he teaches your child how to drive

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Liam: "Dad, please stop," your daughter begged, as Liam yet again tried to grab the wheel from her. He had done that so many times in the twenty minutes they'd been in the car, and she was trying really hard not to snap at him. The last thing she wanted was to end up in trouble over this. "You're not listening to me!" Liam argued back, once more his hands going towards the wheel. "Dad!" Your daughter finally snapped, knowing she had done nothing wrong. She was listening to him. Liam was just so nervous, and everything that she did seemed wrong to him. "I am driving fine! Please trust me! Or let Mum teach me if you won't." Liam instantly felt relieved. He did not want to do this, but didn't know how to say it, "Yes please let her teach you. I just don't want you to get hurt." 

 Harry: "You have to really focus when you drive," Harry explained to your son before doing anything else. "I will always focus, I promise," your son answered, "I'll follow the speed limits, and I'll follow all the rules you and mum set." Harry was glad to here that, though he knew of course your son would never say anything but that to him. Either way though, he knew your son was not the only concern he had. "I know you'll be careful, but it's other drivers as well. Sometimes you may be doing everything right, but someone else could come speeding out of nowhere and hit you, or not use a signal and swerve into the lane you're in. Anything can happen, and so you have to focus on so much." Your son was getting nervous now, but still felt confident as well, "I will Dad, I promise. Can you just teach me how to drive now?" 

 Niall: At one point in time it was decided you would teach your son, and Niall would teach your daughter. It was just how it would be you always assumed, however that was not how it was going now. Your son was very apologetic as he asked if instead of you, Niall could teach him as well, "I'm sorry Mum, but I just want Dad to teach me too. He keeps talking about how excited he is, and I..." You stopped him, and smiled. You had not been looking forward to this, and of course he would have noticed that. "Don't be sorry, your father is so excited to teach your sister, and I guess I'm not so excited to teach you. This just makes me so nervous. So if you'd rather he teach you as well, that's fine with me." Your son nodded, "I can see you don't want to do this, but I still feel bad." You laughed, so relieved not to teach him, "Don't be. You should go tell your dad, he'll be so excited." 

 Louis: "I know your mum doesn't want me to teach you," Louis said, as he handed your daughter the keys to his car, "but this will be fun." Your daughter felt so much excitement as she grabbed the keys for the first time, the thought of you not wanting Louis to teach her barely crossing her mind. "you're really going to let me drive your car?!" Louis nodded. He had waited for this moment for so long. He was so happy to teach your little girl to drive, but you had asked him not to. You were just nervous he would not take it as seriously as he needed to, when in reality this was too big a deal for him to goof off about at all. "Just don't tell your mum." Your daughter laughed, "Sure Dad, I won't. I'm sure you will though. You're never good at keeping things from her."

Zayn: "Just don't crash your dad's car," you joked, as your son sat in the driver's seat for the first time. Zayn did not laugh at all. "Don't say that [Y/N]," he stated, as he hesitated to get into the passenger seat. He didn't feel like your son was ready for this, and your comment was his exact fear. "Don't worry Dad," your son tried to assure him, "I won't mess up your car. I promise." "You can't promise that. Driving is scary, and I'm more worried about you than the car." You laughed, as you saw the panic look in your son's eyes now. "Okay, enough jokes," you sighed, smiling kindly at your little boy, who truly was not a little boy anymore. "Just relax, and you'll do fine. Zayn, don't scare him." Zayn looked at you with a laugh, "You started all of this remember." Rolling your eyes, you backed away from the car, "Just relax, both of you. This is a big day." "Mhm," your son's voice shook as he said that, "Are you sure I'm ready?" "You are," Zayn assured him.

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