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Niall: He eyed you up and down as soon as you walked out of your room with a grin on your lips, "You like it?" You asked adjusting the sash and fiddling with one of the badges. His eyes did another once over before his lower lip was between his teeth and he nodded his head slowly, "Yeah..." He spoke under his breath with his eyes glued to your legs, as the green skirt wasn't covering much, "I like it...a lot." His eyes finally met yours and the grin on your lips widened. "Want me to wear it later or..." Your voice lowered as you began toying with one of your pigtails and you bit back a chuckle as he let out a groan. "We should probably leave now before I change my mind about this party." He shook his head leading the way toward the door.

Liam: A small chuckle slipped past his lips as you buried your face into the crook of his neck, "Oh c'mon babe s'not even scary." He peered down at you with an amused smile on his lips. "Why did I agree to this?" You grumbled not bothering to remove your face from his neck so your words were a bit muffled. "[Y/N]...babe you chose this movie." He bit back another chuckle as you let out a groan and pressed your body closer into his with your hands fisting the front of his shirt. "I had no idea you were this much of a chicken." He teased once you finally decided to pull your face from his neck but stayed in his lap.

Louis: "You got the better candy...can we trade?" He asked looking up from his pile of candy, a frown on his lips as he pushed aside another piece of candy corn. "Uh..." You let your eyes rake over his candy scrunching up your nose before muttering a quick 'no' and he let out a deep groan. "You're worse than a child Louis." You giggled once you looked up taking in his pouty lips, "Fine you can have some of my candy...you baby." You pushed a few pieces of chocolate his way and you watched the frown on his lips disappearing, "Like a said...worse than a child." You shook your head biting into a piece of candy and he chuckled. "Look how quickly you gave in though [Y/N]. A little pout and you handed it over."

Zayn: He looked on as you fiddled with the handcuffs hanging from your belt before making his way over to you with a smirk on his lips. "Do I have to do something illegal for you to cuff me?" He asked quietly with a raised brow as he circled his arms around your waist and pulled you into him so he could press his lips to yours. He pulled away slightly but his lips still hovered over yours, "Or am I just gonna have t wait until we get home for that t happen? Because if that's your answer we can go home now [Y/N]." He spoke in a whisper causing you to giggle a bit. "You to wait until later, Z." You said still giggling a bit before getting rid of the space between your lips.

Harry: He couldn't hold back another laugh when you squeezed his hand tightly as he led you through the haunted house, "Alright?" He questioned already knowing you weren't, "M'not gonna let anything get you." He chuckled as he felt you close the bit of space between you and your face was buried into the back of his shirt. Shaking his head a bit he stopped walking and turned toward you with a dimpled grin as he brought his hands up to cup your face, "What happened? Where'd brave [Y/N] go huh? Just outside you were going on about not being scared of anything." He teased, smoothing his thumb over your cheeks, "You'll be okay yeah...plus I'm the one in the front. They'll get me first anyway and you can make a run for it." He pointed out and a tiny smile made its way to your lips.

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