hot tub

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Liam: "Liam, we’re going to get in trouble!" You hissed at him. He pressed his finger to his lips, taking your hand and pulling you down the back stair case. "Shh, I got this," he winked at you, his bad boy charm coming out full force. In retrospect, getting caught swimming after hours in the hotel wasn’t the worst thing to happen and you’d probably only get a slap on the wrist, but you’ve never broken the rules in your life. He made you do all sorts of crazy things, not that you minded. You felt alive for the first time in ages, and all you were doing was swimming after hours. You were in Paris for the week, he ahd some press stuff to do but he didn’t want to be alone without you in the city of love. It was late, a little after 1 a.m. You’d spent the night out walking along the river, music drifting in the back ground. When he got back to the hotel all he wanted to do was go into the hot tub, and who were you to resist such an offer? He opened the door to the pool and slipped inside, the gentle sound of the water kissing the edges of the pool the only sound.. The lights were off and the pool and hot tub were waiting, beckoning you to come in and play. "C’mon," he turned the jets on in the hot tub and slid inside, chucking his towel on a chair. He sighed as the warm water rushed over his shoulders and his eyes closed. You debated for a moment, your lip caught between your teeth. He grinned at you, water droplets running down his chest and you said to yourself screw the rules, you wanted to be in there with him. You dropped your towel and slid in, groaning as he had done. "You’re so bad," he said huskily, his hands immediately pulling you to straddle his lap. "You bring it out in me, what can I say," you giggled as he leaned back, the water lapping at your shoulders now. "It’s sexy," he said, nipping at your neck while his fingers undid the top to your bikini. "Liam!" You said, batting his hands away. He just smiled and moved to your bottoms, untying the strings that held them in place. His mouth felt so good on your skin, his hands slipping and sliding over your curves as he pressed you back into the hot tub. "Let me," he breathed, fingers rubbing against you. You moaned, the only sign he needed to continue his leisurely torture, his mouth still on your neck.

Zayn: He lugged the last box into the kitchen, his back and arms sore from moving furniture into the new house. It was worth it though. This house would be where you raised your kids, grew old together and made handfuls of perfect memories. You were still moving things around, organizing which boxes should go into which rooms to make it easier. He loved how efficient you were, but right now he  would love to hold you and just relax. He stepped out into the deck, the cold February air biting into his jacket as he eyed up the new hot tub. Without hesitation, he turned it on and ran back inside, tugging you up the stairs and opening the box that said “summer clothes” until he found both of your bathing suits. “Zayn, it’s twenty degrees out,” you said slowly, wondering if the move had tampered with his brain. He just gave you his small, boyish smile and kissed your nose telling you to change and to meet him out back. As soon as he slid down into the water, he sighed. The hot tub was one of the main reasons he bought the house. All he had were images of you two cuddled close int he winter, spring, summer or fall, his arm around your shoulders and his lips on your temple. You slid into your suit, a chill running across your body. Your muscles were sore too and you had to agree with Zayn that a dip in the hot tub would cure your aches. You slid in beside him, a delighted laugh on your lips. “My husband is so smart,” you poured two glasses of wine and slid in beside him, his arm slick around your waist. “My wife is so thoughtful,” he kissed you, the taste of wine strong on his lips and you knew that if you were going to get drunk off of anything, it would be him. “I can see us getting old here,” you murmured as the jets worked at the tight muscles in your shoulders. He slid down next to you, his hands linking through yours. “Kids, grand kids,” your smile was dreamy and far away, and Zayn knew that the dizziness he felt had nothing to do with the heat and the wine, it was you. “I can’t believe this is real,” you confessed as you looked at him. “I can’t believe I got my happy ever after.” He smiled and kissed you softly, his own eyes tender as he realized he could never want for more.

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