first "date" (punk series)

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punk series #3

Niall: He had text messaged you earlier asking for your address, you fought with him at first but then you gave in and gave it to him. It was almost around the time he said he was going to pick you up, you honestly didn't make an effort to get ready. He showed up at your house and he honked, not like you were expecting him to come to your door or anything. Actually you were, but him being a rude and arrogant person it wasn't surprising that he didn't. You got into the car and he immediately drove away, "Ready to have the best date of your life?" You just looked out the window, not answering him. He pulled up to a raunchy looking restaurant and you looked at him in disgust, "Is this place even good?" "The best in town." he said, getting out of the car and you followed his lead. The outside looked bad but the inside was completely opposite, it actually looked decent. He walked in front of you and went to a table, he sat and so did I. We talked for a while and he wasn't all that bad, he was still cocky though. The dinner wasn't bad either, "It's actually good." "Told you." he said with a smirk. "Alright, now that we're done eating is our 'amazing' date over?" you asked, with a smile. "Depends, did I make a better impression on you?" "Eh, you were a little better than the first time I 'met' you." "Okay, well if you want it to be over it can be but if not it doesn't have to be." At least he gave you an option this time. You thought about it, he wasn't that bad. He was still a jerk but you though it was all an act or something, "Show me what you got." you said, you saw a smile appearing on his face. "Alright, let's go." he said, paying the bill and walking back to the car. He took you to the top of a hill, it was an amazing view of the city. You got to know him better and then he took you home. When he dropped you off he got out and walked you to the door, "So... What would you say to another date?" "I would say... Sure." you said, with a smile. "Really? I had to make you come on this one." he said, surprised at your answer. "Yeah, but you're not as bad as I thought you were." He laughed and said your goodbyes. You never thought the date would have gone as well as it did.

Zayn: You had been trying to come up with different excuses not to go on the date with your new neighbor. But you knew that no matter what you said he wouldn't take no for an answer. It was evening time when you heard a knock at the door, you groaned and got up to go answer it. You opened it there he stood, "Ready?" "Sure." you said, giving him a fake smile. You guys got outside of the building and he called for a taxi, luckily one stopped right away. He was being, surprisingly, nice. He opened the door and let you in first. You guys made small talk and you were being a bit stubborn considering you were forced on this date. You guys arrived a pizza place and got out. "Pizza is okay, right?" "Do I have a say?" you mumbled. He laughed, "Look I know you didn't want to come but we're here already so... Is pizza okay?" "Yup." We walked in and he asked what I wanted, "Really? That's what I usually get." "Yeah, not a lot of people like it. But I do." You were starting to feel a little more comfortable with him. You guys continued to talked and you found out that you both had a bit in common. There was a pool table area inside the pizzeria and he asked you if you wanted to play, you didn't know how but he offered to teach you. It was going good and you were both getting in a good laugh, you guys decided to call it a night. "So was I a bad first date?" "No, sorry I was being rude in the beginning." you said. "It's fine, I was being rude to you that day." You guys didn't talk that much more, he dropped you at your door and said your goodbyes. You went inside, wishing he had asked for your number or some thing, you were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard a knock at the door. You opened it and he was looking at you, "Can we... Maybe, if you want to...Go on another date?" he asked. Underneath his 'tough guy' act you saw he was hoping for you to say yes. "That's sounds good."you said, he smiled. "Okay, I'll come talk to you tomorrow." he said, leaving you again. You smiled as you closed the door, you actually said yes to another date with him, what the hell were you thinking?

