

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Louis: "What are you talking about a surprise? I don't need a surprise," you roll your eyes as he drags you along, out of the apartment til your by the road. "Ta da," he announces happily, spreading his arms wide looking proud of himself. "Wow a road..." you chuckle, pushing Louis' arm playfully. He frowns, "No... That!" he points to the red Mini parked up, that you'd assumed was the neighbours. "You're kidding right?" your gaze flickers between him and the car, wide eyed. "Nope," he grins proudly, "All yours,". You run to him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as you thank him over and over "You're too good to me!".

Harry: You pout slightly, your brows furrowing together, "Your spoiling us... We don't need this,". Harry had just explained how he'd arranged a spa weekend for yourself and your mother as a surprise. He rolls his eyes, "If I can't treat my girlfriend and one day future mother-in-law, then what can I do?" he grins, leaning down to kiss you sweetly. "Thank you," you mumble gratefully, leaning up to kiss him quickly again. "You can spoil me as often as you like Harry!" your mum calls from the next room in what you hoped was a joking tone. You blush, shaking your head embarrassedly, "Sorry! Ignore her,"

Liam: "Do you want to go out for tea tonight?" Liam smiles lazily, looking at you over the back of the settee. You grin teasingly, "Is my cooking that bad? We seem to be eating out more than we are eating in these days,". "You're a wonderful cook," he insists before going on, "But I know you're really stressed out at the minute - I know you like getting dressed up to go somewhere nice to eat. I want you to be happy,". "Mmm, I love you, you know?" you smile, leaning down to kiss him quickly, "But maybe not tonight, I don't mind cooking. Don't want people thinking i'm using you,".

Zayn: "I think i'm done," you smile, your gaze flickering between the three items of clothing you held in your hand and your boyfriends puzzled face. "Is that it?" he asks, almost astonished. You furrow you brows in confusion, "Yes? Were you wanting to look at the men's..." you trail off, looking around for a sign to indicate where the men's clothing was. He chuckles slightly beside you, "When I said I was treating you to a shopping trip I meant a proper one," he rolls his eyes as you blush, "What about that dress you liked? The pretty red one?". You shrug, "It's nice... But it's pricey when I don't even have anything to wear it for,". "Go get it, it looked nice," he grins, pushing you gently back in the direction of it, "We'll find something for you to wear it to,".

Niall: "Niall," you whine, shuffling forward carefully, "Can I look yet?". "Nope," Niall replies giddily, laughing as you groan. Niall's hands were placed over your eyes from behind, effectively blinding you as he guided you to whatever surprise he had in store. "Right there's a step here," he guides, "One... Two. That's it yeah. A few more steps and we can stop... Now,". He removes his eyes leaving you to look up at the beautiful house in front of you in astonishment, "Where are we Niall?". "Our new home," he mumbles giddily beside you, and you look at him in surprise, but he shrugs, "The flat was too small for both of our stuff... Wait until you see the pool,". He twirls the keys around his fingers before grabbing your hand and pulling your towards the door.

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