Louis: You had been getting ready for the party, he had gotten your number from your friend and he had been messaging you. You told him you would just meet him there because you didn't want him to pick you up. You wanted to have the option of leaving the party whenever you wanted to. You got in your car and drove to the party, you were offered a drink right away but you refused it. You weren't the partying type of girl, you drank only once in a while and you decided not to because you were driving. You walked around and soon enough you heard someone calling your name, it was Louis. You had to admit he looked pretty good, dressed in his usual black attire the only difference was that he was wearing a black button up shirt his chest tattoos were peaking out."Hey." he said. "Hi." "Want a drink?" he said, with a smile. "No, I'm good." You walked away looking for your friends but he followed behind you. "Where are you going? Let's go outside since it's a date, we can talk." he said. You didn't want to argue, so you went. You guys walked out and you felt the cold air hit your skin. "Why don't you like me?" You scoffed, "Are you seriously asking me that?" "Yeah, now answer." "Because you're a jerk who thinks very highly of himself." "No, I don't" "Oh really? Why didn't you ask me on a date? Scared you would be rejected." "No. I knew you would say no and I don't like being told no." "That's called being rejected." He sighed, "Look, I made a bad first impression. I'm not all that bad." "Fine, prove it." He began to talk to you and you kind of let up on him, wasn't ALL that bad. You guys had been outside for a while and you decided it was time to go home. You got up to leave but he pulled you back, "Can we try this again, with an argument next time? I'm asking this time, the decision is all yours." You sighed, you wanted to say no because you couldn't stand him but you also wanted to say yes. "Uh, yeah we can. Text me and we can talk about it." you said, you walked away. You couldn't believe you said you would go on another date with him.

Harry: Plans cancelled all yo do a project with a jerk partner who was considering it a date, sounds like fun. You had been laying around you house all day waiting for Harry to show up. He finally did in the afternoon, you let him and you got started. You wanted to finish the project right away but he had other plans, every time you went to discuss what you had to do he would interrupt. "Harry, we need to get this done." "No we don't. We're on a date remember." he said, with a smirk. You didn't argue with him. "Why aren't you eating?" he asked. "Because I don't want to." you shot back. "Eat." "No." "It wasn't a question. Eat." he growled. You got scared, so you did as he said. You both sat in silence, eating. "Done?" "Yup." you said popping the 'p'. He kept asking you questions but you would only reply with short answers. "Okay, well I'm gonna go." he said. "No, we haven't done the project." you jumped up. "Tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow." "If you come back we have to work." "Fine." he said. He got up and made his way to the front door, "See you tomorrow for our second date. Try to make an effort and talk me, yeah?" With that he walked out and you let out a frustrated scream. He made you mad but at the same time he seemed to have some kind of hold on you, you could've said no to him coming over tomorrow but you didn't. In some sort of weird way, you wanted to see him again.

Liam: You debated on whether or not you should go to meet him, but then again if you didn't you feared what he would do to you. Honestly, it creeped you out that he said he sees you a lot. You kept wondering if he watched you. You pushed all you thoughts aside and decided to go meet him. When you got there he was already standing out side, leaning on the wall and smoking a cigarette. You approached him and he saw you, "Finally." "Excuse me?" you said, annoyed with him already. "I've been waiting for you. Let's go." he said, gripping your hand and leading you into the theater. You tried to get him to let go but he wouldn't. "Order whatever and I'll pay." he said. "Wow, you're so nice." you said, sarcastically. You ordered what you wanted and he handed it to you, letting go of your hand in the process. It didn't last too long because he was grabbing it again and pulling you towards the screening room. You tried sat there wishing the night was over. After the movie you were excited to leave, but apparently he still had other plans. He grabbed your hand and led you to an ice cream parlor, once again you ordered and he bought. He tried to be nice and so you tried to, too. "So, did you have fun?" You laughed, "You were nicer at the end is all I have to say about it." "Is that a no?" he asked, with a smirk. "It's a sort of." He smiled, "While I'll take that." For the first tune that night you smiled.You guys talked a bit but not too much, you were leaving and he asked for your number. You didn't want to give it to him but he kept asking and you ended up giving it to him. He let you leave after, telling you that he would see you at another party or maybe sooner. He had a smile on his face and you couldn't help but feel as if he had something up his sleeve.

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